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台灣 SIP/ENUM Trial 現況報告 Vincent Hsu Computer & Communications Research Laboratories (CCL) Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) 2004 網際網路趨勢研討會 March 31, 2004
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. Agenda u What is ENUM? u ENUM Trial Project –FY92 Status –FY93 Planning
What is ENUM?
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. What is ENUM ? ENUM Mechanism E.164 Number Domain Name System (DNS) URIs (User Services) ENUM is a Mechanism to Transform an E.164 Number into a List of Uniform Resource Identifiers(URI) So that an IP User and Available Services Can be Identified by a Public Telephone Number. Problem: How to Address (or Locate) a User in IP Telephony World or PSTN/IP Integrated Network ?
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. ENUM DNS Domain Tier 0 (RIPE NCC) DNS Root Tier 1 Tier 2 … … NAPTR records for +1-792-xxxxx NAPTR records for +1-202-xxxxx Organization B NameserverOrganization A Nameserver
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. Example ENUM Scenario Softswitch IAD ENUM Server Gateways Voice Mail Server 1 5 Dial:03-5915631 2 IP Phone 3 0910961527 4 1. User Dial Tel. No IP Network DNS $ORIGIN IN NAPTR 10 100 “u” “E2U+sip” “!^.*$!!” IN NAPTR 10 101 “u” “E2U+tel” “!^.*$!tel:+886910961527!” IN NAPTR 10 102 “u” “E2U+rtsp” “!^.*$!!” 2. ENUM Query, get 3 URIs 3. Make SIP Call, No Answer 4. Make Mobile Call, Fail 5. Connect to Voice Mail Voice Mail Server SIP Proxy
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. ENUM Services Registration u IANA Registered –H.323 –SIP(Session Initiation Protocol) u Proposal –Group Message: Email, Fax, MMS, EMS, SMS –Presence Service –Web Service –File Service
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. ENUM Activities u IETF Telephone Number Mapping (enum) Working Group –Architecture and protocols u Internet Architecture Board(IAB) and ITU-T Study Group 2 –Collaboration on operational, administration and delegation issues u ENUM Trials –Austria, France, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, UK, VISIONng –Asia-Pacific
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. Asia-Pacific Activities u Asia Pacific Enum Engineering Team (APEET) –Formed by CNNIC, JPRS, KRNIC, SGNIC, and TWNIC –First meeting: Feb 25 th, 2004, Kuala Lumpur –Public announcement: June 4 th, 2004 (scheduled) u CN ( –Field trial started 2003.03 –Public trial started 2003.12 (500+ numbers issued) u JP ( –ENUM Study Group: 2002.09 ~ 2003.05 –ENUM Trial: 2003.09 ~ (1-year plan) u KRNIC ( –Lab trial: 2003.03 ~ 2003.10 –Public trial: 2003.10 ~ 2004.01 (1,495 users) u SIP/ENUM Forum Taiwan(SEFT) ( –Trial project: 2003 ~ 2006
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. Some Administration & Regulatory Considerations u DNS Security u Privacy u Service Integrity –How to define semantics(i.e. user’s expectations) of an ENUM-enabled phone call ? –Call treatment and charging issues u Legacy PSTN Regulatory Considerations for Integrated PSTN/IP Services
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. ENUM Impact u Provide Unified Numbering for PSTN/IP Integrated Services u MUCH MORE IMPORTANT, IT Enables Users to Manage IP-based Multimedia Services to Respond the E.164 Call by Combining or Ordering All Available Services, e.g., SIP, PSTN to VoIP, Email, IP-based Voice Mail, …, etc.
ENUM Trial Project
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. Program Structure SIP/ENUM Forum Taiwan CCL Project Management Team CCL TWNIC Project Planning Technical Development & Support ENUM & Number Management TANet NTP Universities HiNet/TL Sparq EBT/APOL Service Providers Equipment Vendors Service Provisioning 主辦單位 執行單位 (Bi-weekly Meeting) 電信總局、 NTPO 、 NICI 、工業局、 經濟部技術處 督導單位 Project Management / Secretariat (NTP)
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. Goals of the ENUM Trial u Infrastructure –Establish ENUM infrastructure –Build SIP-based IP Telephony platform u Service Trial –New services deployment u Number Management –1 million E.164 number management –More than 15k users management u Operation Model Trial –ITSP –Registrar –ENUM Service Provider (Registry) –Validation entity u Regulatory Issues Investigation
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. Milestones of the Trial u First Year --- 2003 –Basic ENUM mechanism and ENUM service provisioning –ENUM-enabled SIP VoIP service –IP/ISP/PSTN inter-working –Trial scale: 1,000 users, mostly from RD & universities u Second Year --- 2004 –ENUM capable equipments and systems (IPv4 & IPv6) –SIP service extensions –Extensive ENUM-enabled new services trial –IP/ISP/ITSP/PSTN/Cellular inter-working u 2005 - 2006 (planning) –Propose for Asia-Pacific trials –Pre-commercial trial F Billing/charging F Business model
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. ENUM Trial Architecture ENUM Server PSTN Trunk Gateway Signaling Gateway LEC Cellular Signaling Gateway MSC Tier 1 NS ISP/ITSP Softphone (0944-0xxxxx) IP PBX Universities & Organizations (NTU/NCTU/NTHU/DGT/…) TWNIC Softswitch SIP Proxy IP Phone (0944-0xxxxx) Softphone SIP Proxy Fixed Network Operators (sparq/EBT/…) IP Telephony Service Providers (HiNet/APOL/Citron/…) TANet(IPv4/v6) Cellular Operators CCL/ITRI VoIP Equipment Vendors
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. Service Architecture Tier 2 Registry Tier 1 Registry ITSP (TANET/NBEN) ITSP/PSTN/Cellular (HiNet/sqarq/EBT…) Tier 2 Registry Registrar Universities NTU/NCTU/NTHU Organizations CCL/TWNIC/… EnterprisePSTN Users Cellular Subscribers Registry (ENUM Service Provider) Registrar Registrant (Users) Application Service Providers
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. ENUM DNS telephone numbers Tier0 Tier1 Tier2... 0944-00xxxx 0944-01xxxx 0944-02xxxx | 0944-09xxxx 兩層次架構 Tier1 放 NS record 區分群組 Tier2 放 NAPTR record 跟目前運作模式相近 NS recordNAPTR record
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. Numbering Plan 號碼區段參測單位說明 09440-0xxxx - 09440-1xxxx20,000 教育部電算中心含 TANet 各區網中心及縣網中心 09440-20xxx 09440-21~29xxx 1,000 9,000 NTPO(NBEN) Reserved 含測試開發人員使用部分 09440-300xx 09440-301~303xx 09440-304~306xx 09440-307-308xx 09440-309xx 100 300 200 100 NICI DGT 研考會 ( 資訊處 ) TCA TWNIC 09440-40xxxx 09440-41~49xxx 1,000 9,000 電通所( CCL ) Reserved 09440-50~51xxx 09440-52~59xxx 2,000 8,000 APOL (APTG) Reserved 09440-60~61xxx10,000Reserved 09440-70~71xxx 09440-72~79xxx 2,000 8,000 速博( Sparq ) Reserved 09440-80~89xxx10,000TCA 提供 TCA SIP/Enum Forum 參測單位 09440-90~91xxx 09440-92~99xxx 2,000 8,000 CHT (HiNet/TL) Reserved
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. Application Services (FY92) 1. Softphone Softphone 2. Softphone PSTN 3. Voice Mail Softphone PSTN Trunk Gateway Signaling Gateway LEC Taipei Operator (0944-0xxxxx) PSTN Hsinchu Operator (0944-0xxxxx) Tier 1 NS ISP (IPv4/6) ISP (IPv4/6) Softphone (0944-0xxxxx) IP PBX CCL/ITRI IP PBX NCTU/NTHU/NTU/…TWNIC Media Server Softswitch SIP Proxy IP Phone SIP Proxy TANet/NBEN Tier 1 & Tier 2 ENUM Server
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. Trial Partners & Roles TANet (Universities) ISP/Operators (HiNet, sparq, EBT, … ) Organizations (CCL, TWNIC, …) TWNIC Registrant (Users) 10 universities * 1,000 users (direct subscribers) 0944 number 3,000 users Public users (original PSTN numbers) 0944 number (new user) 2,000 users Public users(original PSTN number) 0944 number (new user) 15,000 ENUM registrants Registry Tier 2 Registry Enterprise ENUM Registry under Tier 1 or Tier2 Tier 1 Registry Registrar Also play as Registrar Application Service Provider SIP-based VoIP services New services development VoIP services New services IP/PSTN inter- working IP-PBX
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. Project Status -- Year 2003 u What have been done so far –100K E.164 number management (0944-0xxxxx experimental number assigned by DGT) –Web-portal ENUM registration system –Tier 1 and Tier 2 ENUM servers set up –SIP-based VoIP infrastructure –Softphone download deployment mechanism –IP/PSTN Interworking –ENUM/IP service provisioning F 100K E.164 telephone numbers distribution & management F 736 users trial on SIP services –Trial Service Level Agreements (SLA) defined
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. Participants & Services u Current Participants –Universities F NTU, NCTU, NTHU, NCKU, NSYSU, NDHU –Organizations F CCL/ITRI, DGT, TWNIC, TCA, MOECC, NICI, RDEC –Fixed network operators: sparq, EBT F One E1 line to Hsinchu(sparq), one E1 line to Taipei(EBT) –ISP/ITSPs: HiNet(CHT), APOL, Citron Network u Current Services –Web-based ENUM registration and service provisioning –SIP softphone / VoIP gateway –SIP phone to PSTN phone –Unified messaging (Voicemail to Email)
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. Statistics u Registered subscribers –765 registered subscribers (2003.08 2004.03.25) –765 registered subscribers (2003.08 ~ 2004.03.25) u Total volume of calls –3,142 calls (2003.10 2004.03.25) –3,142 calls (2003.10 ~ 2004.03.25) u Calls routed to PSTN/Cellular –1,036 calls (2004.01 2004.03.25) –1,036 calls (2004.01 ~ 2004.03.25) u Calls routed to media server for voicemail –454 calls (2003.11 2004.03.25) –454 calls (2003.11 ~ 2004.03.25)
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. Registered Subscribers MonthNorthCentralSouthEastTotal 200308800311 20030900011 2003101102114 20031189000 20031242000 20040126000 20040260210117180 20040399832200402 sum3358532322765
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. Total Number of Calls MonthNumber of Calls 200310135 200311629 200312601 200401236 200402962 200403579 SUM3142
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. Total Call Duration MonthTimesecondsminuteshours 20031020031021~200310316064101.071.68 20031120031103~200311211022101703.528.39 20031220031202~2003123159517991.9516.53 20040120040101~200401188419140.322.34 20040220040202~ 20040229718911198.1819.97 20040320040301~2004031531050517.58.63 Sum2791514652.5277.54
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. Call Distribution Time Number of calls Total duration(secs) Total duration(mins) Total duration(hrs) 8:00~11:0061145036750.612.51 11:00~14:0066435377589.629.83 14:00~17:0010661192791987.9833.13 17:00~20:00490346805789.63 20:00~23:0021132196536.68.94 23:00~02:008710926182.13.04 02:00~08:0013165727.620.46 SUM31422791514652.5277.54
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. PSTN Statistics (1) 撥打地區 二月份通數 二月份秒數 三月通數 三月秒數 台北 60 5665 28 3458 宜蘭 5 174 1 32 桃園 7 312 2 639 新竹 28 2329 87 1554 苗栗 2 42 1 13 台中 19 2361 22 1887 彰化 6 1107 4 290 嘉義 4 367 2 76 台南 29 1987 34 1543 高雄 21 1455 14 1534 台東 3 415 2 318 市話總計 184 16214 197 11344
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. PSTN Statistics (2) 撥打地區二月份通數二月份秒三月通數三月秒數 市話總計 1841621419711344 行動電話 3942532526116787 PSTN 電 話總計 5784153945828131
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. Project Goal -- Year 2004 u New ENUM-enabled Services –Technology development –Service scenario and architecture u Service Deployment and Management Issues –Use behavior –User client deployment –Subscribers and services management u Interworking Among Different Service Providers –IP/PSTN/Cellular inter-working –ENUM capable equipments and systems (IPv4 & IPv6) u Investigate Basic Possible Business Model –ENUM impact on regulation: VoIP, IP multimedia –Business model
IP Network ENUM ENUM Server (TWNIC) ENUM Proxy (TANet) Project Office CCL TWNIC NCTU/NTU/NTHU PSTN Gateway PBX IP-PBX SIP Phone Legacy Phone E1 ISDN SIP UA SIP Phone SIP UA 北、中、南、東區網 HiNet SIP Proxy Softswitch C5 Switch (Sparq, EBT) SS7 / E1 Voice Mail Server MMS Relay Server Email Enabled System Public Switched Telephone NetworkGPRS Core Network Deploy Proxy SIP UA Configuration A – IP-PBX Users Configuration B – Proxy Users Configuration C – Standalone Users Core Service Platform FY93 Deployment Plan
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. New ENUM-enabled Services u Native IPv6 Support for ENUM-enabled Services –SIP Softphone / Proxy –MMS/IM u SIP Extensions –Presence & Instant Messaging (SIMPLE) u Multimedia Messaging(MMS) & Instant Messaging(IM) –MMS (Cellular) Instant Messaging (IP) u ENUM-enabled Email
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. ENUM-enabled IP Multimedia Messaging GGSN IP Network ENUM Server MMS Server Gateway MMSC To: 09 44-012345 Sending photo … Query: SMS/Registry Server SGSN Response: mms:0944012345@domain Internet IM & MMS Server IM & MMS Client 0944-012345 Photo received.
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. ENUM-enabled Instant Messaging SIP Softphone To:0944015616 Send Message : Hello! Dear Lao-Chou. ENUM-enabled SIP Proxy Server To:0944015616 ENUM Server Show Message: Hello! Dear Lao-Chou. SIMPLE Server
The information contained herein is the exclusive property of CCL/ITRI and shall not be distributed, reproduced, or disclosed in whole or in part without prior written permission of CCL/ITRI. ENUM-enabled Email Service ENUM-enabled Email Client To:0944015616 Legacy Email Client To:0944015616 SMTP Server ENUM-enabled SMTP Server To:0944015616 ENUM Server
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