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Development of a Reservoir Simulator with Unique Grid-Block System
Emeline Chong Master Division Student Paper Contest 2004 Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering
Presentation Outline Motivation Problem Definition Objectives Approach
Results Conclusions My presentation outline consists of ….
“Homogeneous Reservoir”
Motivation “Homogeneous Reservoir” Diagonal Parallel Finite difference solutions of 2D frontal displacement problems can be strongly influenced by the orientation of the of the underlying grid. To simulate a symmetry element, say a 5-spot problem, 2 orientations of a square grid can be chosen naturally. These grids are called the diagonal or the parallel grid, as straight lines connecting the injectors and producers diagonal or parallel to the grid lines, respectively. Whether we like it or not, GOE is a serious problem in numerical simulation. To investigate the severity of this problem, we conducted 2 case studies, where the diagonal & parallel grid orientation were applied to both a homogeneous & a heterogeneous reservoir model. This sketch here shows the homogeneous reservoir model With the black dot represents an injection well and the white dot a production well, and the red lines showing the fluid paths, we can see that the fluid moves preferentially along the grid lines. Not to scale
Homogeneous Reservoir
Now, let us look at the results for the homogeneous reservoir model:- Supposedly, these 2 models would give the same results since we use exactly the same grid dimension and data but the results show that the recovery and the water cut are different for the 2 models. The water would breakthrough fastest in the parallel grid since the water move in a direct path to the producer.
“Heterogeneous Reservoir”
Motivation “Heterogeneous Reservoir” Diagonal Parallel The permeability field is isotropic. Two different permeability values - 1mD and 1000mD - are considered in a square domain (Figure 4.4). High permeability areas are defined by a set of square regions arranged along the diagonal of the field. As before, water is injected uniformly on the left-hand side; oil is produced on the right-hand side. In the heterogeneous model, the only changes to the homogeneous model was introducing a permeability anisotropy to the direction as shown to both grids. Mobility = The ratio of permeability to viscosity. Not to scale K1 K2 K1 >> K2
Heterogeneous Reservoir
In this case, the differences are even more pronounced, especially in the water cut performance.
Motivation “In general, Grid Orientation Effect
Brand, Heinemann, and Aziz (1992) – “In general, Grid Orientation Effect cannot be overcome with grid refinement.” To add matters worse, Brand, Heinemann, and Aziz concluded in their studies that in general, Grid Orientation Effect cannot be overcome with grid refinement.” (SPE 21228)
Shiralkar & Stephenson (1987)
Motivation Sammon (1991) Chen & Durlofsky (1991) Mattax & Dalton (1990) Wolcott (1996) Shiralkar (1990) Brand (1991) Ostebo & Kazemi (1992) Yanosik & McCracken (1979) Shiralkar & Stephenson (1987) Even though the GOE is widely known & has been reported by many authors since early 70s, more than 30 yrs later….it still remains a problem many of us choose to ignore. Todd (1972) Pruess & Bodvarsson (1983)
Fractures with Multiple Joint Sets
Motivation Fractures with Multiple Joint Sets 2ndly, a conventional grid model is not able to model permeability anisotropy realistically. For example, features like fractures with multiple joint sets create a high permeability anisotropy & it is quite impossible for a conventional grid to model this. Courtesy of Imperial College Fractures create high permeability anisotropy in rock masses!
Motivation General Darcy’s Law: Permeability Tensor: Simplified:
If we have a directional (anisotropic) permeability, the Darcy’s Law would look like this: The permeability becomes a tensor which looks like a matrix:- However, most reservoir simulators assumed a diagonal permeability tensor, where the off-diagonal terms are set to zero. This is done by orienting the coordinates of the flow system along the axes of permeability. These axes are orthogonal and will be lined up with the maximum and minimum permeabilities. When the coordinates are oriented in this manner, then each direction has its own permeability and the tensor has only 3 non-zero values. Kxy = flow in the x-direction due to the pressure drop in the y-direction
Problem Definition Grid orientation and heterogeneity significantly affects the results of reservoir simulation Therefore, since the grid orientation and heterogeneity ….., we need a more flexible grid model
Problem Definition In these situations, the off-diagonal terms of permeability tensor have a strong impact on fluid flow and therefore should be considered in the calculations.
a full tensor representation must be considered!
Problem Definition We need a grid model that can incorporate permeability anisotropy in multiple directions – a full tensor representation must be considered! In these situations, the off-diagonal terms of permeability tensor have a strong impact on fluid flow and therefore should be considered in the calculations.
Objectives Developing a 2-D, 3-Phase reservoir simulator using finite difference formulation Reducing the grid orientation effects in a grid model Creating a grid model that can be used to simulate multiple permeability directions This brings me to the objectives of my study, which include:-
Approach 2-D, 3-Phase IMPES finite difference simulator using VBA with unique grid model To start off, let’s look at the model design and implementation. A 2D-3P IMPES finite difference simulator is built using VBA with unique grid model which I’ll show in a bit This simulator assumed no Pc and gravity effects…. Additional features which have been incorporated in this model include the cutback…. And several well constraints as shown. No flow at the boundaries are assigned by giving the respective transmissibility a zero value at that point.
Rock/Fluid Properties Transmissibility Terms
2D,3-Phase Initial Condition Rock/Fluid Properties HGB Model Well Model Transmissibility Terms Well Constraints Grid Numbering IMPES Matrix Form Matrix Solver A 2D-3P simulator was developed from scratch. The schematic diagram here simplifies how this is done. Pn+1, Son+1, Swn+1, Sgn+1 Program Validation
Hybrid Grid Block (HGB) System
J I J 3 4 5 1 2 I J 1 2 N NW NE W E As we can see here, now the fluid will flow to 8 directions in the octagon, the rectangle 4, the corner blocks consist of wall triangle and corner triangle with 3 directions each. Our main challenge here was to solve the connectivity issue for the entire grid system. SW SE S
Hybrid Grid Block (HGB) System
J 1 2 3 4 5 Example Grid: 5 x 4 Total Number of Grid Blocks = 61 This unique grid block assignment help to reduce (if not eliminate) the grid orientation effects and it can handle more than 2 directions of permeability anisotropy.
IMPES Method Finite Difference Equations
Oil Water Gas The general IMPES formulation was used to solve the finite difference equations. The main changes here are the addition of the transmissibility terms. In IMPES, flow coefficients are evaluated at the n time level. Pressure equations are solved for implicitly at each time step. Then, the saturations are solved explicitly. IMPES is fast & accurate for many applications.
Grid Numbering #1 & Matrix Form
1 of 3 Grid Numbering #1 & Matrix Form Example: 3x2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 15 9 10 16 13 14 17 11 12 18 Using this unique grid model, several numbering systems were experimented. Grid ordering is important as it will affect the order in which we write our linear equations. Considering a simple 3x2 case, this figure here shows an example grid ordering & the corresponding Jacobian matrix structures. We can see that matrix formed is spare & irregular. Numbering system for the 2D grid and the corresponding non-zero co-efficients in the matrix equation for AP = B
Grid Numbering #2 & Matrix Form
2 of 3 Grid Numbering #2 & Matrix Form Example: 3x2 2 4 6 9 11 13 10 12 1 3 5 8 14 15 16 17 18 Numbering system for the 2D grid and the corresponding non-zero co-efficients in the matrix equation for AP = B 7
Grid Numbering #3 & Matrix Form
3 of 3 Grid Numbering #3 & Matrix Form Example: 3x3 10 10 17 17 22 22 25 25 11 11 18 18 1 23 23 24 24 5 5 12 12 19 19 6 6 13 13 20 20 …but currently, we chose this grid numbering as it provides the smallest matrix bandwidth, which means less computational time to solve the matrix equation. This type of grid numbering also gives us a diagonally dominant matrix form, which we can solve using many common matrix solvers. This bandwidth gives us a computing advantage requiring less arithmetic to solve the matrix equation. Gauss Elimination:- Forward elimination process, we transform matrix A to an upper triangular matrix U. Backward substitution Advantage: Gives exact solutions, but subject to round-off error Numbering system for the 2D grid and the corresponding non-zero co-efficients in the matrix equation for AP = B 2 2 7 7 14 14 21 21 8 8 15 15 3 3 1 1 4 4 9 9 16 16
Well Model Peaceman Well Model (1983): For square gridblock, Δm where,
Eq. for boundary-dominated flow where, ro = effective wellbore radius
Well Model Well Model for regular polygon (after Palagi,1992): bij dij
In these 4 cases, using the Peaceman Well Model, 1 injector and 2 producers were used. j = neighbor of wellblock i bij = side of polygon dij = distance between gridpoints Θij = angle open to flow
Maximum Material Balance Error = 4.2602E-05%
Results: Case#1 Inj Prod Model Dimension: 640 ft x 640 ft x 10 ft Permeability: 100mD Porosity: 20% Well Constraints:- Const. Qinj Const. Qo Maximum Material Balance Error = E-05%
Results: Case#1 Contour Map 10 days 20 days 40 days
Maximum Material Balance Error = 2.587E-03%
Results: Case #2 Inj Prod2 Prod1 Same dataset, except: 1 permeability direction Kmax = 500 mD Kmin = 100 mD Maximum Material Balance Error = 2.587E-03%
Results: Case #2 Contour Map 10 days 20 days 40 days
Results: Case#2
Maximum Material Balance Error = 5.2654E-03%
Results: Case #3 Inj Prod2 Prod1 Same dataset, except: 3 permeability directions Kmax = 500 mD Kmin = 100 mD Maximum Material Balance Error = E-03%
Results: Case #3 Contour Map 10 days 20 days 40 days
Maximum Material Balance Error = 2.9696E-03%
Results: Case #4 Homogeneous reservoir 1 injector 4 producers Maximum Material Balance Error = E-03%
Pressure Distribution Chart
Results: Case #4 Pressure Distribution Chart
Conclusions Grid orientation and heterogeneity affects significantly the results of reservoir simulation (ie. water breakthrough times & recovery) A full tensor representation must be considered if reservoir flow performance is to be predicted accurately As a result of this study, the following general conclusions can be drawn:-
Conclusions Proposed HGB model is able to
reduce the grid orientation effects model different sets of permeability anisotropy As a result of this study, the following general conclusions can be drawn:-
Future Application Local Grid Refinement
We all know that LGR (which involves using a fine grid inside a coarse-based grid) are useful when greater detail is desired in the region of interest. HGB model can be used as a type of LGR, especially when we have a reservoir with permeability anisotropy in a few directions. HGB will then help to reduce the number of gridblocks necessary to model this reservoir as well as to improve the accuracy of solution in those desired regions.
THANK YOU Acknowledgement Dr. Erwin Putra U.S Department of Energy
Dr. David Schechter Dr. Erwin Putra U.S Department of Energy
Development of a Reservoir Simulator with Unique Grid-Block System
Emeline Chong Master Division Student Paper Contest 2004 Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering
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