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Human / Machine and the Talisman. GRIN Technologies.

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Presentation on theme: "Human / Machine and the Talisman. GRIN Technologies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human / Machine and the Talisman


3 GRIN Technologies

4 G enetics R obotics I nformation Technologies N ano Technologies

5 “…6, 7 go to HELL go to HEAVEN” …or somewhere in between

6 Blade Runner, 1982. Ridley Scott

7 What is Human ?

8 Anatomy and physiology Life cycle Genetics Race and ethnicity Habitat Population Human evolution Intelligence Culture Origins Language Music Emotions Sexuality Body Image Economics Artifacts Science, Technology Mind, psychology Philosophy Motivations… Self-Reflection… ‘Humanism’…

9 The Thinker, 1880. Auguste Rodin


11 Humanism Dignity and worth for all people Rationality and judgment Truth and morality in support of human interests Autonomous liberal subject Inherent conflict of religion and science Posthuman as a threat ?

12 “Mankind’s a dead issue now, cousin.” - Bruce Sterling, Schismatrix









21 Man and Machine


23 “The New God…must be humanized lest it in turn dehumanize us.” - Paul Strand, 1924




27 Master-Slave Circuit

28 Blade Runner, “I can see you…”


30 Evolution Artificial Intelligences Uploaded Consciousness Techno-Biological augmentations Considering the Posthuman


32 “The body” is no abstract notion

33 Artificial Life / Artificial Intelligence

34 Photo collage from

35 Tags,

36 Artificial Intelligence - “Top Down” Artificial Life - “Bottom Up”


38 Evolutionary computation Genetic algorithms Genetic programming Swarm intelligence Ant colony optimization Cellular automata… Computational simulation of biologic systems

39 Draughtsman-Writer, 1700s. de Maillardet

40 Digesting Duck, 1739. Jacques de Vaucanson

41 What is life ?

42 Grower, 2004. Sabrina Raaf


44 What is intelligence ?

45 Artificial Intelligence - “Top Down”

46 Creatures 1 screenshot, released 1996. Mindscape

47 Tamagotchi

48 The SIMS 2

49 13th Floor, 1999. Josef Rusnak

50 Second Life World Map

51 Second Life, Club

52 Visual Semiotics

53 Midway between the unintelligible and the commonplace, it is metaphor which most produces knowledge. Aristotle, Rhetoric

54 Michael is a snake.


56 Blade Runner, Pris and the Mannequins

57 Blade Runner, The Eye

58 Blade Runner, ‘My Mother’

59 Blade Runner, Game of Chess

60 Blade Runner, Owl

61 Blade Runner, Roy with Dove

62 Blade Runner, ‘Orgami Unicorn

63 Personifying Objects through Metaphor

64 GPS Table, Dunne and Raby

65 Magic, Illusion, Talisman

66 Laurie Anderson and her ‘Talking Stick’ from Songs and Tales from Moby Dick

67 Drawing with Three Hands, Stelarc

68 Laser Eyes, Stelarc

69 Stretched Skin, Stelarc

70 "Simply, the body has created an information and technological environment which it can no longer cope with. This sort of Aristotelian impulse to continuously accumulate more and more information has created the situation where human cortical capacity just can't absorb and creatively process all this information. This is one of the human and technological pressures that make for the computer. It was necessary to create technology to take over what the body can no longer do. It's created a technology that far surpasses certain capabilities of itself... we've created the potential of life without humanity. The only evolutionary strategy I see is triggering an evolutionary dialectic, to incorporate technology into the body... technology, symbiotically attached and implanted into the body creates a new evolutionary synthesis, creates a new human hybrid - the organic and synthetic coming together to create a new sort of evolutionary energy." Stelarc

71 Remote, Stelarc

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