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CMNS 260 16 November 2011. Assignment 6 Introduction –Briefly describe the conceptual definitions and operational measures of the three variables your.

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Presentation on theme: "CMNS 260 16 November 2011. Assignment 6 Introduction –Briefly describe the conceptual definitions and operational measures of the three variables your."— Presentation transcript:

1 CMNS 260 16 November 2011

2 Assignment 6 Introduction –Briefly describe the conceptual definitions and operational measures of the three variables your are studying. Identify the independent, dependent and control variable.

3 Review the survey questions Recall from lecture – Jan’s example hypothesis that people who feel that it is okay for employers to fire employees who post information about their jobs online What are potential combinations that might be relevant/interesting to the topic of media ethics & media ettiquette

4 Let’s look at some possible examples…

5 Frequency of respondents who have had romantic relationships that were only on-line or via telephone FrequencyPercent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent ValidNo5688.990.3 Yes69.59.7100.0 Total6298.4100.0 Missing 11.6 Total63100.0

6 Q39 Answer * Q3 Answer Crosstabulation Q3 Answer Total femalemale Q39 Answerdon't knowCount231740 % within Q39 Answer57.5%42.5%100.0% noCount628 % within Q39 Answer75.0%25.0%100.0% yesCount130 % within Q39 Answer100.0%.0%100.0% TotalCount421961 % within Q39 Answer68.9%31.1%100.0%

7 Crosstab Q3 Answer Total femalemale Q26 NonenoCount421860 % within Q26 None70.0%30.0%100.0% yesCount011 % within Q26 None.0%100.0% TotalCount421961 % within Q26 None68.9%31.1%100.0%

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