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R 3 Rapid Reaction and Response The in-class use of mobile technologies to support diagnostic and formative assessment Kingston University Ann Ooms Tim.

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Presentation on theme: "R 3 Rapid Reaction and Response The in-class use of mobile technologies to support diagnostic and formative assessment Kingston University Ann Ooms Tim."— Presentation transcript:

1 R 3 Rapid Reaction and Response The in-class use of mobile technologies to support diagnostic and formative assessment Kingston University Ann Ooms Tim Linsey Marion Webb

2 Aim of project To examine the effective use of in-class mobile technologies to enhance timely feedback and diagnostic / formative assessment Technologies: –Electronic Voting System –Tablet PC’s –Interactive tablets –I-pods –Mobile phones

3 Progress in terms of organization Workshops for participants –September 10: assessment –September 13: use of technologies –October 30: Participants’ CAMEL meeting –January 21: Participants’ CAMEL meeting Mentors –Met with participants in group and individually Steering Group –Met September 5, 2007 –Met January 8, 2008 –Will meet May 7, 2008 E-Assessment developer

4 Progress in terms of action 13 participants: –Successfully used technology: 8 participants –Unsuccessfully used technology: 1 participant –Planning but not used: 3 participants –Not used and no planning: 1 participant Technologies used: –Electronic Voting System: 7 participants –Tablet PC’s: 2 participants –I-pods: 3 participants –Interactive tablets: 0 participants –Mobile phones: 0 participants Modules: number of students range from 15 to 550

5 Progress in terms of data collection Participants –Initial questionnaire –Workshop evaluation questionnaire –Questionnaire end of Semester 1 –Logbook (calendar) –Reflective Journal –Classroom Observations –Interview end of Semester 1

6 Progress in terms of data collection Mentors –Interview end of semester 1 Students –Questionnaire end of semester 1 –Attendance data –Module evaluations –Assessment results

7 Progress in terms of dissemination ADC Newsletter Presentation Course Directors’ Conference Submitted proposal presentation EARLI –Fourth Biennial EARLI / Northumbria Assessment Conference –August 27-29, 2008 in Berlin

8 Plans for Future Keep supporting active participants Follow up with non-active participants Collect research data end of semester 2 Disseminate findings - externally –Submit for conference presentations (ALT-C, AERA, BERA) –Submit to journals for publications (British Journal of Educational Technology, Journal of Technology, Learning and Assessment, ALT-J)

9 Plans for Future Disseminate findings - internally –Present at meetings at each of the 7 faculties –Publish in University newsletters –Any other ideas? Plan for sustainability

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