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Teaching in e-learning environment Nataša Hoić–Božić University of Rijeka (Croatia)

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1 Teaching in e-learning environment Nataša Hoić–Božić University of Rijeka (Croatia)

2 18–23.09.20066th Workshop "SE Education and Reverse Engineering", Bulgaria2/21 Agenda Introduction: What is e-learning? Major characteristic, technology, benefits, drawbacks Models of online learning and blended learning Role and activities of online teacher

3 18–23.09.20066th Workshop "SE Education and Reverse Engineering", Bulgaria3/21 “E-learning” term The "e-" prefix = electronic e-business, e-commerce, e-banking, e- government, e-marketing,… e-school, e-university, e-campus, e-library,… e-teacher, e-student e-learning = both learning and teaching: Learning - the process of acquiring knowledge or skill through study, experience or teaching

4 18–23.09.20066th Workshop "SE Education and Reverse Engineering", Bulgaria4/21 What is e-learning? Different definitions of e-learning: “Technology-oriented” - emphasis is on “e-”: “E-learning is any kind of learning, training or education that is enhanced by the use of information and communication technologies (ICT).” “Pedagogical-oriented”- emphasis is on learning: “E-learning is an interactive process between teacher and the learner through the electronic media.”

5 18–23.09.20066th Workshop "SE Education and Reverse Engineering", Bulgaria5/21 E-learning continuum E-learning as a continuum of teaching: Source: CARNet E-Learning Academy - ELA learning materials

6 6/21 E-learning and technology FormDescriptionTechnology Traditional (f2f) teaching Teaching (mostly lecturing) in the classroom No technology Classroom aidsTechnology is used to enhance the face-to-face teaching Presentations, multimedia CD-ROM, Web sites, online testing, e-mail, forum,… Mixed-modeA combination of face-to- face and technology- mediated teaching LMS (Learning Management System), videoconference Online educationFully online e-learning in which all teaching is technology-mediated without any f2f meetings Courses are delivered on Internet (Web sites or LMS), videoconference

7 18–23.09.20066th Workshop "SE Education and Reverse Engineering", Bulgaria7/21 Basic e-learning approaches Blended (mix-mode, hybrid) learning: some face-to-face (f2f) elements are replaced by technology mediated teaching Pure (online) e-learning without any f2f meetings asynchronous (e.g. web courseware, e-mail) synchronous (e.g. videoconferences)

8 18–23.09.20066th Workshop "SE Education and Reverse Engineering", Bulgaria8/21 Benefits of e-learning Flexibility: learning anytime and anywhere Learning customized to student’s needs: individual learning style and self-paced learning Better access to content: 24/7 online delivery Online learning material: up-to-date, relevant, multimedia, interactive Improved communication between students and tutors

9 18–23.09.20066th Workshop "SE Education and Reverse Engineering", Bulgaria9/21 Drawbacks of e-learning Reduced social and cultural interaction between students and teachers Students should be motivated to learn and with great deal of self discipline High students' drop out rate Technology issues

10 18–23.09.20066th Workshop "SE Education and Reverse Engineering", Bulgaria10/21 Educational components Didactic triangle Teacher Learner Content Didactic triangle

11 18–23.09.20066th Workshop "SE Education and Reverse Engineering", Bulgaria11/21 Pratt's General Teaching Model Content Ideals Teacher Learners Context

12 18–23.09.20066th Workshop "SE Education and Reverse Engineering", Bulgaria12/21 Socialization and gaining attention Socialization process: students talk to each other, ask questions, and “enter” the learning environment “Attention gathering”: students leave their work or home, enter a classroom, and are motivated by a teacher

13 18–23.09.20066th Workshop "SE Education and Reverse Engineering", Bulgaria13/21 Two models of online learning Community of learning - uses real-time synchronous or asynchronous communication technologies to create virtual classrooms Independent learners - work by themselves and at their own pace through the course of instruction

14 18–23.09.20066th Workshop "SE Education and Reverse Engineering", Bulgaria14/21 Blended learning approach Blending or mixing various elements: Online and traditional learning environments Technology and media for learning content delivery Different teaching and learning methods (both online and traditional) Group and individual learning activities Synchronous and asynchronous interactions

15 18–23.09.20066th Workshop "SE Education and Reverse Engineering", Bulgaria15/21 Role of online teacher 1. Designing and organizing the online learning context – establishment of the learning community 2. Facilitating online discussion and interaction 3. Provision of direct instruction 4. Assessment and certification of student learning

16 18–23.09.20066th Workshop "SE Education and Reverse Engineering", Bulgaria16/21 1. Designing and organizing the online learning context Construction of the course content, learning activities, and assessment framework Learning activities should encourage both independent study and community of learning models Stimulating, guiding and supporting students Teacher and course content: works with learning materials created by others creates all of the content as “lone ranger”

17 18–23.09.20066th Workshop "SE Education and Reverse Engineering", Bulgaria17/21 2. Facilitating online discussion Learners develop their own thought processes through the discussion with colleagues Developing a sense of trust and safety within the electronic community Teacher regularly reads and responds to student contributions and questions Teacher posts question or discussion items relevant to course content Discussion groups led by student moderators

18 18–23.09.20066th Workshop "SE Education and Reverse Engineering", Bulgaria18/21 3. Provision of direct instruction Teacher is not only “e-moderator” - facilitator of learning Subject matter expert who provides direct instruction Sharing the subject matter knowledge with students not only by lecturing Interjecting comments, referring students to information resources, providing technical help

19 18–23.09.20066th Workshop "SE Education and Reverse Engineering", Bulgaria19/21 4. Assessment of student learning Explicit and detailed criteria on which student learning will be assessed Timely and detailed feedback to students Usual forms of online assessment: Online tests Assignments, (essay type) projects Participation in online discussion

20 18–23.09.20066th Workshop "SE Education and Reverse Engineering", Bulgaria20/21 Qualities of e-teacher Excellent e-teacher is an excellent teacher: Knowledge of the subject domain Pedagogical and methodological knowledge Motivation for dealing with learners Possesses technical skills Must have a kind of innovativeness, flexibility and determination

21 18–23.09.20066th Workshop "SE Education and Reverse Engineering", Bulgaria21/21 References AHyCo e-learning portal (in Croatian) Anderson, T. (2004). Teaching in an Online Learning Context. Pratt, D. D. Good teaching: one size fits all? DF/goodteaching.pdf DF/goodteaching.pdf

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