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The Effect of Vertical Resolution on Zonal Wind Stress in AMIP Runs

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1 The Effect of Vertical Resolution on Zonal Wind Stress in AMIP Runs

2 An evaluation of monthly means from Suru Saha’s AMIP runs with observed SST 1979-2001 PRX 28 versus 64 levels Validation NCEP Reanalyses CDAS, NCEP2 FSU Stresses 1978-2000 SOC flux climatology 1980-93

3 SOC 1980-83 Zonal mean Ocean

4 5S-5N 1980-93 SOC

5 5S-5N Pacific FSU 1980-93 SOC Time-mean U s

6 Pacific FSU 1979- 2000 Time-mean zonal wind stress

7 Annual Cycle 1980-93 Pacific SOC FSU


9 28 levels 64 levels

10 28 levels-NCEP2 64-NCEP2

11 64-28 levels CDAS-NCEP2

12 Time-mean zonal wind stress 1980-93 SOC Magnitude of systematic difference



15 28 levels 64 levels

16 28 levels minus SOC 64-SOC

17 Systematic difference from FSU 1980-93 Mean Tropical Pacific

18 JJA 1980-93 Time mean zonal wind stress FSU 28 64

19 JJA 1980-93 Time mean zonal wind stress SOC CDAS NCEP2

20 28-FSU 64-FSU 64-28 JJA 1980-93 Time mean zonal wind stress

21 FSU-SOC FSU-NCEP2 CDAS-NCEP2 JJA 1980-93 Time mean zonal wind stress

22 Anomaly correlation with NCEP2 28 64 CDAS

23 The reanalyses correlate better in time with FSU stresses than the AMIP runs, after the time-mean annual cycles are removed. Monthly anomalies 1979-2000 Pacific

24 Anomaly correlation with FSU--Pacific CDAS NCEP2 28 levels 64 levels

25 Merid. Wind Stress CDAS NCEP2 28 levels 64 levels Anomaly correlation with FSU merid. Wind stress 1979- 2000

26 Difference in anomaly correlation with FSU 28 – NCEP2 64-NCEP2 64-28

27 FSU Standard deviation of monthly anomalies 28 levels 64 levels 1979-2000

28 28-FSU 64-FSU 64-28 Difference in standard deviation

29 Standard deviation of monthly anomalies 1979-2000 CDAS NCEP2


31 64 levels do not produce better zonal wind stress than 28 levels. Reanalyses display more agreement with SOC, FSU than AMIP runs. 64 level AMIP run too strong easterly stress in JJA, too strong westerly stress in JFM.

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