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E-Government Structure and Strategy 2008April - Government services, the easy way Ministry of Finance – Accountant General E-gov Department.

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Presentation on theme: "E-Government Structure and Strategy 2008April - Government services, the easy way Ministry of Finance – Accountant General E-gov Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-Government Structure and Strategy 2008April - Government services, the easy way Ministry of Finance – Accountant General E-gov Department

2 E-Government Structure  The unit is Part of Ministry of Finance’s Accountant General Department.  Work plan approved by steering committee led by ministry of finance general manager and is a result of the demands of the Government ministries.  Tal Haramaty, Senior deputy to the Accountant General department, is in charge of the unit as part of the Accountant General’s entire array of projects in the technology area.

3 E-Government Structure  Number of employees : 60, all technology experts.  The E-Government unit is built entirely from Hi-tech workers, employed by government tenders for technology experts employment.  Part of E-Government projects are carried out using full outsourcing.  Information security control is done by ministry of finance Security Officer.

4 E-Government Objectives  Cutting Red Tape– “Available service desk” open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Improvement of ROI and resource use at the Government ministries.  Making new online services to citizens and businesses, (for example: businesses licensing).  Improvement of service to businesses and citizens and reducing bureaucracy = net growth in productivity.  Improvement of the Government image.

5 Online Service Desk Israel Tax Authority Receiving information Feedback and Confirmation Personal info Searching for information Seeking a service Performing actions Ministry of Transport Ministry of Interior Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services National Insurance Institute E-Government Infrastructure, services Change management E-Government Infrastructure, services Change management Citizens and Businesses

6 E-Government Scheme Development of inter-ministry online services, for improving service and avoiding bureaucracy Performing Change Secure network infrastructure for connecting Government computer systems to the web Infrastructure Application infrastructure for development of services for the citizens Services Government Ministries Citizens and Businesses

7 Infrastructure Identification and Digital Signature Infrastructure Services Performing change For the public For Gov. Employees Website Development Infrastructure Web Server Farm For Gov. Systems E-mail Remote Access Secure Surfing Service Intersection Information security for the entire E-Gov array – Information security for the entire E-Gov array – monitoring and operating, 24 X 7, handling of cyber terror threats monitoring and operating, 24 X 7, handling of cyber terror threats Intranet Government Ministries Citizens and Businesses Infrastructure

8 Service Services Portal Government Info. Center Search across Government ePayment Service Personal portal and notices The Safe Secure and registered e-mailActions General Info Personal Info Government Ministries Citizens and Businesses Performing change Infrastrucure Form Service Tenders Service

9 Performing Change Marketing Performing Change For the Public Inside Government Research & Surveys Cross Government Projects Support & Customer Service Organization & Methods Legislation & Standardization Bridging the Digital Gap Government Ministries Citizens and Businesses Infrastrucure Services

10 Conclusion Collaborations  Cooperation in establishing a strategic plan for completing e-Government setup within 3 years (including infrastructure, applications for Government, businesses and citizens).  Delivering technological solutions appropriate for e-Government.  Establishing a government call center (applications and personnel).  Training of suitable personnel.  Establishing an integrated training system for exporting “e-Government systems”.

11  Preparation of an E-Government master plan for the upcoming 5 years will be completed within the next few months. The plan will be presented to all Government ministries and will then be backed by a Government decision.  During 2008 an additional effort will be made to move forward the following projects, delayed for various reasons, thus delaying the deployment of e- Government:  The smart I.D. card, enabling each and every citizen to be remotely identified and to use a digital signature  Technological legislation enabling the sending of registered e-mails.  Activities in Government ministries that have so far not made services available to the public.  Care of populations and sectors that have thus far not been able to enjoy e- Government (the Arab sector and the handicapped)  The State of Israel has innovative e-Government infrastructures and a joint effort will be made with the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Trade, Labor and Industry to connect between countries needing assistance in this area and project officers. Conclusion

12 Thank You! Ministry of Finance – The Accountant General

13 Communications mechanism enabling collaboration and secure real time data transfer without duplication and data extraction between all Government information systems including public and local authorities. Infrastructures > Communications and Security > Information Crossroads The crossroads is based on the SOA principle meaning each system exposes itself to specific information services used by other systems (Web Services). Information Crossroads Advantages  Modular work which enables Government to share information without requiring a high level of coordination between ministries.  Use of an international standard, and its modification to Government so that all ministries use the same standard (  The standard ability to monitor and filter interfaces, in order to protect the systems against penetration or damage to information Back 85% of Government ministries are currently connected to the web through Tehila Connection to the information crossroads is done gradually (1/2 Slide)

14 Infrastructures > Communications and Security > Information Crossroads Information Crossroads–based projects across Government  Mall System (?): Customs and VAT Department, Ministry of Trade, Labor and Industry, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health.  Declarers System, Message Receiving: Customs and VAT Department  "Shahar”, “Messer” and “Basic Data” Systems: Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services vis-a-via local authorities.  Address Location, Guards, Arms, Identity Cards, Passports: Ministry of Interior  Car and Driver’s License, Ownership determination: Ministry of Transport  Motor Sports: Ministry of Science  Merkava, Magnum Project, Purchasing Administration: The Accountant General  Cellular Antennas: Environment Protection  ePayment Service: Motor vehicles  Discount Bank and Mercantile Bank: ePayment Service Back (2/2 Slide)

15 Smart card with chip enabling identification and secure digital signing. The card is issued to Government employees, businesses and Government Institutions  Approx. 50,000 smart cards have been issued to date.  During 2007:  A system for digital document issuing & management was set up.  New electronic signature software was developed.  Electronic signature standards were written, based on international standards.  An infrastructure was set up for electronic underwriting – the signature server.  A website was established for the smart card under the portal Infrastructures > Communications and Security > Identification and Signature Infrastructure - Smart Card Back In the future: The “safe” system will be integrated into the personal portal and will create a secure “personal portfolio” for each citizen, in which he will be able to save all his correspondence with Government ministries.

16 State of the Art Server Farm, “Green Farm” The server farm currently hosts :  400 Websites and applications including approx. 1000 different services for Government and citizens.  1200 Servers including:  Data Base Servers  Web Servers (Displaying of Info.)  Security System Servers  Communication Servers  Standards at the Server Farm:  Defining development processes for ministries  Defining hardening and update processes for Government website servers. Infrastructures > Secure Server Farm for Website Hosting Back In 2008:  Establishment of a DRP system for backup in case of a catastrophe  Development of audio and video communications between Government ministries

17 The Solutions:  Monitoring of all systems by a control team working 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  Skilled personnel, classified contact with all security authorities in the country.  Deciding upon an information security policy for connecting to the web in order to deal with cyber terror.  Establishment of information security and monitoring systems of the IDS, AV and FW types.  Establishment of a CERT array and real time handling of outstanding events The base for e-Government Services – an information security system based on skilled, professional personnel, and supervised control and monitoring systems with intervention when necessary. Infrastructures > Information Security – Monitoring and Operation 24-7-365)) Back The threats: Defacement to Government websites, Damage/theft of Government information, e-Payment service (Stealing money from the Government and fraud), Forms service (identification fraud), Tenders (forgery of tender outcomes), Smart card (identity fraud) (1/3 Slide )

18 National Interest Self Profit Recognition Curiosity Beginner Amateur Professional Expert Vandal Thief Spy Burglar Programmer Most Attacks The Most Dangerous Attacks Infrastructures > Monitoring and Operation Back (2/3Slide )

19 SPAM Attack Attack from Jordan Israel Security Agency Website Infrastructures > Monitoring and Operation, examples of attacks on e-Government Back Examples:  Trojan Horse in Customer Network  e-Payment Fraud Attempts  System Faults, i.e. Power cut  DDOS Attacks  ZERO DAY EXPLOIT (3/3 (Slide

20 Improvement of Government Information level by establishing a central Government content management system enabling ministries to establish websites easily and quickly, and citizens to receive the information in a unified manner from all Government ministry and authority websites Project Objectives: Provide the public with improved navigation in Government websites and ease in location of information and services. Areas will be determined in the website template, such as:  General information about the ministry, its structure and employees  Information about opening hours of service branches and their location  Government phone book and ministry e-mail directory  Online services  Ways in which to receive service  Guides  Central legislation data base  Making sure the website is accessible to the handicapped  Making the website compatible with international standards Infrastructures > Development of Content Infrastructure for all Government Websites – gov-X Back

21 The Israeli Government information and service portal, provides citizens and businesses with concentrated information from all Government ministries and authorities and provides direction to all online Government information and services. One entry point to all Government services and websites, including :  Thousands of pages of information  Information presented by subjects and target audiences  Advanced search capabilities  Concentrated information from all Government ministries and authorities  Questions and answers on hundreds of topics based on surfer mail questions  Guides to explain the most “painful” processes to the public  Hundreds of online services Services > Information Services > Portal Back In 2007, 6,403,439 surfers visited the portal – a 26% increase from 2006 (1/5Slide )

22 Services > Information Services > Portal Number of Visits to the Portal in the Years 2005-2007 Back (2/5Slide )

23 Services > Information Services > Portal The Ten Most Viewed Ministries and Authorities Back (3/5Slide )

24 The Ten Most Viewed Subjects Services > Information Services > Portal Back (4/5Slide )

25 Services > Information Services > Portal The Ten Most Viewed Guides Back ( 5/5Slide )

26 Total number of users in 2007: 315,378 surfers Approx. 30,000 per month. Subscribers: 8,158 of which 2,327 are signed up for reminders A personal Government portal, enabling each citizen to concentrate his activities vis-à- vis Government ministries and authorities in one place, to receive reminders of payments he must pay (e-mail and SMS), and to view only the information he is interested in. The Portal was launched in 2006  Unique user interface, enabling each user to edit and arrange the content in his own site  Selection of content from a long list  Site design and layout according to personal choice  Payment reminders by email and SMS Services > Information Services > Back

27 Search engine for exact, simple and quick search in all Government ministries or in the portal as selected by the user  The search engine was launched during 2007  Search Engine Advantages:  Manages free text documents in a wide range of formats and languages  Indexing of structured data bases and structured search by field  Prioritization of search results based on a variety of user controlled parameters  Clustering of search results in groups of documents with similar content  Best bets mechanism  Cellesense system for natural language queries Services > Information Services > search gov Search Engine Back In the future the search engine will be the heart of the Government portal and information from all Government ministries and authorities will be accumulated around the user’s information query in an easy and clear manner. (1/3Slide )

28 Services > Information Services > search gov Search Engine Back (2/3Slide )

29 The Five Most Popular Searches in December 2007  Vehicle Licensing Bureau  Income Tax  Ministry of Interior  National Insurance  Land Registry Office Services > Information Services > search gov Search Engine Back (3/3Slide )

30 e-Payment Service is an online money clearing house that allows citizens and businesses to pay Government payments, 24 hours a day, in a secure and convenient manner.  The e-Payment service is an example of cooperation between all Government ministries to produce a new service for the public.  The online payment service is based on agreements between the Accountant General and the banks and credit card companies.  The e-Payment service is connected directly to Merkava  Payment Options :  Credit card, up to 10,000 NIS  Bank transfer and payment with smart card – unlimited sum.  Payment Types: Various Government payments: vouchers, service fees, catalog stores, communications to “Ashrait” clearing system, freedom of information act Services > Information Services > e-Payment Service Back In 2007, 5.1 billion NIS went through the e- Payment Service, twice as much as in 2006 and a 123% growth in the number of citizens choosing to pay through the service. (Slide 1/8)

31 Services > Information Services > e-Payment Service Back (Slide 2/8)

32 The amount of vouchers opened in the e-Payment Service from the beginning of 2007 and until the end of the year The most popular payments: National Insurance – domestic help Transportation – driver & car license renewal Broadcasting Authority – television fees Tax Authority - advances Services > Information Services > e-Payment Service Back (Slide 3/8)

33 Number of Transactions in the e-Payment Service 2004-2007 Increase in the number of transactions – in % Between 2004-2005 – an increase of 172% Between 2005-2006 – an increase of 84% Between 2006-2007 – an increase of 81% Services > Information Services > e-Payment Service Back (Slide 4/8)

34 E-Payment Service Money Amounts for 2004-2007 Services > Information Services > e-Payment Service Back (Slide 5/8)

35 2007 - Division of Monthly Payments by Office (NIS Millions) Services > Information Services > e-Payment Service Back (Slide 6/8)

36 2007 - Division of Monthly Payments by Transactions Services > Information Services > e-Payment Service Back (Slide 7/8)

37 New Services in the e-Payment Service Services > Information Services > e-Payment Service Back (Slide 8/8)

38 A repository of all Government forms, easing the citizen’s contact with Government ministries, saves visits in person and enables citizens to receive unified, easy to use forms.  The National Forms Service went online in 2005  The National Forms Service was created with the complete cooperation of all Government ministries and authorities that took part in the project.  Available form types (3 types):  Printable Form: details are filled in by hand  Fillable Form: the details are typed in and the form is then printed out and sent.  Online Form: the details are typed in and the form is sent online.  Online Ministry of Interior forms are most in demand.  During the month of December 40,000 passport renewal forms were downloaded and filled out. Services > Information Services > Online Forms Service Back The Forms Service includes over 1900 forms, 700 of which are online forms. (Slide 1/4)

39 Services > Information Services > Online Forms Service Back (Slide 2/4)

40 Six Most Popular forms in 2007 (Annually) Services > Information Services > Online Forms Service Back (Slide 3/4)

41 Ten Major Ministries with the Greatest Number of Forms Services > Information Services > Online Forms Service Back (Slide 4/4)

42 A dynamic system enabling Government ministries to execute online tenders for purchase or sale of services and equipment in a secure manner. Each supplier sees the price of the winning bid, updates his offer or withdraws from the tender, until a final winning supplier remains.  The Tenders System went online in 2005  System Advantages  Creates equal opportunity for different suppliers, increases tender accessibility and availability, contributes to transparency and encourages fair competition.  Increases tender reliability due to use of smart card and digital signature to avoid disownment.  Shortens time period between tender closure and publication of results.  Saves expenses for Government and citizens. Services > Information Services > Online Tender System Back  No appeal has been received for the results of a tender executed in the system to date, indicating high reliability  Dozens of tenders have been executed in the online tenders systems. (Slide 1/5)

43 Services > Information Services > Online Tender System Back (Slide 2/5)

44 Services > Information Services > Online Tender System Back (Slide 3/5)

45 Services > Information Services > Online Tender System Back (Slide 4/5)

46 Tenders Executed in the System  The Accountant General: Sale of bonds in the U.S.  The Accountant General - Government Purchase Administration: Cellular tender, Government internet services, desktop and laptop computers, photocopy machines, expendable equipment, leasing tender, servers tender.  Ashdod port: Operational vehicles fuel supplier, investment portfolio management representatives.  Ministry of Tourism: Sale of advertising space in local publications in the U.S.  Government Companies Authority: Sale of “Pe Glilot”, 3 terminals simultaneously. In this tender the state received an offer higher by 200 million NIS than the highest prediction. Services > Information Services > Online Tender System Back (Slide 5/5)

47 An online secure Government mailing system which provides each citizen or business with a personal electronic Government email account. The system enables transfer and saving of official documents, sensitive personal information and digitally signed forms from Government ministries to the public. System Advantages  Registered mail: Certificate for the sender confirming that the message has been received and read.  Sender identification: each sender is unequivocally identified.  Non- disownment: message receiver can prove to a third party that the message is real.  Data protection: the message can only be read by the owner of the email account  Data protection: the message can only be read by the owner of the email account signature authentication for received documents Services > Information Services > The Safe Back Approximately 40 different organizations currently work with the safe. In 2007 the Israel Securities Authority joined these bodies and an infrastructure was established to integrate all Israel Bar offices into the system. (Slide 1/2)

48 Services > Information Services > The Safe Back (Slide 2/2)

49  Legislation and Government Decisions  Electronic signature law  Government decisions supporting e-Government activities  Standardization  Accountant General procedures (Techem) for regularization of e-Gov activities  Building a standard for Government websites  standard for exposing internal Government systems  Accountant General financial agreements to regularize online payment services  Accountant General agreement for transfer of large sums of money in an online bank transfer vis-à-vis the bank of Israel and the bank comptroller  Accountant General agreement with credit companies for online services.  Accountant General agreement for determining bank commissions for Internet transactions. Lead and participation in legislation and standardization processes, and regularization of processes and technologies relating to e-Government. Performing Change > Legislation and Standards Back Activities so far:

50  Gathering of information from the ministries: collection of information and relevant links per subjects, target audiences, ministries and authorities and other templates, for the public’s benefit.  Process mapping: providing organized information regarding the various processes the citizen is required to undergo vis-à-vis the Government in order to minimize bureaucracy.  Writing of Guides: writing of organized guides for processes which cross ministries or for life situations.  Control using the e-Government report: follow-up on service parameters in order to examine the assimilation of e-Gov services in the ministries and to examine the quality of service.  Participation in and initiation of lateral projects: such as the business licensing administration and building permits Operation of a Government content creation team for mapping processes within and between the ministries, making the processes more accessible to the public, and creating new “bureaucracy saving” processes. Performing Change > Organization and Methods Back

51  The portal and payment service customer service team started operating in 2002  The team gives telephone and email customer service  For those paying using the Government Payment Service  For those appealing to the portal and to asking for help in locating Government information  Generating reports  Creating replies to frequently asked questions  Mediation between the citizen and Government ministries Creation of designated customer service teams for Government ministries Performing Change > Customer Service Back  In the future – central Government call center  The portal receives approx. 650 queries per month via email and site feedback  The payments service receives approx. 2400 telephone calls and 770 email and site feedback queries per month (Slide 1/4)

52 Performing Change > Customer Service Back (Slide 2/4)

53 Performing Change > Customer Service Back (Slide 3/4)

54 Performing Change > Customer Service Back (Slide 4/4)

55 Initiation, management and execution of inter-ministry projects, for the benefit of the citizen  Business licensing  Building permits  Emergency Internet  Online elections  Magnum support control system Performing Change > Inter-Ministry Projects Back (Slide 1/5)

56 Creation of an online business licensing process, enabling preparation on the entire process, requesting a business license, attaching relevant documents and receiving confirmation for minimizing bureaucracy and improving service to the citizen Stages in system setup  Stage 1: presentation of updated official information – detailing the licensing process compatible with the unified specification  Stage 2: automation of business processes and turning them into online processes  Stage 3: integration of control, follow-up and statistical systems for IT processes Business licensing system status  Currently: the site is undergoing technological specification processes  In the future: development and launch of the business licensing information website, construction of a relevant legislation database, development of an online business licensing process vis-à-vis local municipalities and Government ministries Performing Change > Inter-Ministry Projects > Business Licensing Back (Slide 2/5)

57 Creation of a central information hub with all information regarding planning and execution of building projects – immediate update of the public with regards to changes in the information and improvement in the quality of planning and execution. Building permits system status  Currently: building of a concept for the building permit information website. The team works with the inter-ministry sub committee and with the available licensing sub committee.  In the future: development of an information and available licensing website: building permits, online legislation database, development of interfaces to other systems. Performing Change > Inter-Ministry Projects > Building Permits Back Estimated launch date: summer 2008 (Slide 3/5)

58 Emergency Internet: a website concentrating information during the year as well as in times of emergency regarding emergency events.  In times of calm routine: deployment for times of emergency  During an event: real time information from all Government ministries  Following an event: return to routine life Emergency deployment topics:  Use of internet information as a sensor for monitoring the national frame of mind - “national strength”..  Use of internet infrastructure as a help center and response to citizen appeals.  Use of internet infrastructure for giving/receiving focused personal information for citizens during times of emergency.  Use of new technologies in times of emergency. Performing Change > Inter-Ministry Projects > Emergency Internet Back (Slide 4/5)

59 Online elections for local municipalities: following the success of the online regional council elections pilot the subject is being carefully examined this year.  Characterization of the online elections process  Receiving approval for performing a pilot in a limited number of local municipalities  Changes in regulation where necessary  Establishing an online elections system  Collection of pilot results System for management and control of Accountant General financial support funds (Magnum project): a system displaying all information about the activities of organizations supported by the Government, so that support is transparent and not duplicated.  Receiving information regarding budget and financial requests  Receiving information regarding compliance with Government standards for submitting a support request  Connecting between supported organizations and position holders Performing Change > Inter-Ministry Projects > Online Elections Back (Slide 5/5)

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