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Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH
ecological sanitation: principles, technologies and project examples for wastewater and excreta management Christine Werner Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH ecological sanitation program, Division 44 – environment and infrastructure CeTAmb - International Conference The role of Appropriate Technologies in Cooperation Projects Desenzano del Garda (Brescia - Italia), December Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
ecosan project examples
content ecosan principles ecosan technologies ecosan project examples Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
world water and sanitation crisis
ecosan principles world water and sanitation crisis Increasing scarcity and degrading quality of freshwater 1.1 billion people around the world have no access to safe drinking water 2.4 billion people have inadequate sanitation and/or no means of wastewater disposal Expected growth of the global population by another 2 billion people within the next 25 years needing sanitation 90 % of wastewater worldwide is either poorly treated or not treated at all at discharge 80 % of all diseases and 25 % of all deaths in developing countries can be attributed to polluted water (WHO) Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
millenium development goals (MDGs)
ecosan principles millenium development goals (MDGs) Achievement of poverty eradication and sustainable development by rapidly increasing access to basic requirements such as clean water, sanitation, energy, health care, food security and the protection of biodiversity Set target for water and sanitation: To halve the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water and to adequate sanitation by 2015 Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
shortcomings of conventional water carriage sanitation
ecosan principles shortcomings of conventional water carriage sanitation fertilizer production from finite resources food Mixing of flow streams, misuse of drinking water for transport 90% untreated waste disposal in water bodies sewage sludge overexploitation of groundwater Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
shortcomings of conventional water carriage sanitation
ecosan principles shortcomings of conventional water carriage sanitation Unsatisfactory purification or uncontrolled discharge of more than 90 % of wastewater worldwide Severe water pollution, unbearable health risks Consumption of precious water for transport of waste High investment, energy, operating and maintenance costs Frequent subsidization of prosperous areas and neglect of poorer settlements Loss of valuable nutrients and trace elements contained in excrements due to discharge into waters Problems with contaminated sewage sludge in combined, central systems Linear end-of-pipe technology Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
shortcomings of conventional „drop and store“ sanitation
ecosan principles shortcomings of conventional „drop and store“ sanitation Retention of solids Infiltration of liquids Polluted groundwater Nitrates Viruses Pathogens Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
closing the loop between sanitation and agriculture
ecosan principles closing the loop between sanitation and agriculture rainwater harvesting restoring soil fertility food agricultural use organic waste faeces greywater urine treatment / hygienization / energy recovery water reuse no waste disposal in water bodies Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
ecological sanitation - a new approach
ecosan principles ecological sanitation - a new approach Improvement of health by minimizing the introduction of pathogens from human excrements into the water cycle Promotion of safe recovery and use of nutrients, organics, trace elements, water and energy Preservation of soil fertility and improvment of agricultural productivity Conservation of resources Preference for modular, decentralised systems for more appropriate, cost-efficient solutions Promotion of a holistic, interdisciplinary approach Material flow cycle instead of disposal Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
cco-sanitation concepts and strategies
ecosan principles cco-sanitation concepts and strategies eco-sanitation… … is not a specific technology, but a new philosophy - based on an eco-system-oriented view of material flows - of dealing with what is presently regarded as waste and wastewater for disposal …considers human excreta and wastewater not as wastes but as natural resources … applies the basic natural principal of closing the loop by using modern and safe sanitation and reuse technologies … opens up a wider range of sanitation options than those currently considered. Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
composition of household wastewater
Introduction to ecosan composition of household wastewater Organics kg COD/ (Person·year) 12.3 3.6 14.1 Nutrient content kg N,P,K / (Person·year) N P K 0.8 5.3 1.0 – l 500 l 50 l Volume Liter / (Person·year) source: Otterpohl Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
wastewater and excreta are a valuable resource
ecosan principles wastewater and excreta are a valuable resource million tons per year (as N + P2O5 + K2O) 135 50 farmers around the world yearly require 135 Mio tons of mineral fertiliser for their crops, while at the same time conventional sanitation dumps 50 Mio tons of fertiliser equivalents from so called wastewater flows into our water bodies - nutrients with a market value of around 15 Billion US dollars. Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
fertilizer potential of human excreta
ecosan principles fertilizer potential of human excreta source: Drangert, 1998 Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
WHO guidelines for agricultural use of treated water (1989)
ecosan principles WHO guidelines for agricultural use of treated water (1989) Category Use Person / Group exposed Nematodes [Eggs / kg] Feacal coliforms [number / 100 g] A Application to field crop (used for raw food) worker, consumer, public </= 1 </= 1000 B Application to field crop (for industrial use, feedstock, trees) worker no suggested standard C Local application to field crop of cat. B, without contact to persons none not relevant Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
benefits of ecological sanitation
ecosan principles benefits of ecological sanitation safe sanitation water savings and a healthy environment source: source: Johannes Heeb ecosan-toilets in Bangalore, India Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
Benefits of ecological sanitation
ecosan principles Benefits of ecological sanitation restored soil fertility through nutrient reuse improved soil quality through reuse of organics faeces & urine urine none source: Petter Jenssen source: Vinnerås, 2003 compost improved soil untreated soil after one week without water Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
benefits of ecological sanitation
source: Petter Jenssen recovery of energy content (covering about 20% of cooking energy needs for a typical family in a developing country) energy savings in fertilizer production & wastewater treatment reuse of water Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
technical data sheets for ecosan components overview
Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
examples of urine diverting toilets
ecosan technologies examples of urine diverting toilets China Wost-Man, Sweden Roediger, Germany Dubletten, Sweden dry/wet: faeces without, urine with flush dry/wet: faeces with, urine without flush wet: faeces & urine with flush GTZ, Mali waterless: faeces and urine without flush Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
waterless urinals ecosan technologies vacuum urinal
KfW-building, Germany Lambertsmühle, Germany Mon Museum, Sweden Urimat Ernst Keramag Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
examples of composting toilets
ecosan technologies examples of composting toilets composting toilet, Germany (Berger Biotechnik) Sweden Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
examples of composting toilets
ecosan technologies examples of composting toilets mixing chamber with sawdust electrical or manually driven mixing mechanisms optimised composting toilet, Japan, Bio-Lux (Seiwa Denko Ltd) Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
examples of dehydrating toilets
ecosan technologies examples of dehydrating toilets school toilet facility, China two chamber systems rear view of a dehydrating toilet, Mali Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
vacuum systems elements:
ecosan technologies vacuum systems elements: vacuum toilets, vacuum urinals, vacuum conductions, pumping station advantages: water saving, concentrated black water collection, decentralised treatment possible (anaerobic) manufacturer: i.e. Roediger GmbH Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
anaerobic treatment with biogas production
ecosan technologies anaerobic treatment with biogas production small-scale biogas plants: decentralized treatment of household wastewater with or without agricultural waste Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
ecosan technologies membrane technology Highly effective removal of soluable and biodegradable materials in wastewater stream selective permeable membrane (pore sizes < bacteria) treated water recycle potential for non-potable application compact, flexible system Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
vermicomposting example in South Africa: ecosan technologies
Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
ecosan technologies aquaculture wastewater treatment by aquatic plants and fish with nutrient recyling by human consumption offers high quality protein at low cost predominantly in Asian countries fish production of 1-6 tons/ha·year) achieved tilapia carp duckweed Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
source: Comax International Ltd.
ecosan technologies constructed wetlands treatment of wastewater or greywater effective in the removal of BOD, TSS, pathogen and nitrogen effluent can be reused aesthetically appealing source: Cemagref vertical flow source: Comax International Ltd. Niels De Pauw horizontal flow Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
wastewater treatment with biomass production
ecosan technologies wastewater treatment with biomass production source: EU Fair, 2003 Combined wastewater treatment and bio-fuel production from willow plantations (example in Sweden) Cost and energy effective Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
„epuvalisation“ - hydroponics
ecosan technologies „epuvalisation“ - hydroponics nutrient recycling (Senegal) Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
urine storage ecosan technologies
Various containers for urine storage: Gebers, Sweden Lambertsmühle, Germany Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
agricultural use ecosan technologies
direct injection of liquid fertiliser irrigation urban agriculture Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
basic types of ecosan-projects
Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
experimental on-site sanitation in Koulikoro, Mali (supported by GTZ)
ecosan projects experimental on-site sanitation in Koulikoro, Mali (supported by GTZ) experimental on-site sanitation module consisting of a urine diverting dehydrating latrine, shower and greywater garden Greywater garden Source: GTZ Urine diverting concrete slab Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
ecosan-study and reuse experiments in Havana, Cuba (supported by GTZ)
ecosan projects ecosan-study and reuse experiments in Havana, Cuba (supported by GTZ) Study of options for reuse of urine and faeces in existing urban agriculture in Havana improved soil quality through reuse of organics Source: GTZ Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
constructed wetland Haran-Al-Awamied, Syria (supported by GTZ)
ecosan projects constructed wetland Haran-Al-Awamied, Syria (supported by GTZ) Wastewater treatment with constructed wetland system: Wastewater treatment through reed beds Sludge treatment through reed beds Treated wastewater used for irrigation purpose High efficiency for hygienization Small surface required: 0.5m2 per capital Low cost: euro/person (construction), 1 euro per person every year (running cost) Source: Mohamed Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
ecosan projects ecosan public toilet centre Bangalore, India (supported by ACTS, SDC, Uni Oslo and GTZ) Public toilet: separate collection of urine, faeces and anal cleaning water Separately collected and stored urine used as fertilizer for banana plantation Faeces transported by truck and treated in a biogas plant Source: Johannes Heeb Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
Biogas used for cooking
ecosan projects ecosan public toilet centre Bangalore, India (supported by ACTS, SDC, Uni Oslo and GTZ) Biogas plant Source: GTZ Biogas used for cooking Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
biogas program Dhapasi, Nepal
ecosan projects biogas program Dhapasi, Nepal Source: GTZ toilet wastewater and manure is used in a household biogas plant biogas is used for cooking, organic sludge is used to fertilise the garden Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
Egypt (supported by GTZ)
ecosan projects Egypt (supported by GTZ) large scale field test on soilisation of sewage sludge using vegetation (IPP Consult) Source: IPP Consult Soilisation bed with grass Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
China-Sweden Erdos Eco-Town Project, China (supported by SIDA)
ecosan projects China-Sweden Erdos Eco-Town Project, China (supported by SIDA) Ecosan practises in an entire functionging modern town: Urine-diverting dry toilets and collection systems for multi-storey buildings Greywater collection and treated in decentrialised system Composted faeces and urine reused in agriculture Source: EcosanRes, SEI Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
China-Sweden Erdos Eco-Town Project, China (supported by SIDA)
ecosan projects China-Sweden Erdos Eco-Town Project, China (supported by SIDA) Source: EcosanRes, SEI Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
Four-in-one model, China
ecosan projects Four-in-one model, China pig – toilet – biogas – vegetable combined with Greenhouse Production more than 1,000,000 times in peri-urban areas of Megacities in Northern China Use of nutrients, organics, energy and carbon dioxyde Source: Yao Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
ecosan projects Urine diverting dry toilet in Guangxi-Province, China (supported by SIDA and Unicef) Large ecosan project in the phase of up-scaling 1997, pilot project funded by SIDA/Unicef, 70 ecosan (urine diverting dehydration toilets) built in pilot village, Dalu Village 1998, urine-diverting toilets were built in 200 ecosan villages in Guangxi 2002, ecosan toilets in Guangxi 2003, ecosan toilets in 17 provinces (Ministry of Public Health) Factors of success: cultural acceptance, political commitment, technical flexibility, low cost, income generation, pressure from water pollution and water scarcity, promotion and marketing source: Sandec Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
decentralized treatment for municipal sewerage, China
ecosan projects decentralized treatment for municipal sewerage, China DEWATS /LOMWATS Decentralized wastewater treatment systems Low maintenance wastewater treatment systems Baffled septic tank Biogas Digestors By 2002: plants Data: Ministry of Agriculture source: BORDA Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
Eco-settlement Lübeck – Flintenbreite, Germany
ecosan projects Eco-settlement Lübeck – Flintenbreite, Germany eco-settlement for 350 people Greywater treatment in constructed wetlands Storm water infiltration in swales Vacuum pipe Vacuum toilet Biowaste shredder Transport of blackwater and biowaste Central technical building source: Otterwasser GmbH, Germany Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
greywater recycling in Hotel Arabella, Germany
ecosan projects greywater recycling in Hotel Arabella, Germany Greywater from baths and showers in guest rooms treated with rotating biological contactors and reused for toilet flushing Rainwater collection for irrigation of hotel garden RBC Source: Rolde & Partner, DHV, GTZ Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
main building of GTZ headquarter, Germany
ecosan projects main building of GTZ headquarter, Germany ecosan concept: separation, processing and agricultural reuse of urine (implementation 2004/2005) Source: GTZ urine diversion toilets and waterless urinals Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
Key activities of the GTZ-ecosan programme
ecosan projects Key activities of the GTZ-ecosan programme GTZ – ecosan programme knowledge management and networking e-newsletter ecosan website ecosan source book (in progress) ecosan-project data sheets (in progress) ecosan-technologies data sheets (in progress) brochures, posters, professional articles, films, etc. conferences & workshops cooperation in the field national & international working groups ecosan pilot research and demonstration projects baseline and feasibility studies for sanitation systems, treatment and reuse systems advocacy and decision making workshops training workshops technical and operational advice for implementation accompanying research upscaling of projects and dissemination of experiences more than 40 pilot projects worldwide Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
ecosan project data sheet example
General data Objectives Location and general conditions Technologies applied Type of reuse Project history Costs O+M Design information Lessons learned Available documents Involved institutions and experts Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
technical data sheets for ecosan components
Basic principles of the technology, overview on available technology types, main field of application and limitations Appropriate Technologies in Ccooperation Projects, , Brescia
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