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Haiyun Luo, Fan Ye, Jerry Cheng, Songwu Lu, Lixia Zhang

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Presentation on theme: "Haiyun Luo, Fan Ye, Jerry Cheng, Songwu Lu, Lixia Zhang"— Presentation transcript:

1 TTDD: A Two-tier Data Dissemination Model for Large-scale Wireless Sensor Networks
Haiyun Luo, Fan Ye, Jerry Cheng, Songwu Lu, Lixia Zhang UCLA Computer Science Department Presenter: Tylor

2 Road Map Introduction TTDD Performance evaluation Discussion
Grid construction Two-tier query and data forwarding Grid maintenance Performance evaluation Discussion Conclusion

3 Introduction Sensor network applications Basic problem Source Sink
Environmental/eco-system monitoring Health care Elevator, Presence detection, … etc Basic problem Source Sink But how? ?

4 Introduction Design Consideration New challenge
Energy efficiency Reliability Short delay New challenge Mobility Two-tier data dissemination (TTDD) Efficient data dissemination in large-scale wireless sensor networks with sink mobility

5 Road Map Introduction TTDD Performance evaluation Discussion
Grid construction Two-tier query and data forwarding Grid maintenance Performance evaluation Discussion Conclusion

6 Two-tier Data Dissemination
Assumption Static sensor nodes (except the sinks) Location-aware Each node is aware of its own location Mission-aware

7 Road Map Introduction TTDD Performance evaluation Discussion
Grid construction Two-tier query and data forwarding Grid maintenance Performance evaluation Discussion Conclusion

8 Grid Construction Once detection of a stimulus, source divides the network into a grid of cells

9 Grid Construction Determination of grid points
α : cell size (X, Y) : location of source (Xi, Yi) : location of grid points Source sends a data announcement message to four adjacent grid points using simple greedy geographic forwarding (GF)

10 Grid Construction A node is closer to the grid point than all its neighbors If the distance is less than α/ 2 this node becomes dissemination node Else drop the message End Dissemination node stores some information The location of the grid point it is serving Upstream dissemination node’s location The grid is built on a per-source basis

11 Road Map Introduction TTDD Performance evaluation Discussion
Grid construction Two-tier query and data forwarding Grid maintenance Performance evaluation Discussion Conclusion

12 Two-tier Query and Data Forwarding
The lower tier is within the local grid of the sink’s current location The higher tier is made of the dissemination nodes Sink floods the query locally to find a (immediate) dissemination node

13 Query Forwarding and Data Forwarding
Each dissemination node stores the location of the downstream dissemination node

14 Trajectory Forwarding
The primary agent (PA) The immediate agent (IA) Initially PA and IA are the same sensor nodes

15 Road Map Introduction TTDD Performance evaluation Discussion
Grid construction Two-tier query and data forwarding Grid maintenance Performance evaluation Discussion Conclusion

16 Grid maintenance The failure of sensor nodes
Upstream information duplication Dissemination nodes Timeout at the sink Immediate dissemination nodes Primary agent Immediate agent There is also a timer for the grid state

17 Road Map Introduction TTDD Performance evaluation Discussion
Grid construction Two-tier query and data forwarding Grid maintenance Performance evaluation Discussion Conclusion

18 Simulation Setups ns-2.1b8a 4 sources, 4 sinks Mobility model α (m)
Random way point Sink’s speed 10 m/s 5-sec pause time Local flooding range 1.3 α Simulation time (s) 200 Network size (m) 2000 MAC DCF Number of nodes Data rate (event/s) 1 Transmit energy (W) 0.66 Receive energy (W) 0.395 Idle energy (W) 0.035 α (m) 600

19 Reachability v.s. Sink Mobility (4 srcs, 4 sinks)
The capability of handling mobility

20 Increasing energy consumption
Sink’s local flooding queries The high-tier grid forwarding effectively localizes the impact of sink mobility

21 Reachability v.s. Node Failures (4 srcs, sinks, 10m/s)
15% randomly-chosen nodes fail at 20 seconds

22 Reduced data packet delivery
Repair of failed dissemination nodes

23 TTDD v.s DD Static sinks

24 Reachability v.s. Sink # No dissemination node serves for the sink

25 Energy v.s. Sink # Less energy consumption when more than 2 srcs
Location estimation High data rate Less energy consumption in 1 or 2 srcs Exploratory data Query aggreagation

26 Delay v.s. Sink # Longer data path In cases of multiple sources
Data path overlap

27 Road Map Introduction TTDD Performance evaluation Discussion
Grid construction Two-tier query and data forwarding Grid maintenance Performance evaluation Discussion Conclusion

28 Energy v.s. cell sizes (1 src, 1 sink, 10m/s)
The energy first decreases Less energy is required to build a grid with larger cell size The energy increases later Local query flooding consumes more energy in larger cells The decision of α depends on the mobility patterns of the sink

29 Conclusion TTDD Efficient data dissemination is large-scale sensor fields Local floodings minimize the overall network load and the amount of energy to maintain data-forwarding paths Sources and sinks cooperate to accomplish efficient data delivery to mobile sinks

30 Pros and cons Pros The idea is similar to GSM architecture which efficiently locates the mobility of user Simple and work well Cons The grid structure which is built on a per-source basis may consume too much energy when the location of sources change frequently The assumption of static nodes in the network and the poor failure recovery mechanism

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