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Using the Media to Promote Awareness & Action. Agenda –The Prep Work –Networking –Effective Media Outlets –Ways to Reach the Media –Follow up & Form Relationships.

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Presentation on theme: "Using the Media to Promote Awareness & Action. Agenda –The Prep Work –Networking –Effective Media Outlets –Ways to Reach the Media –Follow up & Form Relationships."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using the Media to Promote Awareness & Action

2 Agenda –The Prep Work –Networking –Effective Media Outlets –Ways to Reach the Media –Follow up & Form Relationships –Practice Exercise

3 The Prep Work Brainstorm timing and hook –Find out who else is working on the issue and what they are saying Get savvy & be available Develop a media contact list of reporters who cover your issue Create necessary contacts & materials to make it as easy as possible for them

4 Networking Keep your eye on any social/community events where there may be media staff or media-savvy people Always get contact information & always follow-up after an in-person meeting Don’t be afraid to contact a reporter! Or to show off! Be friendly yet persistent

5 Effective Media Outlets Print Radio Television Internet When deciding outlets, remember: Who are your targets?

6 Ways to Reach the Media LTE (varying in length) Advisory Event coverage Press conference (vary in popularity by location) Radio/Television Interview Broadcasted Discussion/Lecture Other media methods?

7 Letter to the Editor (LTE) The 4 Cs: –Current –Clear & Concise –Controversial –Contact Information Remember: style, affiliation, follow-up See Tips of LTE…

8 The Press Advisory Purpose- press advisory is to notify the media in advance about an event or activity Tips –State concisely the "who, what, where, when and why" of the event –Be too the point and enticing to cover your story –It’s all about the headline! What would catch your attention?


10 The “Sound Bite” A message you can deliver in 10 or 15 seconds for the media. Main Purpose: turn listeners on! Think of it as a verbal business card to deliver when you're introduced to new people. Snappy & self-descriptive.

11 Timing your Outreach & Following Up Find the time window appropriate to your area (ex. For American media, you usually want to send our pieces 1 week-2 days prior in the hours of 10am- 2pm) Follow everything up with a phone call. Something it takes at least two calls to pitch a story. Offer any additional support (information, interviewees, photographs, press kit) Confirm the correct contact every time.

12 Building Relationships with the Media Follow up with a thank you card or letter to any sources that cover you within a day or to of the coverage (but, no gifts!) Make yourself available & resourceful –Make it as easy as possible for them –Follow-up to any requests for information with a letter or email within a couple days of the request Limited capacity?: Find your “beat reporters” and focus on them

13 Practice Exercise Exercise: In groups of 5-7, draft a strategy for getting maids attention & a “sound bite” for our issue & event. [See handout] We will regroup & present.

14 For further questions: Danielle Fox Student Program Coordinator 1.617.301.4234

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