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These slides are not much use without the demos so if you are reading these without attending my session, you are not even getting 1/3 of the story.

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Presentation on theme: "These slides are not much use without the demos so if you are reading these without attending my session, you are not even getting 1/3 of the story."— Presentation transcript:

1 These slides are not much use without the demos so if you are reading these without attending my session, you are not even getting 1/3 of the story

2 Windows Vista for developers Beyond NetFx3 Daniel Moth Developer & Platform Group, Microsoft (removed email address, use blog for contact)

3 This slide had the video Also many slides have animations which are not captured in this pdf. Sorry, they are only meant as a reminder for those who attended the session

4 Sept 2003 Sept 2003 Developer engagement April 2005 OEM & IHV engagement July 2005 Platform beta, IT engagement May 2006 End user engagement Q4 2006 Windows Vista Timeline + Community Technology Previews.NET Framework v3.0 (Formerly WinFX ) Windows Vista

5 Sept 2003 Sept 2003 Developer engagement April 2005 OEM & IHV engagement July 2005 Platform beta, IT engagement May 2006 End user engagement Q4 2006 Windows Vista Timeline + Community Technology Previews.NET Framework v3.0 (Formerly WinFX ) Windows Vista RC1 Sept 2006 Getting there!

6 Windows Vista ConnectedConnect with people, information and devices: anytime, anywhere ConfidentYour PC just works: safe, reliable, and low-cost to manage ClearOrganize information effectively, and focus on business

7 Windows Vista The Biggest Release of Windows Ever Stacks Network Access Protection Network Location Awareness High Resolution/High DPI Windows Sideshow Windows Vista Display Driver Model People Near Me Windows Defender Power Management Live Icons Windows SideBar Parental controls Windows Feedback Services Desktop Window Manager Registry/File System Virtualization Protected Mode IE Windows Service Hardening Sync Center Aero Presentation Settings Preview Pane User Account Control Ad-hoc Meeting Networks Quick Search Windows Imaging Format Windows Resource Protection MMC 3.0 Cancelable I/O Resource Exhaustion Diagnostics Peer Name Resolution Protocol Reading Pane Windows Disk Diagnostics Restart Manager Transactional Registry Single binary Memory Diagnostics Startup Repair Toolkit Transactional File System Eventing and Instrumentation WS-Management InfoCard SuperFetch Segoe UI Font Flip3D New Explorers Taskbar Thumbnails IPv6 XAML Search Folders Ink Analysis Split Tokens Mandatory Integrity Control UI Privilege Isolation Secure Startup Windows Filtering Platform User Mode Driver Framework New Open/Save Dialogs Shell Property System Winlogon Rearchitecture Windows Communication Foundation Windows Presentation Foundation Glass Open Package Specification XML Paper Specification Windows Workflow Foundation Windows Installer 4.0 Monad RSS Platform Function Discovery API Wizard Framework Crypto Next Generation Credential Providers Confident | Clear | Connected

8 NetFx3 – Not Today’s Topic The Managed Code Programming Model for Windows

9 Quick tour Glass Task Dialog, Command Link ++ AERO Sidebar / gadgets Application Restart & Recovery RSSUAC Demos AGENDA

10 Quick Tour Start menu Extending the web Instant integrated search everywhere Back / Forwards Breadcrumbs Context-sensitive information Live Thumbnails, Alt+TAB, Flip3D Preview/reading pane, Live Icons etc. DEMO

11 Glass Helps focus the user on the “important” area In non-client areas In client areas Extend it inwards from any side Paint it black Arbitrary regions DEMO

12 Task Dialog, CommandLink etc. DEMO

13 Vista File Dialogs Quick Search box extensible Favorite Links file properties navigation buttons context-based tasks “friendly” address bar enhanced column headers: sort, group and filter Live Icons Preview Pane custom controls

14 The AERO aesthetic is both professional and beautiful. It creates a high quality and elegant experience that users can be productive in and even fall in love with. Authentic Energetic Reflective Open & Approachable

15 aero

16 Gadgets for Windows Sidebar “Gadget” Lightweight and task-specific applet Sidebar is a container for gadgets and more; Manager, Picker, Installer, Host, Instance Management Developer model HTML + Script Installed to the local machine “c:\users\ … \gadgets” Packaged (Folder, Zip, CAB) Manifest, HTML file, HTML settings DEMO

17 Restart APIs Register to be restarted after fatal problems Registration also used for Restart Manager Restarts process after patch installation All applications should support restart Especially if support document recovery How it works Register command-line that should be called every execution HRESULT RegisterApplicationRestart (IN PCWSTR pwzCommandline, DWORD dwFlags) After fatal event is reported, app is restarted Fatal events block user tasks Automatically restarting saves users from having to re-open the application DEMO

18 Recovery APIs Attempt to recover data after a fatal event Users should not lose any work to an app bug How it works 1. App registers a “recovery callback” every execution HRESULT RegisterApplicationRecoveryCallback (IN RECOVERY_ROUTINE RecoveryRoutine, IN PVOID pvParameter) 2. Recovery routine called after data collection Application’s code attempts to recover user work Flush to disk, repair on next run of application Repair data in memory, save to disk Need to call RecoveryInProgress() every 5 seconds to heartbeat Call RecoveryFinished() to signal recovery is completed DEMO

19 Internet Explorer 7+ User Experience Tabbed Browsing, Page Zoom, Printing, OpenSearch RSS Feed Integration Secure Browsing Protected Mode, Anti-phishing, ActiveX Opt-In, Plug-in Changes, Clipboard, Status bar Web Developer Platform Enhanced CSS support, layout bugs fixed, transparent PNG etc. DEMO

20 RSS Agenda What a feed looks like Feed Discovery Windows RSS Platform RSS Platform API DEMO DEMO Evolution

21 Really Simple Feed: Hello World Hello world Hello world This is a simple feed. This is a simple feed. Hello item #2 Hello item #2 This is another simple item. This is another simple item. Fri, 14 Oct 2005 18:00:50 GMT Fri, 14 Oct 2005 18:00:50 GMT C94F7DE5-2741-4db5-A4CF-A6A2293D214B C94F7DE5-2741-4db5-A4CF-A6A2293D214B Hello item #1 Hello item #1 This is the first simple item. This is the first simple item. Fri, 14 Oct 2005 13:26:46 GMT Fri, 14 Oct 2005 13:26:46 GMT C94F7DE5-2741-4db5-A4CF-A6A2293D214B C94F7DE5-2741-4db5-A4CF-A6A2293D214B </rss>

22 Feed Discovery Discovery of feeds on web pages <html> Hello World Page Hello World Page <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="The Hello World RSS feed" href="HelloWorld.xml"/> Hello, World Hello, World </html>

23 Windows RSS Platform DownloadEngine RSS 0.9x RSS 1.0 RSS 2.0 Atom BrowsersPhotosContacts… NewsBlogsPhotosAudioCalendarsLists … MergeProcessor Common Feedlist ItemsEnclosures RSS Object Model Store Service API

24 RSS Platform API COM API - Automation (IFeed…) - Early-bound (IXFeed…) Not safe-for-scripting FeedsManager Feed FeedFolder FeedItem FeedEnclosure FolderEvents FeedEvents DEMO

25 Evolution BROWSE. SEARCH.

26 User Account Control Challenges Windows Vista Solution Easier to Run as Standard User Users can do more on their own Change time zone, power settings, VPN, and more Install approved devices Admin commands clearly marked Higher application compatibility File and registry virtualization Greater Protection for Admins Software runs with lower privileges by default Administrator provides consent before elevation Most users run with full administrator privileges all the time At risk from malware Can’t manage desktops or enforce policy Expensive to support Difficult to run a standard user User can’t perform many tasks Many applications don’t run

27 Security shield identifies operations that require privilege elevation User Account Control Feature review By default, all interactive processes run as standard user User consent is required to run a process with elevated privileges DEMO

28 What Do I Do About UAC If your app runs correctly as Standard User Nothing!Else Remove operations that require elevated privileges Set machine-wide settings during installation If certain operations require elevated priviliges Factor into separate process (or separate COM objects) Identify them with the “shield” If your app targets admins In manifest specify requestedExecutionLevel requireAdministrator

29 Where We’ve Been Quick tour Glass Task Dialog, Command Link, CommonFileDialog AERO Sidebar / gadgets Application Recovery APIs IE7+RSSUAC

30 Plus Many More… Vista guidelines Cancelable I/O Windows Eventing 6.0 Windows Feedback Services /GS compiler switch, “safe” CRT libraries (native C++) Peer-to-Peer Networking Resources, function discovery XPS Tablet Ink Power Management Sync Center Search, registered handlers and OLEDB provider NLA and NAP Task Scheduler, Perf Counters enhancements

31 Get Windows Vista Now!

32 Resources Demos etc from this talk + links to other vista resources

33 © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY.

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