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- A brief introduction in 4 hours -
Phylogeny - A brief introduction in 4 hours -
Outline Introduction Practical approach Evolutionary models
Distance-based methods / TP5_1 Databases and software Sequence-based methods / TP5_2
What is phylogeny?
Phylogeny is the evolutionary history and relationship of species.
Why is phylogeny of interest in a proteomics course?
What data types can be used to infer phylogenies?
Morphological characters Physiological characters Gene order (e.g. in mitochondria) Sequence data Nucleotide sequences Amino acid sequences Mixed characters ….
What is a phylogenetic tree?
A phylogenetic tree is a model about the evolutionary relationship between species (OTUs) based on homologous characters But not all trees are phylogenetic trees Dendrogram = general term for a branching diagram Cladogram: branching diagram without branch length estimates Phylogenetic tree or Phylogram: branching diagram with branch length estimates
What is a phylogenetic tree?
Rooted or unrooted bifurcating or multifurcating (solved or unsolved)
Gene duplication Prokaryots: at least 50% Eukaryots: >90%
After gene duplication
Coexistence (normally only for a short while) Mostly, only one copy is retained becomes nonfunctional (non-functionalization), becomes a pseudogene (pseudogenization) is lost Both copies are retained Distinct expression pattern Distinct subcellular location (rare) One copy keeps the original function, the other copy acquires a new function (neofunctionalization) Deleterious mutations in both entries (subfunctionalization)
Relationships within homologs
Frog gene A Human gene A Orthologs Mouse gene A Gene duplication Paralogs Mouse gene B Homologs Ancestral gene Human gene B Orthologs Frog gene B Drosophila gene AB
Homologs … Homologs = Genes of common origin
Orthologs = 1. Genes resulting from a speciation event, 2. Genes originating from an ancestral gene in the last common ancestor of the compared genomes Co-orthologs = Orthologs that have undergone lineage-specific gene duplications subsequent to a particular speciation event Paralogs = Genes resulting from gene duplication Inparalogs = Paralogs resulting from lineage-specific duplication(s) subsequent to a particular speciation event Outparalogs = Paralogs resulting from gene duplication(s) preceding a particular speciation event One-to-one (1:1) orthologs = Orthologs with no (known) lineage-specific gene duplications subsequent to a particular speciation event One-to-many (1:n) orthologs: Orthologs of which at least one - and at most all but one - has undergone lineage-specific gene duplication subsequent to a particular speciation event Many-to-many (n:n) orthologs = Orthologs which have undergone lineage-specific gene duplications subsequent to a particular speciation event Xenologs = Orthologs derived by horizontal gene transfer from another lineage
Relationships between orthologs and paralogs
Frog gene A Human gene A Orthologs (Group 1) Mouse gene A Gene duplication Inparalogs of Group 2 Co-orthologs of Drosophila gene AB Orthologs (Group 2) Mouse gene B Ancestral gene Human gene B Outparalogs of Group 1 Frog gene B Drosophila gene AB
Practical approach I Actin-related protein 2 (first 60 columns of the alignment) ARP2_A MESAP---IVLDNGTGFVKVGYAKDNFPRFQFPSIVGRPILRAEEKTGNVQIKDVMVGDE ARP2_B MDSQGRKVIVVDNGTGFVKCGYAGTNFPAHIFPSMVGRPIVRSTQRVGNIEIKDLMVGEE ARP2_C MDSQGRKVVVCDNGTGFVKCGYAGSNFPEHIFPALVGRPIIRSTTKVGNIEIKDLMVGDE ARP2_D MDSQGRKVVVCDNGTGFVKCGYAGSNFPEHIFPALVGRPIIRSTTKVGNIEIKDLMVGDE ARP2_E MDSKGRNVIVCDNGTGFVKCGYAGSNFPTHIFPSMVGRPMIRAVNKIGDIEVKDLMVGDE *:* :* ******** *** *** . **::****::*: . *::::**:***:* Species are: Caenorhabditis briggsae Drosophila melanogaster Homo sapiens Mus musculus Schizosaccharomyces pombe Can you build a dendrogram (tree) for the sequences of the alignment? Can you assign the species to the corresponding sequences of the alignment?
Phylogenetic analysis
Select Data Alignment Select a data model Select a substitution model Tree-building [Distance matrix] Tree evaluation
Select data To be considered: Input data must be homolog!
Number of character states Content of phylogenetic information Size of the dataset Automated cluster data from large datasets etc
Alignment MSA methods See previous course … ClustalW muscle MAFFT
Probcons T-coffee … See previous course …
Data model = Characters selected for the analysis To be considered:
Each character should be homolog! Missing data (in some OTU) Number of characters etc
Evolutionary models Phylogenetic tree-building presumes particular evolutionary models The model used influences the outcome of the analysis and should be considered in the interpretation of the analysis results Which aspects are to be considered? Frequencies of aa exchange Change of aa frequencies during evolution Between-site rate variation or Among-site substitution rate heterogenity Presence of invariable sites
Evolutionary models Notation, e.g. JTT JTT + F JTT + F + gamma (4 )
JTT + F + gamma (8 ) + I (under discussion) JTT + F + I It is not always the most complex model that produces the best result. The more complex the model, the more complex the explanation of the results.
Tree-building methods
Distance (matrix) methods Calculate distances for all pairs of taxa based on the sequence alignment Construct a phylogenetic tree based on a distance matrix Character-based (Sequence) methods Constructs a phylogenetic tree based on the sequence alignment
Step 1: Compute distances
Estimate the number of amino acid substitutions between sequence pairs p distance: p=nd/n p = proportion (p distance) nd= number of aa differences n = number of aa used ^
Step 1: Compute distances
Nonlinear relationship of p with t (time) Estimation of aa substitutions Poisson correction PC distance Gamma correction Gamma distance
Step 2: Tree-building Common distance methods Neighbor Joining (NJ)
UPGMA / WPGMA Least Square (LS) Minimal Evolution (ME)
Neighbor Joining (NJ) Saitou, Nei (1987) Principle Clustering method
Simplified minimal evolution principle Neighbors = taxa connected by a single node in an unrooted tree Computational process: Star tree, followed by a successive joining of neighbors and the creation of new pairs of neighbors Result: A single final tree with branch length estimates unrooted tree
Neighbor Joining (NJ) Sum of branch lengths in the star tree
Calculate the sum of all branch lengths for all possible neighbors …
Neighbor Joining (NJ) Calculate Length X-Y
Calculate again sum of all branch length
Neighbor Joining (NJ)
Neighbor Joining (NJ) Advantage Disadvantage Very efficient
Also for large datasets Disadvantage Does not examine all possible topologies
Bootstrap Used to test the robustness of a tree topology
by Bradley Efron (1979) Felsenstein (1985) Principle: new MSA datasets are created by choosing randomly N columns from the original MSA; where N is the length of the original MSA replicates Bootstrap support values: (75%), 95%, 98%
TP5 - 1st part, Exercises 1-5
Ortholog databases & phylogenetic databases
Some databases providing orthologous groups and trees COG/KOG HOGENOM Ensembl OMA browser OrthoDB OrthoMCL Pfam PANDIT SYSTERS TreeBase Tree of Life
Phylogenetic software
Software packages Freely available Phylip BioNJ PhyML Tree Puzzle MrBayes Commercial PAUP MEGA
Phylogenetic servers
Sequence methods Most common: Maximum Parsimony (MP)
Maximum Likelihood (ML) Baysian Inference
Maximum Parsimony (MP)
Originally developed for morphological characters Henning, 1966 William of Ockham: the best hypothesis is the one that requires the smallest number of assumptions
Maximum Parsimony (MP)
Principle: Estimate the minimum number of substitutions for a given topology Parsimony-informative sites (exclude invariable sites and singletons) Searching MP trees Exhaustive search Branch-and-bound (Hendy-Penny, 1982) Good but time-consuming, if m>20 Heuristic search Result tree might not be the most parsimonious tree Result Multiple result trees are possible (strict consensus tree, majority-rule consensus tree) Most parsimonious tree vs true tree Unrooted result trees
Maximum Parsimony (MP)
Advantages Free from assumptions (model-free) Disadvantages Does not take into account homoplasy Long-branch attraction (LBA): creates wrong topologies, if the substitution rate varies extensively between lineages
Maximum Likelihood (ML)
Cavalli-Sforza, Edwards (1967), gene frequency data Felsenstein (1981), nucleotide sequences Kishino (1990), proteins Principle Maximizes the likelihood of observing the sequence data for a specific model of character state changes Likelihood of a site = Sum of probabilities of every possible reconstruction of ancestral states at the internal nodes Likelyhood of the tree = Product of the likelihoods for all sites (=sum of log likelihoods) Result = tree with the highest likelihood Maximized to estimate branch lengths, not topologies Search strategies: rarely exhaustive, mostly heuristic NNI (Nearest neighbor interchanges) TBR (Tree bisection-reconnection) SPR (Subtree pruning and regrafting)
Number of possible trees
Unrooted bifurcating trees: Rooted bifurcating trees:
Number of possible trees
Leaves Rooted Unrooted
Number of possible trees
Leaves Unrooted Rooted
Maximum Likelihood (ML)
Methods: ProML (Phylip) PhyML RaxML …
Tree evaluation Topology Branch lengths Comparison with species tree
Robustness, e.g. bootstrap Branch lengths
TP5 – 2nd part, Exercise 6
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