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Learn how to make your drawings come alive…  NEW COURSE: SKETCH RECOGNITION Analysis, implementation, and comparison of sketch recognition algorithms,

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Presentation on theme: "Learn how to make your drawings come alive…  NEW COURSE: SKETCH RECOGNITION Analysis, implementation, and comparison of sketch recognition algorithms,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learn how to make your drawings come alive…  NEW COURSE: SKETCH RECOGNITION Analysis, implementation, and comparison of sketch recognition algorithms, including feature-based, vision-based, geometry-based, and timing-based recognition algorithms; examination of methods to combine results from various algorithms to improve recognition using AI techniques, such as graphical models.

2 Sutherland Thoughts?

3 Sutherland Amazing program Beginning of CAD design (simulations) Beginning of Object Oriented Programming (instances) Beginning of Graphics (blinking) Graphical Constraint Satisfaction Zoom

4 Sutherland Not quite like sketching on paper –Perhaps better in some ways –Many buttons –Would like to remove the buttons –Really an endpoint placing system

5 Sutherland Not doing recognition….

6 Sutherland “The user signals that he is finished drawing by flicking the pen too fast for the tracking program to follow”

7 Sutherland Marking of Display File 20 bits to coordinates 16 bits for label What about intersection point? If shape is moved, does a whole develop at the intersection point?

8 Sutherland Zigzag: 45 minutes to create, 15 minutes to plot Clock: 20 minutes to create (fewer constraints?)

9 Sutherland Intuitiveness of constraint labels

10 Rubine Method 1991 Foundation work in sketch recognition Used and cited widely Works well 15 samples adequate

11 Feature-based Gesture Recognition Statistical single stroke recognizer A lot of power from a single stroke Avoids segmentation problems 15 samples adequate User dependent

12 Stroke P = total number of points p = middle point First point (x 0,y 0 ) Last point (x P-1,y P-1 ) –let’s use (x n,y n ) Compute x min, y min, x max, y max

13 Feature f 1 Cosine of starting angle f 1 = cos(α) = (x 2 -x 0 )/√[(y 2 -y 0 ) 2 + (x 2 -x 0 ) 2 ]

14 Feature f 2 Sine of starting angle f 2 = sin(α) = (y 2 -y 0 )/√[(y 2 -y 0 ) 2 + (x 2 -x 0 ) 2 ]

15 Feature f 3 Length of diagonal of bounding box (gives an idea of the size of the bounding box) f 3 = √[ (y max -y min ) 2 + (x max -x min ) 2 ]

16 Feature f 4 Angle of diagonal gives an idea of the shape of the bounding box (long, tall, square) f 4 = arctan[(y max -y min )/(x max -x min )]

17 Feature f 5 Distance from start to end f 5 = √[(x n -x 0 ) 2 + (y n -y 0 ) 2 ]

18 Feature f 6 Cosine of ending angle f 6 = cos(β) = (x n – x 0 )/f 5

19 Feature f 7 Sine of ending angle (B) f 7 = sin(β) = (y n – y 0 )/f 5

20 Feature f 8 Total stroke length

21 Change in Rotation Arctan gives you the directional angle (i.e., in 360 or rather 2π)

22 Feature f 9 Total rotation (from start to end point) (not the same as β- α – think of spirals)

23 Feature f 10 Absolute rotation How much does it move around

24 Feature f 11 Rotation squared How smooth are the turns? Measure of sharpness

25 Timing Data Let Δt p = t p+1 - t p

26 Feature f 12 The maximum speed reached (squared)

27 Feature f 13 Total time of stroke

28 Syllabus courses/SR/2006 courses/SR/2006

29 Homework Read Rubine Paper Write summary and discussion Implement the features (not the classification yet) –Object oriented way – several of the features are valuable in other classification schemes as well. –Test on the following shapes. –Hand in the feature list values.

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