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Chandra Users’ Committee CXC Manager’s Status Report For the period October 08 – March 09 Roger Brissenden CXC Manager 06 April 2008
6 April 2009CXC Status Report/CUCPage 2 Topics Program Level Status –Program Management –Spacecraft –Science Instruments and Calibration –Mission Planning –OCC –Data Processing –CXCDS –Chandra Director’s Office –Education and Public Outreach Mission Metrics Chandra Grant Awards
6 April 2009CXC Status Report/CUCPage 3 Program Level Status – Program Management Budget and Contract –The CXC’s budget is on track with the FY09 Operating Plan –Program budget guidelines for FY10-14 have been released by NASA HQ and we assessing them for impacts. Meeting with HQ 4/13/09 –NASA has issued a request for proposal for a CXC contract extension to continue Chandra operations and science for up 9 additional years –A fast-track Integrated Acquisition Team approach is being used: the IAT held its first meeting on 3/10/09 –RFPs to SAO subcontractors have been issued, with 45 day turnaround –Proposal is planned for submission by May 15 with start date 10/1/09
6 April 2009CXC Status Report/CUCPage 4 Program Level Status – Program Management Facilities –The OCC’s contingency computer system at the CfA’s Cambridge Discovery Park facility has been tested with the spacecraft and been shown to be capable of supporting mission operations in case of a serious interruption to the OCC. Reviews and Conferences –CIAO workshop (10/20/08) –Chandra Users’ Committee (10/15/08) Planned: –Peer Review (6/22/09) –Supernova Remnant workshop (7/8/09) –Calibration review (9/21/09) –10 Years of Science with Chandra (9/22-25/09)
6 April 2009CXC Status Report/CUCPage 5 Program Level Status – CXC Organization
6 April 2009CXC Status Report/CUCPage 6 Program Level Status – Operations Spacecraft –Continues to operate extremely well overall. –Transition to Normal Sun Mode (10/21/08) due to a single event upset in a circuit known to be susceptible to SEUs. 168 ks of science lost. No adverse impact to mission. –Nominal passages through summer eclipse season, 6/12 – 7/6. Science Instruments –Instruments are operating extremely well. –ACIS flight software v.44 performing nominally oUpload of v.44 on 10/1/08 coincided closely with ACIS watchdog timer reboot in continuous clocking mode oReloaded v.31 10/6/08 and started long test of v.44 in CC mode oReloaded v.44 on 1/15/09; nominal performance since
6 April 2009CXC Status Report/CUCPage 7 Program Level Status – Operations Mission Planning: Load-interrupting TOOs AcceptedTargetTime* 10/01/083C66A3 d 8 h 10/03/08AXP 1E1547.0-54084 d 5 h** 10/06/081ES0120+3401 d 3 h 12/15/08 CSS 081007:030559+051d 18h 1/22/091E1547.0-54081d 16h *Time from TOO approval to command upload ** Delayed by ACIS watchdog timer reset on 10/4 OCC –Water leak in TST room on 2/24/09 HRC EGSE damaged, computers to be replaced; ASVT unharmed. Landlord has taken mitigating measures Data Processing –Automatic processing is current; mean time from end of observation to delivery to user remains at about one day “Please pass on to the relevant groups my appreciation and congratulations on a smoothly running system! My M87 observation ended circa 5am EDT 1 Apr. The data were made available to me in the evening, and I reduced them before going to bed... all in the same day. cheers, Dan [Harris]”
6 April 2009CXC Status Report/CUCPage 8 Program Level Status – Operations Chandra Source Catalog –Released version 1 of the CSC on 3/4/09 –Includes 94,676 master Chandra sources (unique sources on the sky), 135,914 individual source observations (detected source regions), 3,921 observation intervals CXC Data System Releases VersionDateMain contents CAT 3.0.2– 10/3/08- Chandra Source Catalog 3.0.10 2/25/09 CIAO 4.112/15CIAO Data Analysis release/CfP11 support CIAO 4.1.11/15CfP11 Pimms Calibration upgrade DS 11 CfP enhancements DS Web update DS 2/12TOO Update / CDO request
6 April 2009CXC Status Report/CUCPage 9 Program Level Status – Operations Calibration Database (CalDB) Releases Two versions of CalDB are maintained: 4.1+ to support CIAO 4.1, and 3.5.x to support standard data processing and CIAO 3.4 users –CalDB GEOM v2 & EPHIN A mod –CalDB 3.5.112/5/08ACIS Tgain & CTI –CalDB 4.1.012/15/08ACIS & HRMA mods; major release –CalDB 4.1.11/21/09HRMA; HETG; PIMMS eff areas –CalDB 3.5.21/29/09HRMA eff area –CalDB 3.5.33/26/09ACIS Tgain –CalDB 4.1.23/27/09ACIS Tgain, other mods GO and Fellows Program, CXC Director’s Office –Cycle 11 request for proposals issued 12/15/08 –Observing proposal deadline 3/17/09; 668 GO proposals were received –Grant issuance is current; average time to award < 3 weeks –Einstein Fellows proposal deadline 11/7/08; 157 proposals received for 10 fellowships
6 April 2009CXC Status Report/CUCPage 10 Mission Metrics MUPS Fuel Usage
6 April 2009CXC Status Report/CUCPage 11 Mission Metrics Thruster Warm Starts
6 April 2009CXC Status Report/CUCPage 12 Mission Metrics Observing Efficiency
6 April 2009CXC Status Report/CUCPage 13 Data Delivery Effectiveness As of middle of following month As of 4/1/09 MonthNumber of Obs Days to Data DeliveryNumber Deliv Number Outstanding Number Deliv Number Outstanding Comments MinAvgMax Apr-08750111750 0 May-08201014 0 0 Jun-0877018 0 0 Jul-0848018 0 0 Aug-0858018 0 0 Sep-08500127482500 Oct-08620112620 0 Nov-08730117730 0 Dec-08680213680 0 Jan-09870114861870 Feb-09160015 0 0 Mar-09760112760 0 Note: Mar-09 figures are as of the first of the following month, not the middle of the following month.
6 April 2009CXC Status Report/CUCPage 14 Grant Award Effectiveness Month of Data Delivery Federal Grants (1,3) SAO Grants (2) As of middle of following month As of 4/1/09 Non-Federal Grants (3) No. Grants Awarded No. Outstanding Avg days to award (4) No. Grants Awarded No. Outstanding Outstanding Awards Proposal no, Comments Apr-08413112 130 May-0811210212 0 Jun-081972990 Jul-08214 015140 Aug-0803301030 Sep-0823303230 Oct-0808531980 Nov-080181175180 Dec-08021 018210 Jan-09553421122530 Feb-0911613315160 Mar-0911531213312 10200509 A&B, 10200618, 10500295 A&B, 10500437 A,B,C, 10500639 A&C, 10620535 A&B (1)1. Grants awarded to scientists at Federal institutions as interagency transfers through MSFC. (2)2. Grants awarded to scientists at non-Federal institutions through SAO Contracts and Grants Department. (3)3. Number of grants eligible for award, for which data were delivered to the observer in the month. (4)4. Average days from data delivery to grant award to observer.
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