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- A Vedic Perspective. Definition Oxford Dictionary A state of affair involving demand on physical &/ mental level.

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1 - A Vedic Perspective

2 Definition Oxford Dictionary A state of affair involving demand on physical &/ mental level


4 1950’s 1)Sticking chewing gums 2)Talking during class 3)Distracting teacher 1990’s 1)Drug addiction 2)Teenage pregnancy 3)Caring gun & shooting

5 Analysis of Stressors

6 Basis of Lifestyle

7 Expectation WIDE GAP Actual Reality Frustration STRESS

8 Uncontrolled Mind & Dissatisfaction

9 Solutions Walk Deep Breathing Music Therapy Entertainment Holidays Yogic Exercises Massage Enough Sleep


11 Vedic Understanding Identity Illusion

12 Senses Mind Intelligence Soul

13 Chanting & Prayers


15 Make Truth & Love - a strong foundation of our life

16 East meets the West

17 Realize Your Spiritual Potential Stop Worrying & Start Living

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