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The University of Bremen. 2 | 36 bremen the city.

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1 The University of Bremen

2 2 | 36 bremen the city

3 3 | 36 bremen the city

4 4 | 36

5 5 | 36 General Facts

6 6 | 36 university general facts University of Bremen founded in October 1971 guiding principles:  modernisation and restructuring of academic self- government and administration  interdisciplinary research and teaching

7 7 | 36 Agenda academic excellence interdisciplinary cooperation research and teaching of practical relevance and social responsibility internationalization gender equity environmental sustainability 7 | 34 university general facts

8 8 | 36 Academic Structure Faculty of physics and electrical engineering Faculty of geo sciences Faculty of cultural studies Faculty of languages and literary studies Faculty of human and health sciences Faculty of educational sciences Faculty of social sciences Faculty of production engineering Faculty of mathematics / computer science Faculty of business studies and economics Faculty of lawFaculty of biology / chemistry university general facts

9 9 | 36 Faculty of Social Sciences Department of Geography Department of Poltitical Science Department of History Department of Sociology Deparment of Eastern European Studies

10 10 | 36 Department of Geography BA in Human Geography BSc in Physical Geography Bachelor/Master of Education for Secondary Education Master in Urban and Regional Developpment Master in Physical Geography in cooperation with international partners is planned

11 11 | 36 Department of Geography 7 professors  Gerhard Bahrenberg (Social and Economy Geography)  Ilse Helbrecht (Applied Geography)  Bernd Zolitschka (Polar and Fluvial Geography)  Jörg Venzke (Climate and Vegetation Geography)  Rolf Tippkötter (Soil Science and Geoecology)  Michael Flitner (Sustainability Studies) Academic Staff and 500 students

12 12 | 36 university general facts Students 22.134 students  40% from Bremen  30% from Niedersachsen  15% from abroad  15% from other Bundesländern

13 13 | 36 Graduations 1.400 graduates per year job placement:  30% in Bremen enterprises  30% enterprises in Niedersachsen 250 doctoral dissertations 40 habilitations university general facts

14 14 | 36 university general facts University of Bremen 2.600 university employees 1.600 scientists and scholars  including 300 tenured professorships  750 researchers are financed by external funding 1.000 administrative, technical and secretarial staff  150 externally funded

15 15 | 36 university general facts Budget 115 Mill. Euro (State of Bremen) plus 70 Mill. Euro external funding (German Research Council, VW- Foundation etc.) plus 12 Mill. Euro for the Library

16 16 | 36 Internationalization/Europeanization as a Key Objective cooperation agreements with many European, African, Asian and US universities (e. g. Bangalore, Groningen, Gdansk, Paris, St. Petersburg, Indianapolis, Johannesburg, Carlisle (Dickinson), Austin, Shanghai, Seoul ) more than 200 Socrates partnerships research institutes devoted to academic evaluation of Europeanization and globalisation processes (e.g. Jean Monnet Center “European Studies”) university internationalisation

17 17 | 36 International Degree Programs ISATEC- International Studies in Aquatic Tropical Ecology (M.Sc.) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (M.Sc.) MARMIC –Marine Microbiology (M.Sc./PhD) Environmental Physics (M.Sc.) university study

18 18 | 36 International Degree Programmes Communication and Information Technology (M.Sc.) Digital Media (M.Sc.) Information and Automation Engineering (M.Sc.) Environmental and Marine Geoscience (M.Sc.) university study

19 19 | 36 International Degree Programmes Comparative and European Law/Hanse Law School (B.A.) Integrated European Studies (B.A.) Social Policy Research (M.A.) Global Governance and Social Theory (M.A.) European Labour Studies (M.A.) Business Studies (M.A.) university study

20 20 | 36 International Students at University of Bremen (15%) university general facts 20 | 36

21 21 | 36 Numbers of International Students by Home Countries

22 22 | 36 International Students by Departments

23 23 | 36 Service of the International Office Newcomer Service Language learning programs Mentoring of international students Student support program „At home in Bremen“ extracurricular program e.g.:  International Film-Club,  cultural and social events

24 24 | 36 Special services for visiting students from partner universities Two- week orientation period prior to the beginning of lectures including:  German Intensive Course (30 teaching hours)  Social and cultural activities  (Campus tour, city tour, movie evenings, excursions in surroundings, etc.)  Academic counseling New Comer Service: support with first steps in Bremen Accommodation in student residencies and private accommodation

25 25 | 36 Special programs for students from partner universities STEP = Student Entry Program: Preparation for studying at the University of Bremen in German taught degree courses A) Language (preparation for the Test DaF examination) B) Regional Studies (Studying and Living in Bremen) Introduction to Bremen University and to academic work Living in Bremen (city life, culture and leisure)

26 26 | 36 International Summer Courses Language – Regional Studies – Academic Work 4 week courses in July and August Participants from more than 30 countries

27 27 | 36 Special program for members of partner universities START: for students in English taught master programs and visiting scholars:  Language course „Survival German“ – basics of the language necessary for finding the way around in the German environment  Regional studies -Introduction to Bremen University -Living in Bremen: city life, culture and leisure

28 28 | 36 To graduation From the application procedure Guidance for international students in full study programs: KOMPASS

29 29 | 36 PREPARE! Guidance for international students preparing their studies at Bremen University Orientation about basics and content of the chosen faculty Introduction  „system university Bremen“ – how does it work  Studies, exams, term papers – how to prepare  How to study in a German university system – didactic techniques and time management General  Lectures and excursions  Regional and cultural studies Bremen and Germany  Living in Bremen

30 30 | 36 Kompass for Doctoral Students - Mentors for PhD tandems - Soft Skills - Language Training

31 31 | 36 Leisure on campus and in Bremen Sports on campus International culture clubs International Film Club University Choir, orchestra, jazz band Restaurants, bars, clubs for all tastes and budgets wide array of movie theaters (some with English programs) Bremen: a town for bicycles very good public transport system in and around Bremen

32 32 | 36 Research & Development

33 33 | 36 DFG “Collaborative Research Centers” Transformation of states Process chains for the replication of complex optical elements Autonomous cooperating logistic processes Neuronal fundamentals of cognitive performance Distortion engineering Spatial cognitition Reasoning action reaction National research center ocean margins university research

34 34 | 36 PhD Programmes e.g. Graduate School of Social Sciences VW-foundation: 50% funding e.g. Graduate College Proxies in Earth History in cooperation with Utrecht+Amsterdam university research

35 35 | 36 Selected Central Research Units Artec Research Center artec work-environment-technology ITB Institute Technology and Education ZKW Center for Cognitive Sciences UFT Center for Environmental Research and Technology ZeS Center for Social Policy university research

36 36 | 36 National Scientific Institutions in Bremen AWI Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research (Helmholtz-Society), Bremerhaven IFAM Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Manufacturing and Advanced Materials (Fraunhofer Society) MPI Max Planck Institute for marine Microbiology (Max-Planck- Society) university research

37 37 | 36 University of Bremen … engine of regional development growing Technology Park  250 enterprises, 5.000 – 6.000 employees Cooperation in the areas (e.g.)  Environmental protection  Digital Media/Computer Science  Material Sciences  Health Sciences  Logistics university general facts

38 38 | 36 University of Bremen … engine of regional development supporting students and alumni as entrepreneurs Transfer of knowledge Lifelong Learning

39 39 | 36 Mission statement The University of Bremen is a major growth factor for North West Germany and it connects Bremen to the world. We commit ourselves to highest standards of excellence in research and teaching. We offer research- based curricula on undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate levels. We prioritize interdisciplinary research with a strong focus on knowledge transfer.

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