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The LCG Applications Area Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN LCG Applications Area Manager XXII HTASC Meeting September 27, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "The LCG Applications Area Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN LCG Applications Area Manager XXII HTASC Meeting September 27, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 The LCG Applications Area Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN LCG Applications Area Manager XXII HTASC Meeting September 27, 2002

2 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 2 Outline  LCG and Applications Area introduction  Project management: organization, planning, resources  Applications area activities  Software Process and Infrastructure (SPI)  Math libraries  Persistency project (POOL)  Architecture blueprint RTAG  Conclusion

3 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 3 LHC Software – General Principles  OO paradigm using C++  Modularity makes collaborative development easier  ‘Implementation hiding’ eases maintenance and evolution  Take software engineering seriously  Treat as a project: planning, milestones, resource management  Build for adaptability over a ~20yr project lifetime  Careful management of software configuration  Reproducibility of analyses  Employ common solutions  HENP community-developed tools; open source; commercial  Minimize in-house development  But when necessary, develop common solutions (LCG Project)

4 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 4 LCG Areas of Work Computing System  Physics Data Management  Fabric Management  Physics Data Storage  LAN Management  Wide-area Networking  Security  Internet Services Grid Technology  Grid middleware  Standard application services layer  Inter-project coherence/compatibility Applications Support & Coordination  Application Software Infrastructure – libraries, tools  Object persistency, data management tools  Common Frameworks – Simulation, Analysis,..  Adaptation of Physics Applications to Grid environment  Grid tools, Portals Grid Deployment  Data Challenges  Grid Operations  Network Planning  Regional Centre Coordination  Security & access policy

5 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 5 The LHC Computing Grid Project Structure Project Overview Board Project Execution Board Software and Computing Committee (SC2) Work Plan Definition WP RTAG WP Project Leader

6 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 6 Workflow around the organisation chart WPnPEBSC2RTAGm requirements mandate Prioritised requirements Updated workplan Workplan feedback ~2 mths Project plan Release 1 Release 2 ~4 mths Status report Review feedback time SC2 Sets the requirements SC2 approves the workplan SC2 monitors the status PEB develops workplan PEB manages LCG resources PEB tracks progress

7 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 7 Coherent Architecture  Applications common projects must follow a coherent overall architecture  The software needs to be broken down into manageable pieces i.e. down to the component level  Component-based, but not a bag of disjoint components  components designed for interoperability through clean interfaces  Does not preclude a common implementation foundation, such as ROOT, for different components  The ‘contract’ in the architecture is to respect the interfaces  No hidden communication among components  Starting point is existing products, not a clean slate

8 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 8 Standard services, tools, infrastructure and interface glue, code mgmt and support, QA, … Cohesion Across Projects Project Web based project info, documentation, browsers, build and release access, bug tracking, … Coherent overall architecture

9 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 9 Distributed Character of Components  Persistency framework  Naming based on logical filenames  Replica catalog and management  Conditions database  Inherently distributed (but configurable for local use)  Interactive frameworks  Grid-aware environment; ‘transparent’ access to grid-enabled tools and services  Statistical analysis, visualization  Integral parts of distributed analysis environment  Framework services  Grid-aware message and error reporting, error handling, grid- related framework services  Distributed production tools

10 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 10 Organisation of activities Project WP Project WP Project WP Project WP Overall management, coordination, architecture, integration, support Activity area: Physics data management Projects: Hybrid event store, Conditions DB, … Work Packages: Component breakdown and work plan lead to Work Package definitions. ~1-3 FTEs per WP Activity area Example: Area Leader Project leaders

11 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 11 Collaboration with experiments  Direct technical collaboration between experiment participants, IT, ROOT, new LCG personnel; as far as the technical work goes, project lines should be more important than line management categories  ‘Hosting’ of projects in experiments, where appropriate  Completely open activities and communication  Issues at all levels dealt with in regular open meetings as much as possible  Mechanism in place for formally involving experiment architects, and dealing with contentious issues: Architects Forum

12 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 12 Architects Forum (AF)  Members: experiment architects + applications manager (chair)  Decides the difficult issues  Most of the time, AF will converge on a decision  If not, applications manager takes decision  Such decisions can be accepted or challenged  Challenged decisions go to full PEB, then if necessary to SC2  We all abide happily by an SC2 decision  Forum meetings also cover general current issues and exchange of views  Forum decisions, actions documented in public minutes

13 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 13 Planning  Project breakdown and schedule implemented in planning tool (XProject) and in development in terms of content  High level milestones developed and approved  November 2002: Alpha release of hybrid event store (POOL)  June 2003: General release of hybrid event store  Nov 2003: Distributed production environment using grid services  May 2004: Distributed end-user interactive analysis from a Tier 3  March 2005: Full function release of persistency framework  Current planning activity: develop level 2 schedule and deliverables in process/infrastructure and persistency  PEB goal to have detailed planning complete by the end of the year.  Global long term workplan outlined last spring  Individual project workplans being developed as projects are initiated  POOL 2002 workplan submitted and approved  Software Process and Infrastructure workplan to SC2 on Oct 11

14 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 14 Overall Workplan Priorities  Considerations for developing workplan and priorities:  Experiment need and priority  Suitability to a common project  Timing: when will the conditions be right to initiate a common project  Do established solutions exist in the experiments  Are they open to review or are they entrenched  Availability of resources  Allocation of effort  Is there existing effort which would be better spent doing something else  Availability, maturity of associated third party software  E.g. grid software  Pragmatism and seizing opportunity. A workplan derived from a grand design would not fit the reality of this project

15 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 15 Top Priorities 1. Establish process and infrastructure project (Active) 2. Address core areas essential to building a coherent architecture, and develop the architecture  Object dictionary (Active)  Persistency (Active)  Interactive frameworks, analysis tools (also driven by assigning personnel optimally) (Pending) 3. Address priority common project opportunities  Driven opportunistically by a combination of experiment need, appropriateness to common project, and ‘the right moment’ (existing but not entrenched solutions in some experiments)  Detector description and geometry model (RTAG in progress)  Driven by need and available manpower  Simulation tools (RTAG in progress) Initiate: First half 2002

16 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 16 Near term priorities  Build outward from the core top tier components  Conditions database (Pending, but common tool exists)  Framework services, class libraries (RTAG in progress)  Address common project areas of less immediate priority  Math libraries (Active)  Physics packages (RTAG in progress)  Extend and elaborate the support infrastructure  Software testing and distribution (Active) Initiate: Second half 2002 Deliver: fall/late 2002: basic working persistency framework (On schedule)

17 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 17 Medium term  The core components have been addressed, architecture and component breakdown laid out, work begun. Grid products have had another year to develop and mature. Now explicitly address physics applications integration into the grid applications layer.  Distributed production systems. End-to-end grid application/framework for production.  Distributed analysis interfaces. Grid-aware analysis environment and grid-enabled tools.  Some common software components are now available. Build on them.  Lightweight persistency, based on persistency framework  Release LCG benchmarking suite Initiate: First half 2003

18 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 18 Long term  Longer term items waiting for their moment (cf. considerations):  ‘Hard’ ones, perhaps made easier by a growing common software architecture  Event processing framework  Address evolution of how we write software  OO language usage  Longer term needs; capabilities emerging from R&D  Advanced grid tools, online notebooks, … Initiate: Second half 2003 and later

19 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 19 Resources  Original manpower-required estimates from Sep 2001 proposal  To be completely revisited, but gives some idea of numbers and foreseen distribution  Total: 36 FTEs of which 23 are new LCG hires  Application software infrastructure - 5 FTEs  Common frameworks for simulation & analysis - 13 FTEs  Support for physics applications – 9 FTEs  Physics data management - 9 FTEs  ‘Mountain of manpower will be with us very soon and will leave in 3 years’  Tentative project assignments according to abilities  Setting up tools and infrastructure  ‘Some new people could go to experiment to get up to speed, whilst more experienced could go from experiments to project’  ‘How does support issue effect project’  Support needed for lifetime of the software  Long term commitments to support the software needed

20 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 20 Personnel status  10 new LCG hires in place and working  5 more identified, starting between now and December  Manpower ramp is on schedule  Contributions from UK, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, Israel, US  We are urgently working on accruing enough scope (via RTAGs) to employ this manpower optimally  Everyone is working productively  ~10 FTEs from IT (DB and API groups) also participating  ~7 FTEs from experiments (CERN EP and outside CERN) also participating, primarily in persistency project at present  Important experiment contributions also in the RTAG process

21 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 21 Activities: Candidate RTAGs by activity area  Application software infrastructure  Software process; math libraries; C++ class libraries; software testing; software distribution; OO language usage; benchmarking suite  Common frameworks for simulation and analysis  Simulation tools; detector description, model; interactive frameworks; statistical analysis; visualization  Support for physics applications  Physics packages; data dictionary; framework services; event processing framework  Grid interface and integration  Distributed analysis; distributed production; online notebooks  Physics data management  Persistency framework; conditions database; lightweight persistency

22 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 22 Candidate RTAG timeline

23 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 23 Projects started or starting, prioritized order  Software process and infrastructure (SPI) – Alberto Aimar  Persistency framework (POOL) – Dirk Duellmann  Core framework services (RTAG in progress)  Simulation (RTAG in progress)  Detector description (RTAG in progress)  Event generators (RTAG in progress)  Analysis tools (RTAG soon)  Math libraries – Fred James

24 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 24 SPI

25 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 25

26 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 26 LCG SPI Status (Alberto Aimar, IT/API)  Everything is done in collaboration with  LCG and LCG projects (Pool)  LHC experiments  Big projects (G4, Root, etc)  Currently available or being developed, and used by Pool  All is done assessing what is available in the Laboratory (Experiments, IT, etc.) and in the free software in general  Users are involved in the definition of the solutions, all is public on the SPI web site  Development of specific tools is avoided, IT services are used  A workplan is being prepared for next LCG SC2 commitee  Services  AFS delivery area  CVS server  Build platforms (Linux, Sun, Windows)  Components  Code documentation  Software documentation  Coding and design guidelines  CVS organization  Workpackage testing  Other services and components started  Project web  Memory testining  Configuration management

27 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 27 SPI implementation  Each service/component of the infrastructure has:  A responsible person in the project  Similar SIMPLE approach  Define the goal of the component  Standard procedures and documentation  Standard procedure  Survey of possible/existing solutions in HEP and free software  Meet the people expert and responsible of the component in real projects (LCG or experiments or big projects)  Discuss and agree/decide/verify a solution  Present the solution  Implement the solutions  Use in the LCG SPI project itself  Use it in a real project (LCG or experiment or big project)

28 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 28 POOL

29 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 29 Data Persistency RTAG  Commenced in Jan, completed April 5  Mandated to write the product specification for the Persistency Framework for Physics Applications at LHC  Collaborative, friendly atmosphere” “Real effort to define a common product”  Focused on the architecture of a persistence management service  Define components and their interactions in terms of abstract interfaces that any implementation must respect  Provide the foundation for a near-term common project reasonably matched to current capabilities of ROOT, with a relational layer above it

30 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 30 Persistency Project Timeline  Started officially 19 April, led by Dirk Duellmann IT/DD  Initially staffed with 1.6 FTE (1 from CMS,.6 (Dirk) from IT)  MySQL scalability and reliability test  Requirement list and experiment deployment plans  Persistency Workshop 5-6 June at CERN  More requirement and implementation discussions  Work package breakdown and release sequence proposed  Additional experiment resource commitments received  A name, POOL: Pool of persistent objects for LHC  Since beginning of July  Real design discussions in work packages started  active participation since then ~5FTE (LHCb, CMS, ATLAS, IT/DD)  Project hardware resources defined and deployed (10 nodes, 2 disk servers)  Software infrastructure defined and becoming progressively available  Work plan for 2002 presented to SC2 in August and approved  Coding!

31 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 31 Hybrid Data Store – Schematic View Experiment event model Object Dictionary Service Persistency Manager Experiment specific object model descriptions Storage: Pass object(s) Get ID(s) Retrieval: Pass ID(s) Get object(s) Locator Service Distributed Replica Manager (Grid) Locate Files File(s) Storage Manager ID – File DB fopen etc. Object Streaming Service File info File records Data objects Object info Object descriptions Dataset Locator Process dataset Dataset DB File(s) Name Data File Human Interaction

32 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 32 POOL Work Packages  Storage Manager and Object References  ROOT I/O based Storage Manager and persistent references  Capable of storing objects ‘foreign’ to ROOT (‘any’ C++ class)  File Catalog and Grid Integration  MySQL, XML and EDG based implementations  Collections and Metadata  Collection implementations for RDBMS and RootI/O  Dictionary and Conversion  Transient and persistent dictionaries  Cross population between RootI/O dictionary and Dictionary import/export  Infrastructure, integration and testing  Project specific development, integration, test infrastructure

33 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 33 Prioritized Experiment Focus of Interest  RootIO integration with grid aware catalog (ALL)  Transparent Navigation (ATLAS/CMS/LHCb)  ALICE: maybe, but only in some places  EDG (ALL), Alien (ALICE), Magda (ATLAS)  MySQL as RDBMS implementation until first release (ALL)  Consistency between streaming data and meta-data (CMS/ATLAS)  At application defined checkpoints during a job  Early separation of persistent and transient dictionary (ATLAS/LHCb)  Initial release supports persistency for non-TObjects (ATLAS/LHCb)  without changes to user class definitions  Support for shallow (catalog-only) data copies (CMS)  formerly known as cloned Federations  Support for deep (extracted part-of-object hierarchy) copies (CMS)

34 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 34 Release Sequence  End September - V0.1 - Basic Navigation  all core components for navigation exist and interoperate  StorageMgr, Refs & CacheMgr, Dictionary, FileCatalog  some remaining simplifications  Assume TObject on read/write – simplified conversion  End October - V0.2 – Collections  first collection implementation integrated  support implicit and explicit collections on either RDBMS or RootIO  persistency for foreign classes working  persistency for non-TObject classes without need for user code instrumentation  EDG/Globus FileCatalog integrated  End November - V0.3 – Meta Data & Query External release  annotation and query added for event, event collection and file based meta data  Early testing & evaluation of this release by ATLAS, CMS, LHCb anticipated

35 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 35 POOL V0.1 – End September  Main Goal  navigation for TObject (ROOT object) instances operational  all core components in place  at least one component implementation operational  Navigation for non-ROOT objects in next release  complete the first release cycle!  Expect to complete this month or in first days of next month  interface discussion finished  large fraction of the implementation code already existing and in the repository  remaining work should be mainly component integration…

36 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 36 POOL V0.1 Release Steps & Schedule  Complete/Update Component Documentation - by 15 th Sept. (Completed Sep 17)  pool (internal) component description  what will be done in this release? what is still left for later?  documents are announced on pool list and appear on POOL web site  version numbers for any external packages are fixed (Root, MySQL, MySQL++ …)  Component Code Freeze for Release Candidate - by 25 th Sept. (Imminent)  all component code tagged in CVS  all documented features are implemented and have a test case  compiles at least on highest priority release platform (=Linux RH7.2 and gcc-2.95.2 ?)  survives regression tests on component level  System & Integration Testing and later packaging - by 30 th Sept. (Next week)  Any remaining platform porting  Integration tests & “end user” examples run on all platforms  Code review – early October  Start planning the next release cycle

37 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 37 Math libraries

38 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 38 Math Libraries  Many different libraries in use  General purpose (NAG-C, GSL,..)  HEP-specific ( CLHEP, ZOOM, ROOT)  Modern libraries dealing with matrices and vectors (Blitz++, Boost..)  Financial considerations  NAG-C 300 kCHF/yr initially dropping to 100 kCHF/yr after 4-5 years  Comparative evaluation of NAG-C and GSL is difficult and time- consuming  Collect information on what is used/needed  Evaluation of functionality and performance very important  HEP-specific libraries expected to evolve to meet future needs

39 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 39 Math library recommendations & status  Establish support group to provide advice and info about existing libraries, and identify and develop new functionality  Group to be established in October  Experiments should specify the libraries and modules they use  Only LHCb has provided info so far  Detailed study should be undertaken to assess needed functionality and how to provide it, particularly via free libraries such as GSL  Group in India is undertaking this study; agreement just signed

40 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 40 Blueprint RTAG

41 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 41 Applications Architectural Blueprint RTAG  Preamble: without some overall view of LCG applications, the results from individual RTAGs, and thus the LCG work, may not be optimally coherent. Hence the need for an overall architectural ‘blueprint’. This blueprint will then serve to spawn other RTAGs leading to specific proposals, and ensuring some degree of overall consistency.  Mandate: define the architectural ‘blueprint’ for LCG applications:  Define the main architectural domains (‘collaborating frameworks’) of LHC experiments and identify their principal components. (For example: Simulation is such an architectural domain; Detector Description is a component which figures in several domains.)  Define the architectural relationships between these ‘frameworks’ and components, including Grid aspects, identify the main requirements for their inter-communication, and suggest possible first implementations. (The focus here is on the architecture of how major ‘domains’ fit together, and not detailed architecture within a domain.)  Identify the high level deliverables and their order of priority.  Derive a set of requirements for the LCG

42 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 42 Meetings and Presentations  June 12Pere Mato, Rene Brun  June 14Rene Brun, Vincenzo Innocente  July 3Torre Wenaus  July 8Pere Mato, Vincenzo Innocente  July 12Pere Mato, Vincenzo Innocente  July 23Paul Kunz  August 5Tony Johnson  August 6Bob Jacobsen, Lassi Tuura  August 8  August 9Andrea Dell’Acqua  September 9  September 10  October 1

43 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 43 Report Outline  Executive summary  SC2 mandate  Response of the RTAG to the mandate  Blueprint scope and requirements  Use of ROOT  As outlined in the last status report  Blueprint architecture design precepts  High level architectural issues, approaches  Blueprint architectural elements  Specific architectural elements, suggested patterns, examples  Domain decomposition  Metrics (quality, usability, maintability, modularity)  Schedule and resources  Specific recommendations to the SC2  Recommended reading list

44 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 44 Requirements  Lifetime  Languages  Distributed applications  TGV and airplane work  Modularity of components  Use of interfaces  Interchangeability of implementations  Integration  Design for end-users  Re-use existing implementations  Software quality at least as good as any LHC experiment  Platforms

45 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 45 How will ROOT be used?  LCG software will be developed as a ROOT user  Will draw on a great ROOT strength: users are listened to very carefully!  The ROOT team has been very responsive to needs for new and extended functionality coming from the persistency effort  Drawing on ROOT in a user-provider relationship matches the reality of the ROOT development model of a very small number of ‘empowered’ developers  The ROOT development team is small and they like it that way  While ROOT will be used at the core of much LCG software for the foreseeable future, we agree there needs to be a line with ROOT proper on one side and ‘LCG software’ on the other.  Despite the user-provider relationship, LCG software may nonetheless place architectural, organizational or other demands on ROOT

46 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 46 Basic Framework Foundation Libraries Simulation Framework Reconstruction Framework Visualization Framework Applications... Optional Libraries Other Frameworks Software Structure

47 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 47 Blueprint architecture design precepts  Software structure: foundation; basic framework; specialized frameworks  Component model: APIs, collaboration (‘master/slave’, ‘peer-to-peer’), physical/logical module granularity, plug-ins, abstract interfaces, composition vs. inheritance, …  Service model: Uniform, flexible access to functionality  Object models: dumb vs. smart, enforced policies with run-time checking, clear and bullet-proof ownership model  Distributed operation  Dependencies  Interface to external components: generic adapters  …

48 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 48 Blueprint Architectural Elements  Object dictionary and whiteboard  Component bus  Scripting language (ROOTCINT and Python both available)  Component configuration  Basic framework services  Framework infrastructures: creation of objects (factories), lifetime, multiplicity and scope (singleton, multiton, smart pointers), communication & discovery (eg. registries), …  Core services: Component management, incident management, monitoring & reporting, GUI manager, exception handling, …  System services  Foundation and utility libraries

49 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 49 Event Generation Core Services Dictionary Whiteboard Foundation and Utility Libraries Detector Simulation Engine Persistency StoreMgr Reconstruction Algorithms GeometryEvent Model Grid Services Interactive Services Modeler GUI Analysis EvtGen Calibration Scheduler Fitter PluginMgr Monitor NTuple Scripting FileCatalog ROOTGEANT4DataGridPythonQt Monitor... Modeler MySQL

50 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 50 Domain Decomposition  Object dictionary and object model  Persistency and data management  Event processing framework  Event model  Event generation  Detector simulation  Detector geometry and materials  Trigger/DAQ  Event reconstruction  Detector calibration  Scripting, interpreter  GUI toolkits  Graphics  Analysis tools  Math libraries and statistics  Job management  Core services  Foundation and utility libraries  Grid middleware interfaces Brown: at least partly foreseen as common project Grey: not foreseen as common project

51 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 51 Recommendations  Recommendations taking shape in the report so far…  Aspects of ROOT development of expected importance for LCG software are listed  Initiation of a common project on core services  Implementation of Python as interactive/scripting environment and ‘component bus’ (as an optional part of the architecture)  Adopt full STL  Review CLHEP quickly with a view to repackaging it as discrete components and deciding which components the LCG employs, develops  Adopt AIDA (several questions surrounding this still to be clarified)  Adopt Qt as GUI library  Support standard Java compiler(s) and associated needed tools  Develop a clear process (and policies, criteria) for adopting third party software

52 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 52 Four experiments, Four Viewpoints  A lot of accord between ATLAS, CMS, LHCb on the architecture emerging in the blueprint  There are points of difference, but not fundamental ones  Differences are between CMS and LHCb; no daylight between LHCb and ATLAS  ALICE point of view is distinct!  Sees the planned work as primarily a duplication of work already done over the last 7 years and available in ROOT  But, ALICE and ROOT are prepared to work in the framework of the LCG software being a customer of ROOT, with ALICE contributing substantially to ROOT  We do not have full accord among the four experiments, but we have come to a plan that should yield a good, productive working relationship among all

53 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 53 Blueprint RTAG Status  Final report for Oct 11 SC2 meeting  Report draft (~27 pages) is close to complete  Plan to invite a few people with a ‘physics analysis user, non-expert in software’ perspective to review the draft and give comments

54 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 54 Conclusion  So far so good!  Good engagement and support from the experiments at all stages  SC2, RTAG participation, project participation  Use of LCG software written into experiment planning  Now the LCG has to deliver!  LCG hires on track and contributing at a substantial level  IT personnel involved; fully engaged in the DB group, ramping up in the API group  EP/SFT group being established Oct 1 to host LCG applications software activity in EP  Physical gathering of LCG applications participants in building 32 begun  Progress is slower than we would like, but direction and approach seem to be OK  First product deliverable, POOL, is on schedule

55 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 55 Supplemental

56 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 56 Detector Geometry and Materials Description RTAG  Write the product specification for detector geometry and materials description services.  Specify scope: e.g. Services to define, provide transient access to, and store the geometry and materials descriptions required by simulation, reconstruction, analysis, online and event display applications, with the various descriptions using the same information source  Identify requirements including end-user needs such as ease and naturalness of use of the description tools, readability and robustness against errors e.g. provision for named constants and derived quantities  Explore commonality of persistence requirements with conditions data management  Identify where experiments have differing requirements and examine how to address them within common tools  Address migration from current tools

57 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 57 Physics Generators RTAG There are several areas common to the LHC experiments involving the modeling of the physics for the LHC embodied in Monte Carlo (MC) generators. To best explore the common solutions needed and how to engage the HEP community external to the LCG it is proposed that a RTAG should be formed to address:  How to maintain a common code repository for the generator code and related tools such as PDFLIB.  The development or adaptation of generator-related tools (e.g. HepMC) for LHC needs.  How to provide support for the tuning and the evaluation of the Monte Carlo generators and for their maintenance. The physics evaluation is presently being addressed by the MC4LHC group, which is a joint effort of CERN/TH and of the four experiments.  The integration of the Monte Carlo generators into the experimental software frameworks.  The structure of possible forums to facilitate interaction with the distributed external groups who provide the Monte Carlo generators.

58 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 58 Simulation RTAG Mandate (1)  Define the requirements and a validation procedure for the physics processes as needed by the LHC experiments.  Processes should include electromagnetic, hadronic, and the various backgrounds.  The requirements for the physics models and the energy range they should cover should be addressed  Provide guidelines on performance, memory, and speed.

59 Torre Wenaus, BNL/CERN HTASC meeting, September 27, 2002 Slide 59 Simulation Mandate (2)  Study the requirements for integrating the simulation engines (i.e. Geant 4, Fluka etc.) in the application programs. Topics to be addressed should include :  mechanisms for specifying and configuring the physics processes  mechanisms for interfacing to the physics generators  mechanisms for keeping track of MCtruth information  mechanisms for specifying the detector geometry  mechanisms for outputting event data  support for general simulation services such as transport mechanisms, shower parameterisations and for an inverse tracking and reconstruction package "a la GEANE".  other issues related to interfacing to general services of the various software frameworks, such as event visualisation, job configuration, user interfaces etc.

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