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Jet algorithm/FPGA and tests by Attila Hidvégi. Content Status of the jet algorithm Status of the jet-FPGA Different kind of tests FIO-scanning Summary.

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Presentation on theme: "Jet algorithm/FPGA and tests by Attila Hidvégi. Content Status of the jet algorithm Status of the jet-FPGA Different kind of tests FIO-scanning Summary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jet algorithm/FPGA and tests by Attila Hidvégi

2 Content Status of the jet algorithm Status of the jet-FPGA Different kind of tests FIO-scanning Summary and Outlook

3 Status of the jet algorithm Minor modifications of the algorithm: – A threshold is passed when the clustersum is greater than (>) the threshold. – Saturationflag in an RoI vector is set when the arithmetical value of a selected clustersum is greater then or equal (>=) to 1023. This is different for the moment from what Eric wrote in his specifications so it needs to be discussed. – The software simulation will have to be updated too. A new approach to synthesize the algorithm is being developed where the number of stages (the latency) is defined by a single generic value. This is possible due to the register balancing function in newer versions of the synthesis tools.

4 Status of the jet-FPGA LV_DCI towards the G-Link did not seemed to work. Could be a software or hardware issue. Normal LVTTL does work however. Since the ROD didn’t supported the final RoI- format an extra version with the old RoI-format was created. Support for different clocks for the jet algorithm and G-Link controller was added. Except for the G-Link signal levels, everything was working right from the beginning …

5 Different kind of tests Jet algorithm: – A few number of random testvectors (256 events at a time) have been successfully tested with standalone softwares. – To properly verify the performance of the jet algorithm, the full range of the addertrees and comparators have to be tested more effectively: Properly distributed random values at different adder levels. More different events needs to be tested. Data flow: – Several millions of jet events have successfully passed using the online software. – The phase issue of the input data from the input-FPGAs into the jet-FPGA turned out to be due the fact that the input-FPGAs sent the data with the MSB first instead of the LSB.

6 FIO-scanning Working windows for the clock deskew 2 relative to clock deskew 1 needs to be determined for JEM-1.0. How the final solution should be done needs some more discussion. The mapping of every single signal needs to be verified. This, however, should only be done once.

7 Summary and Outlook Things are progressing well. Next week the FIOs will be tested. Hopefully the jet algorithm will be fully tested on this FPGA before next meeting.

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