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1 The Digital Agenda for Europe – where do we stand ? Khalil Rouhana Director, European Commission Directorate-General for Information Society and Media
2 “Every European Digital” N. Kroes
3 The reality !
4 Digital Agenda: 7 pillars 101 actions
5 7 pillars fragmented digital markets lack of interoperability cybercrime, low trust in networks slow network deployment lack of investments lack of R&D and innovation efforts lack of digital literacy and skills addressing societal challenges reinforcing digital single market improving standards setting enhancing interoperability network & information security policy fast / ultrafast internet access step up R&D effort education; digital access for all ICT in specific sectors challengeresponse
6 1: KA1a - Framework Directive on collective rights management (2010) 2: KA1b - Directive on orphan works + stakeholders dialogue on out-of print works (2010) 3: KA1c - Review the Directive on Re-Use of Public Sector Information (2012) 4: Wide stakeholder debate on further measures (2012) 5: Greenpaper online distribution of audiovisual works and other creative content (2010) 6: Review of the Directive on the enforcement of intellectual property rights (2012) 7: KA2 - Fix a date for migration to Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA) & eInvoicing (2012) 8: KA3 - Revision of the eSignature Directive (2011) 9: Proposals on e-Commerce Directive (2011) 10: MS - Implement key directives supporting the digital single market (n/d) 11: MS - Transpose the VAT Directive (2013) 12: KA4 - Review the EU data protection regulatory framework (2010) 13: Optional contract law instrument complementing Consumer Rights Directive (2012) 14: Alternative Dispute Resolution Greenpaper /Online dispute resolution (2010/2012) 15: Stakeholder consultation and measures on collective redress (n/d) 16: Code of EU Online Rights (2012) 17: Stakeholder platform for EU online trustmarks (2012) 18: Harmonisation of numbering resources (2011) 19: Spectrum Policy Plan (2010) 20: An investigation into the cost of non-Europe in telecommunication markets (2011) 21: KA5 - Propose legal measures to allow use of certain ICT fora and consortia standards (2010) 22: Promote rules via guidelines for ex-ante disclosure (2011) 23: Guidance on link between ICT standardisation and public procurement (2011) 24: Adopt a European Interoperability Strategy and European Interoperability Framework (2010) 25: Measures to license interoperability information (2012) 26: MS - Implement European Interoperability Framework at national level (2013) 27: MS - Implement Malmo and Granada declarations (2013) 28: KA6 - Reinforced and high level Network and Information Security Policy (2012) 29: KA7 - Combat cyber attacks against information systems (2010) 30: Establish a European cybercrime platform (2012) 31: Examine the feasibility of a European cybercrime centre (2011) 32: Work with global stakeholders notably to strengthen global risk management in the digital and in the physical sphere and conduct internationally coordinated targeted actions against computer-based crime and security attacks (n/d) 33: Support EU-wide cyber-security preparedness exercises (2010) 34: Explore the extension of security breach notification provisions (2010) 35: Guidance on implementation Telecoms rules on data privacy and personal data (2010) 36: Support reporting of illegal content online (hotlines) and awareness campaigns (n/d) 37: Self-regulation of European and global service providers as regards use by minors () 38: MS - network of CERTs covering all of Europe (2012) 39: MS - Carry out large scale attack simulation and test mitigation strategies (2010) 40: MS - Fully implement harmful content alert hotlines (2013) 41: MS - National alert platforms to the Europol cybercrime platform (2010/2012) 42: KA 8a - Broadband Communication common framework for actions (2010) 43: KA 8b - Proposals on funding of high-speed broadband (2010) 44: KA 8c - European Spectrum Policy Programme (2010) 45: KA 8d - Recommendation on Next Generation Access networks (2010) 46: MS - Develop and make operational national broadband plans (2012) 47: MS - Measures to facilitate broadband investment (n/d) 48: MS - Use fully the Structural and Rural Development Funds (2013) 49: MS - Implement the European Spectrum Policy Programme (n/d) 50: KA 9: Leverage more private investment (n/d) 101 actions (1)
7 74: MS - specifications for total lifetime costs for public lighting (2012) 75: KA 13 - Secure online access to their medical health data (2015) 76: KA 14 - Recommendation to define minimum common set of patient data (2012) 77: EU-wide standards, interoperability testing and certification of eHealth (2015) 78: Reinforce the AmbientAssisted Living (AAL) Joint Programme (2013) 79: KA 15: Sustainable model for financing for Europeana (2012) 80: Propose measures on cultural and creative industries (2012) 81: Recommendation on promoting digitisation of European cinema (2011) 82: Implementation of the AVMS on cultural diversity (2011) 83: KA 16: Council and Parliament Decision on mutual recognition of e-ID (2012) 84: Seamless cross-border eGovernment services in the single market (n/d) 85: Review the Public access to Environmental Information Directive (2011) 86: Implement cross-border eEnvironment services (n/d) 87: White Paper on inter-connecting e-procurement capacity in EU (2011) 88: eCommission 2011-2015 action plan (2010) 89: MS - Make eGovernment services fully interoperable (n/d) 90: MS - Points of Single contact function as fully fledged eGovernment centres (n/d) 91: MS - Agree a common list of key cross-border public services (2011) 92: Apply proposed ITS Directive in support of interoperability and rapid standardisation (n/d) 93: Adopt the Air Traffic Management Solutions for (SESAR) (2010) 94: Directive for the deployment of e-Maritime services (2011) 95: Directive setting out technical specifications for telematic applications for rail passenger services (2011) 96: MS - Fulfil obligations under European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) 2015 (2015) 97: Promote the internationalisation of internet governance (n/d) 98: Support the Internet Governance Forum (2010) 99: Improve international trade conditions including IPR (n/d) 100: Seek mandate to update ITA (n/d) 101: Roaming (2012) 101 actions(2) 51: Reinforce the coordination and pooling of resources (n/d) 52: Propose measures for ‘light and fast’ access to EU research funds in ICT (2011) 53: Financial support to joint ICT research infrastructures and innovation clusters (n/d) 54: Develop a new generation of web-based applications and services () 55: MS - Double annual public spending on ICT research and development (2020) 56: MS - Engage in large scale pilots financed by the CIP (n/d) 57: KA 10 - Digital literacy and competences a priority for the ESF (2012) 58: KA 11: Tools for competences of ICT practitioners and users (2012) 59: Make digital literacy and skills a priority of the New skills for new jobs" Flagship (2010) 60: Promote a higher participation of young women and women returners in ICT (n/d) 61: Develop an online consumer education tool on new media technologies (2011) 62: Propose EU-wide indicators of digital competences and media literacy (2013) 63: Systematically evaluate accessibility in all revisions of legislation (n/d) 64: Make sure that public sector websites are fully accessible by 2015 (2011) 65: Memorandum of Understanding on Digital Access for persons with disabilities (2012) 66: MS - long-term e-skills and digital literacy policies (2011) 67: MS - Implement provisions on disability in Telecoms Framework and AVMS (2011) 68: MS - Mainstream eLearning in national policies (n/d) 69: KA 12 - ICT sector common energy and emmission measures (2011) 70: Support partnerships between the ICT sector and major emitting sectors (2013) 71: Assess contribution of smart grids and define minimum functionalities to promote the interoperability (2010/2011) 72: Green Paper on Solid State Lighting (SSL) (2011) 73: MS - Agree common additional functionalities for smart meters (2011)
8 Digital Agenda : Key performance targets 13 targets in six categories Broadband, Digital single market, Inclusion, public services, R&D investment, Low carbon
9 Digital Agenda : the scoreboard
10 101 Digital Agenda actions –10 actions completed on schedule –1 ahead of schedule –6 delayed, now scheduled for 2011 –Preparatory work on actions planned for 2011/12 DAE state of play
11 EU general scores on DAE targets Yellow = 2010, blue = 2011, outer line = 100% Key Performance targets
12 Broadband targets 2020 2013 100% coverage of ≥30Mbps 100% internet coverage 50% households take-up of ≥100Mbps
13 Basic broadband coverage for all Key Performance targets
14 Single market targets (2015) 50 % of population buying on line 20% buying cross border 33% of SMEs buying/selling on line Roaming
15 Key Performance targets Target : 50 % of the population to buy online by 2015 Source IDATE for European Commission
16 Key Performance targets Target: 33 % of SMEs to conduct online purchases/sales by 2015 Source Eurostat, Community survey on ICT usage and eCommerce in enterprises
17 Key Performance targets Target: reduce difference roaming/ national tariffs by 2015 Source Eurostat, Community survey on ICT usage and eCommerce in enterprises
18 Inclusion targets (2015) Regular internet users to reach 75% Disadvantaged users to reach60% Reduce non users by 50% (down to 15%)
19 Key Performance targets DIGITAL INCLUSION Source Eurostat, Community survey on ICT usage in households and by individuals; 16-74 old persons using the Internet at least once a week;
20 Public services targets (2015) 50 % using eGov services Half of which filling forms. Agreed list of cross border services, implemented
21 Key Performance targets ONLINE PUBLIC SERVICES Source Eurostat, Community survey on ICT usage in households and by individuals; 16-74 old persons using the Internet at least once a week;
22 ICT research and innovation double investment to €11 bn light & fast measures to access Funds Coordination
23 Low carbon targets (2020) Reduce by 20% energy use on lighting Increase in use of SSL and LEDs ( 6% of market in 2010)
24 How digital is Hungary?
25 Digital Agenda Assembly 16-17 June 2011 in Brussels Two plenary sessions At least two workshops per pillar Workshops on the most promising ”Big Ideas” Horizontal workshops on: Ageing, Youth, SMEs, Women etc. Side events: Speed networking, Speakers corner etc. Input on Member States participation (asked in the DAE High Level Group
26 Thank you! Digital Agenda for Europe
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