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CLAS1631 5. Colonization, Tyranny and Science. The Troubles of the Iron Age What better life does Hesiod's pessimism suggest? What powers keep justice.

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Presentation on theme: "CLAS1631 5. Colonization, Tyranny and Science. The Troubles of the Iron Age What better life does Hesiod's pessimism suggest? What powers keep justice."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLAS1631 5. Colonization, Tyranny and Science

2 The Troubles of the Iron Age What better life does Hesiod's pessimism suggest? What powers keep justice in place? What powers ruin human life?

3 One Solution: Law and Writing

4 Another Solution: Colonies

5 E.g. Pythagoras

6 Another Solution: The Tyrannos Word drawn from Eastern powers, such as Lydians or Phrygians First used of divinities, like Ares Later means sole ruler without the backing of aristocratic tradition and not responsible to the people Position through revolution, acclamation, ?election Not a term, originally, connoting the nature of the rule  This is a Classical attitude

7 The Tyrannicides By 5 th C, to kill a tyrant was the citizen's duty What had changed?

8 What Do Greek Tyrants Do? Religious infrastructure:  Heraion Promotion of the arts Public works  Aqueduct of Eupalinos Alliances with other tyrants

9 The Persian Empire

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