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DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 1 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 1 Energy from Biomass- Achievements targets strategies Strassburg, 2006-05-18 Dr. Heinz Kopetz
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 2 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 2 Biomass Can be used for heat (2003: 70%) electricity (2003: 29%) liquid fuels 2003: 1%) The green plant is the origin of biomass Direct – energy crops Indirect – byproducts, waste, other organic material
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 3 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 3 White paper: expected increase of Renewables 1995 – 2010 MtoRöE
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 4 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 4 What is the role of biomass in the energy system in the year 2003? What is the role of biomass in the energy system in the year 2003? EU 25, 2003, Mtoe Primary energy supply: 1725 (100%) hereof biomass 69 (4%) Hydro, Wind,Solar, PV 37 (2,1%) Renewables total 106 (6,1%)
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 5 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 5 What is the development? Contribution of Biomass to Energy Supply 3.2 %3.5 %8.8 % source: Internationale Energieagentur Mt OE IST 1995 IST 2000 SOLL 2010 significant acceleration necesary ! EU 15
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 6 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 6 Biodiesel Production in EU 25 only 9 Member States produce Biodiesel D, F, I provide 89 % of total EU 25 Biodiesel production 2003 source: Biofuels Barometer June 2004
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 7 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 7 source: Biofuels Barometer June 2004 Bioethanol and BioETBE Production in EU 25 only 5 Member States produce Bioethanol/ BioETBE S, F, P provide 96 % of total EU 25 Bioethanol/ BioETBE production 2003
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 8 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 8 0 source: BIOENERGY international Pellets Production Sites in Europe
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 9 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 9 Some first conclusions +In absolute terms biomass grows the fastest (3-4mtoe/a) +The Eu directives on RES electricity and biofuels are very important +dynamic development in the last years, not yet reflected in the figures -Yet: only a few countries really push bioenergy, -Development lags far behind targets(10mtoe/a) How to accelerate the bioenergy use?
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 10 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 10 Energy system – what does this mean? The energy system contains a huge quantity of capital intensive goods a) to provide the economy with primary energy (coal-mines, oil- and gasfields, pipelines etc.) b) to transform the primary energy to final energy: power stations, heating systems, refineries to deliver heat, electricity, liquid fuels.
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 11 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 11 Capital and time Therefore a renovation and reconstruction of the energy systems requires - a huge amount of capital - time
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 12 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 12 Why is the rapid renovation and reconstruction of the energy system necessary? Due to two reasons, caused by nature and not under human control, namely - the upcoming scarcity of fossil resources - the increasing concentration of C0² in the atmosphere
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 13 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 13 Peak-Oil Ölförderung erreicht Maximum
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 14 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 14 Jan. 06
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 15 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 15 European targets for bioenergy Maximum possible contribution to the final energy consumption in Europe by -minimization of the conversion losses -final energy yields per hectar as high as possible - low production cost to improve the competitivity of the European economy
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 16 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 16 EFFICIENCY OF THE ENERGY-TECHNOLOGY examples efficiency heat from wood80 – 90 % heat and electricity55 – 80 % biomethan as fuel55 – 65 % ethanol50 – 60 % only electricity from biomass 25 – 30 % Criteria
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 17 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 17 ENERGY PRODUCTION / HECTAR technology liter oilequivalent / ha cornsilage – biomethan – fuel5 700 cornsilage – biomethan – heat / el 5 000 corn as energy corn / heat4 600 short rotation forest – heat4 200 ethanol from corn2 500 short rotation forest – only el1 500 biodiesel from rape1 240 Criteria
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 18 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 18 COST PER KILOWATTHOUR cent / kWh chips2.2 energy corn2.2 pellets3.3 Heating oil, natural gas5.0 – 7.0 primary energy Criteria
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 19 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 19 COST PER KILOWATTHOUR cent / kWh biomethan5-6 biodiesel7-8 ethanol7-8 electricity from biomass12.0 – 16.0 market price electricity5.0 – 7.0 final energy Criteria
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 20 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 20 first priority:heat from biomass second priority:liquid biofuels and biomethan as transportation fuels electricity:only in combination with the use of heat Further Conclusions biomass is limited, therefore market development towards high efficiency, high Energy output / ha at competitive costs
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 21 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 21 European Targets for bioenergy Now: European authorities define additional 80mtoe, hereof 35 electricity, 27 heat, 18 transport Point of discussion: European authorities define share of each member state to attain together 80mtoe additional bioenergy Each member states defines the proportion of bioelectricity, bioheat and biofuels (already defined !)
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 22 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 22 New subgoals for additional biomasse use Action plan proposal Electricity 35 15 Heat 27 47 Transport 18 18 Total prim.en. 80 80 Total final en. 45 62 +38%! Thermodynamics: If you produce electricity from biomass, you produce per one unit electricty two to four units heat!
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 23 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 23 The challenge: Reconstruction of the heat supply! Private, public, commercial Biomass heat: 30% to industry 70% to residential areas requires the reconstuction of private heating systems in 15 to 20 million houses till 2010! Necessary capital: 200bn Euro !
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 24 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 24 Summary: to accelerate bioenery - heat directive - biofuels: duties on ethanol,obligation to blend and tax reduction - electricity: feed in tariffs but only if efficiency is at least 65 % -capital: financial support programs to replace fossil equipment by renewable in the heat sector - stronger orientation of ag&forestry towards the energy sector
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 25 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 25 Security of supply The additional production of 80 Mtoe biomass requires - the increased use of by-products of agriculture and forestry and organic waste - and 17 to 20 million ha dedicated energy crops (corn, cereals, rapeseed, short rotation forests etc.), if the raw material is mainly produces in Europe
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 26 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 26 Land requirements 5,75%Diesel=10,4mtoe; 60%from EU: 5,7mioha 5,75%Ethanol = 8,2mtoe;85%from EU 4,6mioha 62mtoe for heat&electricity, 50% from dedicated crops, Corresponds to 178mio m³wood or 356TWh, yield per ha 20m³ wood equivalent 8,9 mio ha Total 19,2mio ha
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 27 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 27 Best policy means -plants with high yields - transformation technologies with high efficiency -final energy forms at low cost (Heat) - enough capital to replace fossil equipment by renewable - agriculture as energy producer/seller - priority to raw materials from the EU!
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 28 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 28 Considerations 2010 to 2020 -increase the heat-electricity production (4:1) by additional100mtoe mainly dedicated crops, byproducts, waste -increase biogas as fuel and for el /heat -increase share of biofuels to 20%, partly by imports of ethanol from countries with sugar cane production 2nd generation fuels compete with heat/el
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 29 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 29 ´Conclusion The fossil energy markets are changing dramatically. Price increases and supply interruption are a threat to our economy. These issues are still underestimated. Actions plans are a first step, the implementation requires capital to rebuild the energy structure towards renewables. The rapid deployment of Renewables should be the new European project like the introduction of the Euro or the common market!
DirektionDr. Kopetz Feb 06 Nr.: 30 17.02.2005 Landeskammer für Land- und Forstwirtschaft Steiermark Folie 30 Thank you for the attention!
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