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University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Environmental Sciences.

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1 University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Environmental Sciences

2 University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Areas of Focus Bio-micrometeorology –Measurements and modeling –Vegetation-soil-atmosphere exchange of gases –Carbon cycling of natural and managed ecosystems Molecular Environmental Sciences Nutrient Management Pedology Remediation Soil Biology and Biochemistry Waste Management Water Resources 1 Heisenberg’s second question for God

3 University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Areas of Focus Bio-micrometeorology Molecular Environmental Sciences –Fundamental understanding of processes –Cycling, transport, and bioavailability of contaminants –Molecular biological tools provide new insights Nutrient Management Pedology Remediation Soil Biology and Biochemistry Waste Management Water Resources

4 University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Areas of Focus Bio-micrometeorology Molecular Environmental Sciences Nutrient Management –Biological and chemical pathways of nutrient cycling –Remote sensing and mapping of soil spatial variability –Ammonia volatilization from urea and manures –Improved methods of determining lime requirements Pedology Remediation Soil Biology and Biochemistry Waste Management Water Resources

5 University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Areas of Focus Bio-micrometeorology Molecular Environmental Sciences Nutrient Management Pedology –Better interpretation through better understanding of genesis –More comprehensive soil hydraulic properties –Redoximophic features and depth/duration of saturation Remediation Soil Biology and Biochemistry Waste Management Water Resources

6 University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Areas of Focus Bio-micrometeorology Molecular Environmental Sciences Nutrient Management Pedology Remediation –Iron & metal sulfides remediation of halogenated solvents –Wetland macrophytes sorption of mercury, selenium, & arsenic –Sorption of TNT on humic-clay mineral complexes Soil Biology and Biochemistry Waste Management Water Resources

7 University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Areas of Focus Bio-micrometeorology Molecular Environmental Sciences Nutrient Management Pedology Remediation Soil Biology and Biochemistry –Biological activity effect on soil structure and function –Earthworm effect on turnover of nutrients and C –Use of isotopes, NMR spectroscopy, & DNA methods Waste Management Water Resources

8 University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Areas of Focus Bio-micrometeorology Molecular Environmental Sciences Nutrient Management Pedology Remediation Soil Biology and Biochemistry Waste Management –Industrial by-products: fly ash, gypsum, pulp, sewage sludge –Poultry litter –On-site wastewater systems Water Resources

9 University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Areas of Focus Bio-micrometeorology Molecular Environmental Sciences Nutrient Management Pedology Remediation Soil Biology and Biochemistry Waste Management Water Resources –Water quality and water quantity –Phosphorus, sediment, and bacteria –Conservation methods for irrigated crops & turfgrass

10 University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Success Stories Role that manure P plays in water quality –US EPA requirement for P-based NMPs –State listing of 5 reservoirs for P TMDLs –Impact of cattle in streams –Watershed-scale transport models

11 University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Success Stories Impact of irrigation on stream flow in SW Ga –Hydrologic models, irrigation monitoring, & GIS to quantify withdrawals –Assisted in development & implementation of Flint River Basin Plan

12 University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Success Stories Basic research on earthworm invasion biology –Geographic extent of invasion –Mechanisms and pathways –Impacts on soil processes –Mitigation possibilities for native species Invasive Amynthas agrestis alters soils in S. Appalachians Invasive Dendrobaena octaedra alters soils in Minnesota (Hale et al 2005) O-layer mixed into A-horizon uninvaded invaded soil soil

13 University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Success Stories Bacterial source tracking –Identification of sources of bacteria in coastal waters –Interaction with sediment –Targeted sampling methods

14 University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Success Stories Yucca Mountain plutonium chemistry –MES –Detailed chemical speciation of contaminants in complex samples –Understanding mineral phases controlling contaminant partitioning and speciation dynamics at mineral surfaces Duff et al., (1999 a&b); Duff et al., (2000; 2001) Powell et al. (2006)

15 University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Success Stories Carbon flux super site at SREL

16 University of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Department of Crop and Soil Sciences Challenges Net loss of 2 tenure-track research positions –Soil fertility at Tifton –Soil chemistry at Griffin New positions needed –GIS at Athens (research & extension) –Urban land management at Griffin (research & teaching) –Soil fertility & plant nutrition at Tifton (research)

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