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Xensor Integration Distributieweg 28 Delfgauw The Netherlands

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Presentation on theme: "Xensor Integration Distributieweg 28 Delfgauw The Netherlands"— Presentation transcript:

1 Xensor Integration Distributieweg 28 Delfgauw The Netherlands
Xensor Integration -

2 Xensor Integration -
Contents About Xensor Product types Standard products Applications Cleanroom Customers Standard product examples Xensor Integration -

3 Xensor Integration -
About Xensor Founded: 1988 Ownership: Private Located: Delft, The Netherlands Staff: 10 (2 PhD, 3 MSc, 3 BSc) Offices: 300 m2 Facilities: Cleanroom, IC-electronics design, Sensor modelling Xensor Integration -

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Product Types Custom development including production Standard products Low + medium volume market ( ) Xensor Integration -

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Standard Products Magnetic Field Measurement: Hall principle Thermal Conductivity Calorimetry Infrared Flow Interface Electronics ASICS Xensor Integration -

6 Standard Product Applications
Compass + position Gas analysis He/O2 mixture for diving Anesthetic gas monitoring Gas Flow measurement Airconditioning monitor/control Reaction energy measurement Satellite orientation → Earth sensing Xensor Integration -

7 Xensor Integration -
Cleanroom 75 m2 class 10000 7 class 100 laminar flow cabinets KOH etching Die + Wire bonding & Pull testing Anodic bonding Xensor Integration -

8 Xensor Integration -
Customers Target groups: Industrial Space industry Medical equipment Universities Location: - Europe and USA Some customers: - Bosch Rexroth - Dräger Medical - Philips - TNO-TPD - Varian Xensor Integration -

9 Xensor Integration -
Nanocal: NCM-9924 Xensor Integration -

10 Xensor Integration -
IRI wafer Xensor Integration -

11 Xensor Integration -
TCG-3880 Xensor Integration -

12 Xensor Integration -
Focal Plane Array Xensor Integration -

13 Xensor Integration -
Flowsensor: GFL-9722 Xensor Integration -

14 Gas Chromatography Injector
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Gas Injector Detail Xensor Integration -

16 Capacitive Fingerprint Sensor
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17 Compass: XEN-1200 chip in SFN8
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18 Position: XEN-1200 chip in SO8
Xensor Integration -

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