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Undergraduate Statistics at Penn State University …a companion to, and based on, similar slides for undergraduate mathematics. With thanks to Pat Schulte.

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Presentation on theme: "Undergraduate Statistics at Penn State University …a companion to, and based on, similar slides for undergraduate mathematics. With thanks to Pat Schulte."— Presentation transcript:

1 Undergraduate Statistics at Penn State University …a companion to, and based on, similar slides for undergraduate mathematics. With thanks to Pat Schulte in the math department.

2 About Our Department We are… … Penn State Statistics, an internationally recognized research department comprising ~20 tenure-track faculty ~8 instructors and lecturers ~70 graduate students ~50 undergraduate statistics majors

3 Undergraduate Statistics at PSU Five options within the B.S. degree in statistics Every option consists of … Major Requirements - common to all Option Requirements - vary by option General Education Requirements

4 Undergraduate Statistics at PSU The five options under the B.S. degree in statistics are: Actuarial Statistics Applied Statistics Biostatistics Statistics and Computing Graduate Study

5 Example First Semester Schedule First Year Seminar (1 cr.) MATH 140 or MATH 141 (4 cr.) STAT 200 (4 cr.) English 015 (3 cr.) General Education Course or ECON 002 or 004 (if interested in Actuarial Option) or some course related to a minor (3 cr.)

6 Foreign Language Policy No foreign language requirement for the B.S. in statistics

7 Advanced Placement Credit If you receive a grade of 4 or 5 on the Statistics exam, you receive credit for STAT 200. If you receive a grade of 3, you receive credit for STAT 100. See We encourage you to use AP credits with the possible exception of calculus (!)

8 Careers A math or statistics major is a doorway to many different careers! Some informational resources … American Statistical Association Dr. Sellers’ Career Website

9 Contact Information If at any time you have further questions about our program … Contact us at Call the Statistics Office at 814-865-1348 Visit our website at

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