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Edge-Triggered D Flip-Flops

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1 Edge-Triggered D Flip-Flops
Discussion 10.2 Example 26

2 Edge-Triggered D Flip-Flop

3 // Example 26a: Edge-triggered D flip-flop
module flipflop( input wire clk, input wire D, output q, output notq ); wire f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6; assign #5 f1 = ~(f4 & f2); assign #5 f2 = ~(f1 & f5); assign #5 f3 = ~(f6 & f4); assign #5 f4 = ~(f3 & clk); assign #5 f5 = ~(f4 & clk & f6); assign #5 f6 = ~(f5 & D); assign q = f1; assign notq = f2; endmodule

4 Aldec Active-HDL Simulation

5 Edge-Triggered D Flip-Flop with set and clear

6 // Example 26b: D flip-flop with clr and set
module flipflopcs( input wire clk, input wire D, input wire set, input wire clr, output q, output notq ); wire f1,f2,f3,f4,f5,f6; assign #5 f1 = ~(f4 & f2 & ~set); assign #5 f2 = ~(f1 & f5 & ~clr); assign #5 f3 = ~(f6 & f4 & ~set); assign #5 f4 = ~(f3 & clk & ~clr); assign #5 f5 = ~(f4 & clk & f6 & ~set); assign #5 f6 = ~(f5 & D & ~clr); assign q = f1; assign notq = f2; endmodule

7 Aldec Active-HDL Simulation

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