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Scoil an Léinn Eolais agus na Leabharlannaíochta UCD UCD School of Information and Library Studies OJAX: A Web 2.0 search user interface Judith Wusteman.

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Presentation on theme: "Scoil an Léinn Eolais agus na Leabharlannaíochta UCD UCD School of Information and Library Studies OJAX: A Web 2.0 search user interface Judith Wusteman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scoil an Léinn Eolais agus na Leabharlannaíochta UCD UCD School of Information and Library Studies OJAX: A Web 2.0 search user interface Judith Wusteman March 2007

2 Overview Web 2.0 technologies Introducing OJAX OJAX Demo Related research

3 What is Web 2.0? Ideas, technologies and implications for education Paul Anderson JISC Technology and Standards Watch, Feb. 2007 Special focus on collection and preservation activities within libraries

4 Key Web 2.0 services/applications Paul Anderson Blogs, wikis Tagging and social bookmarking Multimedia sharing Audio blogging and podcasting RSS and syndication “Newer services” –Social networking –Aggregation services –Mash-ups –Tracking, collaborating –Replicating office-style software in the browser……

5 Web 2.0 Technologies and Standards used in OJAX RIA: Rich Internet Applications REST JSON Atom OAI-PMH OpenSearch Open API StaX Apache Lucene

6 RIA: Rich Internet Applications Flash AJAX

7 Flash



10 Ajax Asynchronous JavaScript + XML Don’t have to wait for an entire web page to be downloaded after every user action A general approach to the development of interactive Web applications

11 Diagram of ajax? More explanation of ajax Jesse James Garrett, 2005



14 Ajax Applications AJAX Applications



17 AJAX: Asynchronous JavaScript And XML XML: 1950 1953 JSON (JavaScript Object Notation): ["reson",["resonance","resonator","resonant","resonating ","resonators"]]

18 Atom and RSS

19 Reading feeds via Thunderbird



22 OJAX demo

23 Unifying the user interface

24 Auto-completion Auto-search Dynamic archive list

25 Dynamic scrolling

26 Auto-expansion of results

27 Sorting results

28 OpenSearch

29 Enables search engines to describe their search syntax to browsers Describes standards for search results syntax –Based on RSS and Atom

30 Atom feed support





35 Accessibility

36 SFI: OJAX++: a next generation collaborative research tool To investigate how concepts from the Social Web can be applied to the research environment in order to facilitate dynamic collaboration and the sharing of ideas among researchers. PhD starting September 2007 Interested? Please contact

37 Advantages of OJAX Developed in Ireland. Can be adapted to suit. Already in Beta version. Available for download. Well received Responds to new user expectations generated by Web 2.0 –Rich, dynamic user experience. –Intuitive interface. Integration, interoperability and reuse. Open source standards-compliance. – including OpenSearch, OAI-PMH, StAX and Apache Lucene.


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