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ETSC Best in Europe Conference 2006
Brussels, February 2006 eSafety in action… European Commission Directorate General Information Society and Media ICT for Transport André VITS Head of Unit
Introduction The eSafety Initiative – where do we stand?... The future steps
Moving Towards Co-operative Systems
IST 7th FP Intelligent Transport Systems Intelligent Transport Infrastructure Cooperative Systems IST 6th FP Safety Systems Moving to Cooperative Systems IST 5th FP Services and Safety Systems TAP 4th FP Moving to Field trials DRIVE 2 Deepening of the topics Basic inputs to Standardisation (GDT, ATT Alert…) DRIVE 1 Improving traffic systems efficiency: Traffic management: data – information - guidance Prometheus (EUREKA) A vision for the future: basic functions defined, but technology not available ... 1987…
Road Fatalities in Europe …
Main Causes and driving errors: 95% of all road accidents involve some human error In 76% of the cases the human is solely to blame Misjudging, driving dynamics, weather (50%) Distraction (38%) 39% of Passengers vehicles and 26% of trucks do not activate brakes before a collision Some 40% more do not brake effectively Underlying Causes: Alcohol Inexperience Tiredness Transport in EU25 Road Accidents (2004 data) fatalities 1.3 million accidents involving injury 2.0 million injuries Source: DG TREN-Statistical Pocket Book 2004 4
European Road Safety Action Programme
Leader DG TREN European Road Safety Action Programme In Sept’01 the Commission adopted a White Paper on the European Transport Policy which describes what should be done in the near future in the road sector. the road safety issue is a major concern Halving the number of road accident victims in the EU by 2010 A shared responsibility The Commission road safety action programme aims at reducing the number of fatalities by 50%, by the year 2010 by sharing of responsibilities (EU, Member States, regional and local authorities, industry, transport companies and private users) encouraging road users to improve their behaviour, to make vehicle safer, and to improve road infrastructure providing for the setting up of a European Road Safety Observatory proposing the subscription to a European Road Safety Charter originating the eSafety Initiative (leader DG INFSO)
The problem of market implementation
Market implementation takes too long Most intelligent systems are not yet on the market ABS years to full penetration ESP years to reach 40% of market ACC more than 25 years since development phase and yet a very low penetration rate Main reasons legal barriers competitive situation of the automotive sector high cost of intelligent systems lack of customer demand lack of information Unfortunately, despite their potential, most of these intelligent systems are not yet on the market and the vehicles that are fitted with telematics or with new generation active safety features are mainly luxury cars representing a small percentage of the market. For some successful active safety systems, for example, large-scale deployment faced several problems and took very long periods of time. This has been the case with the introduction of the ABS (20 years); the ESP (10 years to reach 40% of market penetration) and ACC (more than 25 years since the start of the development phase and yet a very low penetration rate). The main reasons are legal barriers, the extremely competitive situation of the automotive sector with narrow margins and low return on investment, the high cost of intelligent systems and the consequent lack of customer demand, the lack of information, throughout society, about the potential benefits of these systems and a clear business case ABS: Antilock Braking System; ESP: Electronic Stability Programme; ACC: Adaptive Cruise Control
Awareness raising: a key issue
EUROTEST survey Sample of almost 2800 drivers Only half the drivers were familiar with existing basic in-vehicle technologies providing active and passive safety Only 50% of them knew what an ABS does Survey conclusions: “more needs to be done, on both the European and national level, to raise the awareness about safer, cleaner and more economical driving A survey done by EUROTEST on a representative sample of almost 2800 drivers showed that only half the drivers surveyed were familiar with existing basic in-vehicle technologies providing active and passive safety (only 50% of them, for example, knew what an antilock braking system (ABS) does,). The same survey also concluded that “more needs to be done, on both the European and national level, to raise the awareness about safer, cleaner and more economical driving”. Citizens and policy makers cannot be expected to invest or promote technology unless its benefits and usefulness are clear.
Introduction The eSafety Initiative – where do we stand?... The future steps
The eSafety Initiative
The eSafety Initiative was launched in 2002 as a joint initiative of the European Commission, industry and other stakeholders. It aims at accelerating the development, deployment and use of Intelligent Integrated Safety Systems that use Information and Communication Technologies (ITC) in intelligent solutions, in order to increase road safety and reduce the number of accidents on Europe's roads. Forum Plenary: Platform for consensus among stakeholders (currently over 150 members) High-Level Meetings with Industry and Member States defining strategy Working Groups: Solution-oriented, reporting to the Forum Mailbox info:
The 1st eSafety Communication
“Information and Communications Technologies for Safe and Intelligent Vehicles” COM(2003)542 Final, 3 priorities: eCall (Pan-European eCall) RTTI (Real-Time Traffic & Travel Information) HMI (Human-Machine Interaction) Promoting Intelligent Vehicle Safety systems: From the expert report, priority on Support the eSafety Forum Priorities in RTD activities 3 specific issues - HMI eCall RTTI Adapting the regulatory and standardisation provisions: ! 24 GHz short range radar Societal and business obstacles: Focus on Cost/benefits and Implementation Road maps
eSafety Forum: the Completed WGs
Real-TimeTraffic and Travel Information WG Chair: Prof. G. Siegle – BOSCH Digital Maps WG Chairs: A. Bastiaansen – TeleAtlas Y. Moissidis – Navteq Human Machine Interaction WG Chairs: A. Stevens – TRL C. Gelau – BAST A. Pauzie– INRETS Accident Causation Analysis WG Chair: M. Hollingsworth – ACEA Heavy- Duty Vehicles WG Chair: J. Trost – DaimlerChrysler Final Reports are available at the websites
Research and Technological Development WG
eSafety Forum: The Active WGs 2006 Plenary Sessions HL Meetings Active New Steering Committee Chair: A. Vits – EC eSafety Support eCall Driving Group Chairs: M. Nielsen – ERTICO W. Reinhardt – ACEA Research and Technological Development WG Chairs: U. Palmqvist – Eucar G. Pellischek - CLEPA International Cooperation WG Chair: J. Bangsgaard - ERTICO Communications WG Chair: U. Daniel, Bosch User Outreach WG Chair: J. Grill – AIT/FIA Service Oriented Architectures Chairs: <TBC> Implementation Road Map Chairs: H-J Mäurer – DEKRA Prof. R. Kulmala – VTT
The pan-European eCall: WHY?
Build on E112 Reduction of average response time to the accident: 50% in Rural Areas 40% in Urban Areas Reduction of accidents severity 15% to less severe medical category Annual lives saving Estimated to be over in EU 15 Costs savings (exceed many times needed investments) ~ 21 billion Euro in EU 15 annually With 100% penetration rate by 2010: More than 2500 lives saved (< 5%-10%) 10% - 20% less congestion 2 - 4 billion€ cost saving (source SEiSS study) Impact
Private Service Provider (Optional added value services)
112, E-112, eCall Telco Fixed network PSAP 112 CLI: Call Line Identifier MSD: Minimum Set of Data FSD: Full set of Data + CLI ISDN Operator Mobile Telco Fixed network E-112 PSAP ISDN + Best Location Operator eCall Fixed network PSAP Voice (E-112) GNSS Voice (E-112) ISDN Data (+ Best location if needed) MSD Voice Private Service Provider (Optional added value services) FSD
Real-Time Traffic and Travel Information
To identify and remove the obstacles for European-wide implementation of RTTI services Goal: 80 % of all journeys served with adequate, standardised services by 2010 Short term: RDS/TMC Longer term: mode advanced services with more advanced technologies for broadcasting and communications
Human-Machine Interaction
To analyze ways to increase user awareness/user demand Crucial activity in ! Progress Achieved: Final Report issued with recommendations to all stakeholders Expert meeting held in March’05 in Paris National dissemination actions foreseen Drafting of new ESoP started New version of ESoP presented in a public Workshop on 28th of June’05 Final version targeted for May‘06
Implementation Road Map
Main objectives: To identify the technical and economical potentials of the industry as well as the topics and time table for infrastructure improvements by the public sector with regards to eSafety systems capable of affecting road fatalities in Europa by 2010 To develop regularly reviewed road map which focuses technological steps and economic implication models for introduction of intelligent integrated road safety systems as well as the required improvements in road and information infrastructure Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), which enable building Intelligent Cars, provide new intelligent solutions that contribute to solving the key societal challenges described above by increasing road safety, the overall efficiency of the transport systems and by contributing to a more efficient use of fuel. These intelligent systems can assist the driver in the driving functions preventing or avoiding accidents, they can provide drivers with real time information about the road network avoiding congestion, and they can optimise a journey or the engine performance improving overall energy efficiency. These intelligent systems address the interaction between the driver, the vehicle and the road environment, in an integrated approach where the autonomous on-board systems are complemented with vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure co-operative technologies and improved traffic network management.
Implementation Road Map: ESP
Effect of ESP installed after 2005 Business as usual: 2010: ca. 1,000 lives (2,300 M€) 2020: ca. 2,400 lives (5,400 M€) eSafety actions (incentives etc.): 2010: ca. 1,400 lives (3,100 M€) 2020: ca. 3,400 lives (7,800 M€)
Implementation Road Maps
Estimation of market penetration example (penetration for new cars) Very high % High % Medium % Low % Very low %
Implementation Road Map: DTM
Note: motorways/TERN; only DTM impl. after 2005 Business as usual: 2010: ca. 50 lives (200 M€) 2020: ca. 200 lives (750 M€) eSafety actions (incentives etc.): 2010: ca. 150 lives (550 M€) 2020: ca. 400 lives (1350 M€)
The 2nd eSafety Communication
2nd Commission Communication on eSafety: Bringing eCall to Citizens COM(2005)431 Final eCall: A key recommendation of the 1st eSafety Communication Significant progress towards the full-scale roll-out of eCall But: Roll-out can be delayed if the national and regional governments do not invest in the necessary infrastructure for eCall
eCall: Plan to succes
Introduction The eSafety Initiative – where do we stand?... The future steps
i2010 and the Intelligent Car Initiative
On June 1, 2005 the Commission adopted the initiative “i2010: European Information Society 2010 for growth and employment” The Intelligent Car is one of the i2010 Flagship Initiatives. The objective is to improve the quality of the living environment by supporting ICT solutions for safer, smarter and cleaner mobility of people and goods. Intelligent Car Smarter improve efficiency and safety. Cleaner contributing to reduce polluting emissions On 1 June 2005 the Commission adopted the initiative “i2010: European Information Society 2010 for growth and employment” as a comprehensive strategy for modernising and deploying all EU policy instruments to encourage the development of the digital economy. The “Intelligent Car” is one of the 3 Flagship initiatives proposed within the third pillar of i 2010 with the objective to raise the visibility of the vital contribution of ICT to the quality of life. … addressing environmental and safety issues arising from increased road use Safer prevent and mitigate the impact of accidents.
Objectives of the Intelligent Car Initiative
Intelligent Car: Objectives Objectives of the Intelligent Car Initiative Coordinate and support the work of relevant stakeholders, citizens, Member States and the Industry Support research and development in the area of smarter, cleaner and safer vehicles and facilitate the take-up and use of research results Create awareness of ICT based solutions to stimulate user’s demand for these systems and create socio-economic acceptance The needs for action at European level in the area of intelligent cars define the following objectives of the Intelligent Car Initiative: Coordinate and support the work of relevant stakeholders, citizens, Member States and the Industry, in the Intelligent Car Initiative. Support research and development in the area of smarter, cleaner and safer vehicles and facilitate the take-up and use of research results. Create awareness of ICT-based solutions to stimulate users’ demand for these systems and create socio-economic acceptance.
Intelligent Car: Structure
The i2010 Intelligent Car Initiative will build on the work of the eSafety initiative and follow a three – pillar approach: (1) The eSafety Initiative and the (2) RTD in Information and Communications Technologies (3) Awareness raising Actions Intelligent Car Initiative The work of the intelligent car initiative is organised through a 3 pillar approach: Coordination and support of the work of relevant stakeholders, citizens, Member States and the Industry will be done through the eSafety Forum The Research pillar will be implemented through FP6 and FP 7 programmes and projects. And the Creation of awareness of ICT based solutions will be implemented through the awareness raising actions described in the communication. Awareness Raising Actions The eSafety Forum RTD in ICTs FP5, FP6, FP7 Raising Awareness of ICT for smarter, safer and cleaner vehicles
First Pillar: eSafety The Focus in the eSafety Initiative will remain in Deployment: Pan-European Deployment of eCall by 2009 Updated European Statement of Principles ESoP (HMI) – Commission adoption, May’06 Launch of the eSafety Communications Platform, September’06 Adoption of the EP Report on eCall, April 2006 i2010 High Level Conference-Helsinki, September’06
Second Pillar: The Research Programme
The Intelligent Car Initiative activities build upon the achievements and results of EU Framework Programmes on research and technological development. The long-term objectives of the Intelligent Car Initiative will be part of the ICT priority in FP7 The research priorities of the Intelligent Car fully support the ERTRAC strategic research agenda The Intelligent Car Initiative activities build upon the achievements and results of EU Framework Programmes on research and technological development The long-term objectives of the Intelligent Car Initiative can only be achieved through co-operative research and will be part of the ICT priority in FP7 contributing to the development of ICT-based transportation systems and services enabling people and goods to move safely, ecologically, comfortably and efficiently. The research priorities of the Intelligent Car fully support the ERTRAC (European Road Transport Research Advisory Council) strategic research agenda.
Why Co-Operative Systems ?
Preventive and Active Safety Passive Safety Crash Crash Information Foresighted driving Support Warning & assistance systems Intervention Active vehicle control Safety systems Rescue systems & services Crash probability Applications Traffic information Hazard warning Stop sign violation Restraint syst. Emergency vehicle clearing Road conditions Lange merging Emergency braking Airbags Traffic efficiency Traffic adaptive cruise control Materials (energy absorption) eCall Capability Car to Car Communication Cellular Communication Source: Car2Car Consortia
Third Pillar: Awareness Actions
The awareness pillar of the Intelligent Car Initiative will promote, active information dissemination to a wide audience: To raise drivers and policy maker’s knowledge about the potential of intelligent vehicle systems To stimulate user’s demand and create socio-economic acceptance To facilitate the deployment of mature technologies and systems in the initial phase of market penetration To encourage stakeholders initiatives supporting i2010
eSafety Mail Box: More information
Mailbox of the Unit: eSafety Web-site: eSafety on CORDIS website: eSafetySupport website
Thank you for your attention
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