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Fanconi Anemia & FANCD2

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1 Fanconi Anemia & FANCD2

2 What is FA?  Rare autosomal recessive disorder  Characterized by…  Progressive bone marrow failure  Cancer susceptibility…  Congenital malformations…  Increased apoptosis in hemopoietic cells  Prolonged G2 phase

3 Developmental Results of FA Shorter digits and slightly unattached thumbs of toddler Small stature of 3- year old with FA

4 Diagnosis and Treatment  The most common test to diagnose FA is the Chromosome Breakage Test  There are no real treatments for FA…


6 Expressivity of FA (and penetrance of certain phenotypes)  Severity of clinical phenotype is a result of:

7 FA is a multigenic disease  9 genes  We will discuss one of the FA proteins, FANCD2

8 Overview Other FA proteins in nucleus and cytoplasm The nuclear core complex monoubiquitinates FANCD2 Repair mechanisms can come and repair problem DNA can replicate properly

9 The Cell Biology of FANCD2 Thompson, et al. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 45:128-142. (2005).

10 Details of FANCD2 and how it stabilizes replication forks  FANCD2 protein increases during S- phase.  FANCD2 is monoubiquitinated at Lys 561 (only if the cell has the full FA complex).  Monoubiquitination of FANCD2 is mediated by other FA proteins.

11 Details of FANCD2 and how it stabilizes replication forks  What does it do?  With what does it work?

12 FANCD2 pathway

13 Without proper functioning…  In the cell cycle stages:  During replication:  The results include, but aren’t limited to, non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) in the following ways:

14 Possibilities in FA cells Thompson, et al. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 45:128-142. (2005).

15 FANCD2 Mouse knockouts  Are mice good models?  How are mutants made?  What was the result?  What does this tell us?  What about other mutants?

16 Mouse knockouts continued…  Fancd2 -/- were smaller than the rest of the non-mutant litter  Smaller testes and lower sperm and egg count  This tell us that FANCD2 is involved in germ cell development and survival

17 Mouse knockouts continued…  Mouse mutant phenotype similar to humans  Was anything different?

18 Wild-typemutant


20 FANCD2 and other cancer genes  FA and BRCA2  FA and BRCA1  FANCD2 and common cancers

21 Take-home message FA or a mutation in FANCD2 hasn’t been shown to directly cause cancer…

22 Text References  Published online before print July 31, 2003, 10.1101/gad.1103403 GENES & DEVELOPMENT 17:2021-2035, 2003 Scott Houghtaling, Cynthia Timmers, Meenakshi Noll, Milton J. Finegold3, Stephen N. Jones4, M. Stephen Meyn2 and Markus Grompe1  Epithelial cancer in Fanconi anemia complementation group D2 (Fancd2) knockout mice

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