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10. The Origins of Peacekeeping Observer Missions.

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Presentation on theme: "10. The Origins of Peacekeeping Observer Missions."— Presentation transcript:

1 10. The Origins of Peacekeeping Observer Missions

2 10. The Origins of Peacekeeping: Observer Missions Learning Objectives – Examine the origins of peacekeeping operations – Familiar with Observer Missions – Apply the Observer Mission model

3 10.1. Early Missions Influences and determinants

4 The Greek Civil War (1946-1949) UN Commission of Investigation of Greek Frontier Incidents (Jan.1947) UN Special Committee on the Balkans (UNSCOB) (Oct. 1947)

5 Indonesian Independence (1946-1949) UN Committee of Good Offices (1947) Consular Commission UN Commission for Indonesia (1949)

6 India and Pakistan (1949 - ?) UN Observer Group in India and Pakistan (1948)

7 First Arab-Israeli War (1948 - ?) UN Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) (1949)

8 10.2. The Observer Mission Model International, UN, and local/regional political context is crucial “Holy Trinity” applies Small numbers Very lightly armed or unarmed Main functions are to observe and report

9 10.1. Early Missions The advantages of the observer model

10 10.1. Early Missions The limitations of the observer model

11 10.3 Applying the Model

12 The Iran – Iraq War (1980 – 1988)

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