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NucleoSynthesis of Galactic 26 Al 26 Al gs +p, 26 Al m +p, 25 Al+p Resonances Peter Parker, Yale University Catherine Deibel, Rachel Lewis, Anuj Parikh,

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Presentation on theme: "NucleoSynthesis of Galactic 26 Al 26 Al gs +p, 26 Al m +p, 25 Al+p Resonances Peter Parker, Yale University Catherine Deibel, Rachel Lewis, Anuj Parikh,"— Presentation transcript:

1 NucleoSynthesis of Galactic 26 Al 26 Al gs +p, 26 Al m +p, 25 Al+p Resonances Peter Parker, Yale University Catherine Deibel, Rachel Lewis, Anuj Parikh, Christopher Wrede, Jac Caggiano, Jason Clark 2006 Mitchell Symposium

2 Wasserburg, et al. e.g., T.Lee & D.Papanastassiou, Geophys.Res.Lett. 1(1974) 225. J,G,Bradley et al., J.Geophys.Res. 83(1978)547.

3 HEAO-3 (1979) :

4 26 Al (1809 keV) map of our Galaxy GRO-Comptel

5 R.Diehl et al., Nature 439(2006)45. 26 Al 1809-keV  -ray Line - SPI-INTEGRAL

6 R.Diehl et al., Nature 439(2006)45. 26 Al 1809-keV  -ray Line Doppler Shift vs. Galactic Longitude - SPI-INTEGRAL

7 25 Al Branch Point: (p,  ) 26 Si(   ) 26m Al(   ) 26 Mg GS 24 Mg(p,  ) 25 Al (   ) 25 Mg(p,  ) 26 Al(   ) 26* Mg(  26 Mg GS

8 25 Al(p,  ) 26 Si  Resonance Searches: 29 Si( 3 He, 6 He) 26 Si 26 Al( 3 He,t) 26 Si(p) 25 Al Direct Measurement: TRIUMF DRAGON E922 Yale TRIUMF E1O71 26g Al(p,  ) 27 Si  Direct Measurement: TRIUMF DRAGON E989 26m Al(p,  ) 27 Al  Resonance Search: 27 Al( 3 He,t) 27 Si(p) 26m Al Yale



11 25 Al(p,  ) Reaction Rates 29 Si( 3 He, 6 He) 27 Si J.A.Caggiano, et al. Phys.Rev.C65(2002)055801

12 25 Al(p,  ) 26 Si  Resonance Searches: 29 Si( 3 He, 6 He) 26 Si 26 Al( 3 He,t) 26 Si(p) 25 Al Direct Measurement: TRIUMF DRAGON E922 Yale TRIUMF E1O71 26g Al(p,  ) 27 Si  Direct Measurement: TRIUMF DRAGON E989 26m Al(p,  ) 27 Al  Resonance Search: 27 Al( 3 He,t) 27 Si(p) 26m Al Yale


14 26 Al Implanted Target: ( TRIUMF-ISAC Proposal E1071) HRMS   4  10 10 26 Al/sec at an energy of 51 keV  10 17 26 Al/cm 2 rastered into a 3-mm diameter circle in 4 to 7 days, into a 40 μg/cm 2 carbon foil  Contamination: About 1 to 10% 26 Na(  - ) 26 Mg,  But  no 27 Al With this target, in conjunction with the Yale split-pole spectrograph and the YLSA silicon array, we project a 26 Al( 3 He,t) 26 Si * (p) 25 Al coincidence rate of 1/hour.


16 500-  thick Silicon 5 Sectors; 16 strips each Covering 131°  lab  166° 80-energy and 80-time signals Yale LampShade Array - YLSA

17 26 Al( 3 He,t) 26 Si*(p) 25 Al E YLSA vs. Focal Plane

18 25 Al(p,  ) 26 Si  Resonance Searches: 29 Si( 3 He, 6 He) 26 Si 26 Al( 3 He,t) 26 Si(p) 25 Al Direct Measurement: TRIUMF DRAGON E922 Yale TRIUMF E1O71 26g Al(p,  ) 27 Si  Direct Measurement: TRIUMF DRAGON E989 26m Al(p,  ) 27 Al  Resonance Search: 27 Al( 3 He,t) 27 Si(p) 26m Al Yale

19 25 Al(p,  ) 26 Si  Resonance Searches: 29 Si( 3 He, 6 He) 26 Si 26 Al( 3 He,t) 26 Si(p) 25 Al Direct Measurement: TRIUMF DRAGON E922 Yale TRIUMF E1O71 26g Al(p,  ) 27 Si  Direct Measurement: TRIUMF DRAGON E989 26m Al(p,  ) 27 Al  Resonance Search: 27 Al( 3 He,t) 27 Si(p) 26m Al Yale

20 Low-Energy 26 Al(p,  ) Measurements : (E res  600 keV) 1984 -E res = 277, 363 keV Buchmann, Rolfs, et al. Nucl.Phys. A415 (1984) 93. 1989 -E res = 188, 238, 277, 363 keV Vogelaar, Kavanagh, et al. Ph.D. Thesis 1996 - 26 Al( 3 He,d) (E res = 188, 277 keV) Vogelaar, Champagne, et al. Phys.Rev.C 53 (1996) 1945. `


22 26 Al(p,  ) 27 Si DRAGON TOF vs. Focal Plane Energy E 989

23 26 Al(p,  ) 27 Si DRAGON TOF Projection

24 ISAC-DRAGON Gas Target and BGO Array E 989

25 Primary BGO Hit Position (mm) E 989

26 26 Al(p,  ) TRIUMF - DRAGON E989 Chris Ruiz (Simon Fraser) PI Anuj Parikh (Yale) - PhD Thesis E cm = 184±1 keV resonance. E( 26 Al) = 5.2 MeV 2-4  10 9 26 Al/second Hydrogen gas target: 6 torr, 12 cm   35 ± 7  eV

27 25 Al(p,  ) 26 Si  Resonance Searches: 29 Si( 3 He, 6 He) 26 Si 26 Al( 3 He,t) 26 Si(p) 25 Al Direct Measurement: TRIUMF DRAGON E922 Yale TRIUMF E1O71 26g Al(p,  ) 27 Si  Direct Measurement: TRIUMF DRAGON E989 26m Al(p,  ) 27 Al  Resonance Search: 27 Al( 3 He,t) 27 Si(p) 26m Al Yale

28 27 Al( 3 He,t) 27 Si*(p) 26 Al


30 27 Al( 3 He,t) 27 Si*(p) 26 Al* Rachel Lewis (Yale, 2005)

31 27 Al( 3 He,t) 27 Si

32 Collaborations at TRIUMF E922 25 Al(p,  ) 26 Si @ DRAGON Alan Chen (McMaster) - P.I. E989 26g Al(p,  ) 27 Si @ DRAGON Chris Ruiz (Simon Fraser) - P.I. E1071 26 Al implanted target @ HRMS Catherine Deibel (Yale) - P.I.

33 Yale – Nuclear Astrophysics Group Faculty and Post Doc: Peter Parker Jason Clark Current Graduate Students: Anuj Parikh (5 th year) Catherine Deibel (4 th year) Christopher Wrede (3 rd year) Most Recent PhDs: Rachel Lewis (‘05), PostDoc @ Univ.of York Dale Visser (’03), Staff @ ORNL Alan Chen (’00), Faculty @ McMaster Dan Bardayan (’99 DNP ), Wigner Fellow @ ORNL Recent PostDocs: Will Bradfield-Smith @ Univ.Western Ontario Jac Caggiano @ TRIUMF- DRAGON

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