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HHS HUD Housing Capacity Building Initiative for Community Living Programs of the Administration on Aging Department of Health and Human Services.

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Presentation on theme: "HHS HUD Housing Capacity Building Initiative for Community Living Programs of the Administration on Aging Department of Health and Human Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 HHS HUD Housing Capacity Building Initiative for Community Living Programs of the Administration on Aging Department of Health and Human Services

2 2 Mission The mission of AoA is to develop a comprehensive, coordinated and cost-effective system of home and community-based services that helps elderly individuals maintain their health and independence in their homes and communities. Authorities Older Americans Act Public Health Service Act section 398 – Alzheimer’s Disease Supportive Services Public Health Service title XVII – Lifespan Respite Care Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008 ARRA – Chronic Disease Self-Management, Nutrition Services Affordable Care Act – CLASS, ADRCs, MIPPA In order to serve a growing senior population, AoA envisions ensuring the continuation of a vibrant aging services network at State, Territory, local and Tribal levels through funding of lower-cost, non- medical services and supports that provide the means by which many more seniors can maintain their independence. Vision Administration on Aging

3 3 Older Americans Act of 1965 A Legacy of President Johnson’s Great Society – Passed same year as Medicare and Medicaid – 10 broad national policy objectives on aging – Creation of AoA as federal focal point on aging – Grants to states for community planning & services – Authority for research, demonstration, and training projects

4 4 Older Americans Act Myths and Misconceptions The OAA defines older adults as age __ and older The OAA only serves older individuals

5 5 Older Americans Act Key Funding Provisions Title III — Grants for State & Community Programs B. Supportive Services & Senior Centers C. Congregate and Home Delivered Nutrition Services D. Disease Prevention & Health Promotion E. National Family Caregiver Support Program Title IV — Training, Research and Discretionary Projects Title V — Senior Community Service Employment Title VI — Grants for Native Americans Title VII — Elder Rights Protection

6 6 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration on Aging Central Office and Regional Offices State Units on Aging (56) Area Agencies on Aging (628) Local Service Provider Organizations (20,000+) ACCESS SERVICES ACCESS SERVICES SUPPORTIVE & NUTRITION SERVICES ELDER RIGHTS SERVICES COMMUNITY SERVICES IN-HOME SERVICES Aging Network Service System Tribal Organizations (246)

7 7 A Network of Partners and Services Aging Network Partners State and Area Agencies on Aging Senior Centers Home Care Agencies Aging in Place Community Groups Community Health Centers/Health Depts. Medicaid/dual eligibles (CMS) Assisted Living Social Security HUD Public Housing Alzheimer’s chapters Hospitals for discharge planning Veterans Affairs Housing Service Coordinators Adult Protective Services VA Medical Centers Many other partners… Core Services Available Information & Referral Adult Day Care Respite Care Transportation Home Delivered Meals Congregate Meals Grocery shopping/meal preparation Chronic Disease Self-Management Personal Care Home Health Aide Socialization/Senior Centers Financial Planning/Management Benefits Counseling Legal Assistance Many other services….

8 8 Health & Long-term Care Reform: Modernizing Home and Community Based Services Aging and Disability Resource Centers MIPPA & Medicare Part D enrollment Care coordination and Participant Direction with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Lifespan Respite Community Innovations for Aging in Place Medicare fraud detection – Senior Medicare Patrol Prevention and health promotion – Evidence-based programs Care Transitions HUD HHS Community Living Collaborative activities Partner with DoT FTA on the United We Ride campaign and National Center on Senior Transportation Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) HECM Reverse Mortgage Housing Counseling

9 9 Focus on Diversity National minority aging partners – Nat’l Asian Pacific Center on Aging – Nat’l Caucus and Center on Black Aging – Nat’l Hispanic Council on Aging – National Indian Council on Aging – Asociacion Pro Personas Mayores National Resource Center on LGBT Aging Toolkit for Serving Diverse Communities

10 10 Focus on Professional Capacity Building In order to ensure that the services network is prepared to meet the diverse needs of people with disabilities of all ages in the future, AoA funds 28 technical assistance resource centers. ( left side navigation bar) Aging and Disability Resource Center Technical Assistance Exchange National Resource Center for Engaging Volunteers Alzheimer’s Technical Assistance Resource Center National Center for Benefits Outreach and Enrollment Technical Assistance Center for Family Caregiver Support National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center Evidenced-Based Disease and Disability Prevention National Resource Center

11 11 Moving Forward Strengthen core home and community- based supports and services Building and enhancing partnerships at the national, state and local levels Continued efforts to strengthen aging and disability network collaboration Promote the use of scientific evidence in all service provision

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