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OHS7 - The Seventh Workshop on Open Hypermedia Systems at Hypertext 2001, Aarhus Sigi Reich Salzburg Research / SunTREC

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Presentation on theme: "OHS7 - The Seventh Workshop on Open Hypermedia Systems at Hypertext 2001, Aarhus Sigi Reich Salzburg Research / SunTREC"— Presentation transcript:

1 OHS7 - The Seventh Workshop on Open Hypermedia Systems at Hypertext 2001, Aarhus Sigi Reich Salzburg Research / SunTREC

2 August 2001 Page 2 Overview About OHSs A view on the history of OHS workshops Potential new directions Programme of today's workshop... Wrap up

3 August 2001 Page 3 About OHSs OHS is short for Open Hypermedia System, i.e., a hypermedia system which is open with respect to several dimensions (Davis, 1996) An OHS is typically composed of a set of middleware components which integrate between frontend (the clients) and backend (the servers) Today's OHSs serve multiple hypertext application domains (navigational HT, spatial HT, taxonomic HT, etc.); they are referred to as component-based OHSs (Nürnberg, 1998)

4 August 2001 Page 4 History of OHS Workshops OHSs started in 1994 (with a Workshop on open HyperTEXT in Konstanz, and a Workshop on open HyperMEDIA in Edinburgh) The Open Hypermedia Systems Working Group (OHSWG) formed in April 1996 WWW site: Mailing list:

5 August 2001 Page 5 The New Web Site

6 August 2001 Page 6 The OHSWG Goals of the OHSWG "maximize the applicability of the last decade of hypermedia systems and infrastructure research" (Nürnberg, "old" OHSWG web site) by  creating a (visible) community  defining standards (protocols, APIs, reference architecture, etc.)  demonstrating interoperability  organising workshops and working group meetings

7 August 2001 Page 7  Started as the Open Hypermedia Systems Workshop OHS 1 (Edinburgh, 1994)  OHS 2 (Washington, 1996)  OHS 3 (Soton, 1997)  OHS 4 (Pittsburgh, 1998)  OHS 5 (Darmstadt, 1999)  OHS 6 (San Antonio, 2000)  OHS 7 (Åarhus, 2001)  OHS 2.5 WGM (Soton, 1996)  OHS 3.5 WGM (Åarhus, 1997)  OHS 4.5 WGM (Soton, 1998)  OHS 5.5 WGM (Esbjerg, 1999)  OHS 6.5 WGM (Åarhus, 2001) The OHS Workshop Series

8 August 2001 Page 8 Statistics on the OHS Workshop Series

9 August 2001 Page 9 Topics of OHS7 (see the CFP) Interoperation and standardisation issues in OHS, including architectural issues, protocols, naming, transformation, etc. Semantic Web including topic maps, meta data, ontologies, etc. Document models and hypertext Media aspects of OHSs such as synchronisation of contents and link data, streaming of links, etc. OHS issues and Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) Application scenarios, experiences, hypertext domains, and requirements for OHSs Open Hypermedia on the Web Presentation aspects including personalisation, context awareness, etc.

10 August 2001 Page 10 Potential Directions 1/3 Middleware Challenges (Geihs, 2001) Enterprise application integration Quality of service (QoS) Nomadic mobility Ubiquitous computing Programming models (client-server, asynchronous interaction, mobile code, etc.) Architecture (distribution transparency, layering, etc.) Dynamic configuration (disconnected operation, adaptive applications (was "QoS"), ad hoc networking, etc.)

11 August 2001 Page 11 Potential Directions 2/3 ACM Multimedia Workshop on Multimedia Middleware (Plagemann, 2001) Streaming Services QoS Middleware Configuration and Flexibility

12 August 2001 Page 12 Potential Directions 3/3 Middleware Challenges Enterprise application integration Quality of service Nomadic mobility Ubiquitous computing Programming models (client-server, asynchronous interaction, mobile code, etc.) Architecture (distribution transparency, layering, etc.) Dynamic configuration (disconnected operation, adaptive applications (was "QoS"), ad hoc networking, etc.) Hypermedia Middleware Challenges Enterprise application integration Quality of service for links / meta data Nomadic mobility mobile link servers? Ubiquitous computing Dynamic configuration (disconnected operation, adaptive applications, ad hoc networking, etc.) Programming models (design patterns, ???) Architecture Collaboration Media aspects (CBR, CBN, etc.)

13 August 2001 Page 13 Programme of today's Workshop

14 August 2001 Page 14 To be continued...

15 August 2001 Page 15...

16 August 2001 Page 16 Wrap up of the Workshop The Proceedings Questions and Issues

17 August 2001 Page 17 The Proceedings 1/2 Title and affiliations: have a look at the guidelines Quotes: use proper quotes, in LaTeX this means ``quoted text'' (the opening quote reads like 66, the closing quote like 99) Headings & title: all words in headings should be capitalised except for conjunctions, prepositions (e.g., on, of, etc.) and definite and indefinite articles (e.g., the, a, etc.) unless their appear at the beginning. Page numbering and running heads: do NOT use a running title! This will be added later (in the final version). Also, do NOT use page numbering.

18 August 2001 Page 18 The Proceedings 2/2 Citations & references: the list of references is headed "References" and is not assigned a number. For citations in the text use square brackets (e.g., [1], [47, 48]). Examples 1. Baldonado, M., Chang, C.-C.K., Gravano, L., Paepcke, A.: The Stanford Digital Library Metadata Architecture. Int. J. Digit. Libr. 1 (1997) 108 - 121 2. Bruce, K.B., Cardelli, L., Pierce, B.C.: Comparing Object Encodings. In: Abadi, M., Ito, T. (eds.): Theoretical Aspects of Computer Software. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1281. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York (1997) 415 - 438 Incorporate FEEDBACK from Workshop! Send me your final paper until BEGINNING OF SEPTEMBER 2001!!! Thank you!!!

19 August 2001 Page 19 Questions/Issues This presentation will be available at the workshop site

20 August 2001 Page 20 The OHS Workshop Series Some good things... strong interest feeling of a community (incl. visibility) refereeing and publication... and things to be improved more discussions more focus

21 August 2001 Page 21 Moving on Evolve...... to a "Mini-Conference" (e.g., a Symposium)... to a smaller, i.e., more specific, workshop Possible Themes See

22 August 2001 Page 22 References Davis et al. 1996: Davis, H., Lewis, A., Rizk, A.: OHP:A Draft Proposal for a Standard Open Hypermedia Protocol (Levels 0 and 1: Revision 1.2 - 13th March. 1996), Geihs 2001: Geihs, K.: Middleware Challenges, IEEE Computer, June 2001, pp. 24-31. Nürnberg et al. 1998: Nürnberg, P. J., Leggett, J. J., and Wiil, U. K. An agenda for open hypermedia research. In Proceedings of the '98 ACM Conference on Hypertext, June 20-24, 1998, Pittsburgh, PA (1998), pp. 198-206. Plagemann & Eliassen, 2001: Plagemann, T., and Eliassen, F. M3W 2001 Technical Program. October 5th, 2001 Ottawa, Canada in conjunction with ACM MM 2001.

23 August 2001 Page 23 Online Publications of OHS Annotations (following Original PaperTagged Paper

24 August 2001 Page 24 Posting Comments

25 August 2001 Page 25 Viewing Comments

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