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European Space Astronomy Centre Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain Andy Pollock XMM-Newton SOC High-Resolution X-rays from Hot Stars Physics and Dynamics.

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1 European Space Astronomy Centre Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain Andy Pollock XMM-Newton SOC High-Resolution X-rays from Hot Stars Physics and Dynamics of X-ray Plasma in Hot Stars A.M.T. Pollock RGS Calibration Scientist European Space Agency, XMM-Newton Science Operations Centre, European Space Astronomy Centre, 28080 Madrid, España Cassinelli, Cohen, Corcoran, Feldmeier, Gagné, Ignace, Henley, Leutenegger, MacFarlane, Miller, Oskinova, Owocki, Raassen, Schulz, Skinner, Walborn, Waldron. X-ray Grating Spectroscopy, Cambridge MA, 2007 July 11-13

2 European Space Astronomy Centre Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain Andy Pollock XMM-Newton SOC High-Resolution X-rays from Hot Stars The X-ray spectrum of  Puppis O4I lines resolved no flat tops He-like(f  i(UV)) weak continuum

3 European Space Astronomy Centre Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain Andy Pollock XMM-Newton SOC High-Resolution X-rays from Hot Stars The line-driven winds of hot stars L X /L bol ~10 -7 X-rays from instabilities in the acceleration zone à la Lucy & White (1980) et seq. ¿  X ( ) ? ¿ wind clumping ? ¿ mass-loss rates ? Vela X-1 test

4 European Space Astronomy Centre Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain Andy Pollock XMM-Newton SOC High-Resolution X-rays from Hot Stars The physics involved Shocks (cf SNRs) collisionless plasma driven post-shock relaxation Plasma physics Equilibrium - yes or no ? T  f(v)dv Gas dynamics X-ray absorption in clumpy media Chemical abundances Magnetic fields Consequences for current models line-driven instability shocks in single stars numerical hydrodynamic simulations of colliding-wind binaries (CWBs)

5 European Space Astronomy Centre Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain Andy Pollock XMM-Newton SOC High-Resolution X-rays from Hot Stars The high-resolution X-ray sample instrinsic X-rays O2-O9-B0 I-V WN2-8 WC4-WC9 LBV magnetic stars colliding-wind binaries ISM

6 European Space Astronomy Centre Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain Andy Pollock XMM-Newton SOC High-Resolution X-rays from Hot Stars X-ray spectra of O stars  Ori LineProfile(! ) Cohen+ (2006) moments Oskinova+ (2006) clumps Pollock (2007) TriLines Waldron & Cassinelli (2007)

7 European Space Astronomy Centre Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain Andy Pollock XMM-Newton SOC High-Resolution X-rays from Hot Stars Stacked X-ray line profiles of single O stars

8 European Space Astronomy Centre Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain Andy Pollock XMM-Newton SOC High-Resolution X-rays from Hot Stars Chandra MEG stacked profiles of more OB stars  Pup -2068 -829+1937  Per -2180 -408+2488  Ori -1585 -303+1723  Ori -1495 -251+1480  Ori -1613 -78+1675  Ori -552 -94 +517  Oph -1055 -27 +787  Ori -2113 -44+2262 blueVcentralVredV TriLine velocities (km/s) the single TriLine profile is OK for all the lines in these OB stars  disagreement with Miller+ (2002) for  Ori  disagreement with Waldron & Cassinelli (2007) for centralV X-rays best for measurements of v ∞

9 European Space Astronomy Centre Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain Andy Pollock XMM-Newton SOC High-Resolution X-rays from Hot Stars The problem with the X-ray lines of O stars  Too symmetric (cf Owocki & Cohen 2001 )  Ingredients for a solution  X-ray opacity  Reduction by UV, EUV & X-rays ( Waldron 1984 et seq )  Porosity ( Owocki & Cohen 2006 )  Vela X-1 test ?  Location, location, location   X (v(r)) = f X  (v(r>R 0 )) (red half from behind the star)  CIE He-like triplets ( Cassinelli+ 2001  Leutenegger+ 2006 ) Waldron+ (1998) Cassinelli+ (2001) Townsend via Owocki & Cohen (2006)

10 European Space Astronomy Centre Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain Andy Pollock XMM-Newton SOC High-Resolution X-rays from Hot Stars Some of the contenders  Oskinova+ (2006)  CIE He-like locations  POWR opacities  highly clumped cool wind  1 clump per flow time  Cohen & Leutenegger (2007)  empirical X-ray opacity  X-ray starting radius  wind porosity parameter  Pollock 2007, A&A, 463, 1111  abandon all this  Pup

11 European Space Astronomy Centre Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain Andy Pollock XMM-Newton SOC High-Resolution X-rays from Hot Stars A new paradigm for single O stars  All X-ray lines have the same velocity profile  terminal velocity regime  widths are from random not bulk velocities  Plasma is not in equilibrium  reconsider CIE He-like radii  Plasma is collisionless (cf SNR shocks)  relaxation times are long and energy exchange is slow  no prompt hot electrons and no continuum  ionization and excitation by means other than electron impact  charge exchange  proton excitation ? v ∞  v Bohr !  rates ?  B important  Are shocks required at all ?  Many outstanding questions  origin of FeXVII 16.778 and exchange-term lines  Why no RRCs ?

12 European Space Astronomy Centre Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain Andy Pollock XMM-Newton SOC High-Resolution X-rays from Hot Stars High-velocity microphysics of charged particles inelastic collisionselastic collisions ion >< ion electron >< ion excitation ionizationcharge exchange Coulomb collisions no neutral gas in hot-star winds  ii  excitation  ionization  charge exchange  10 -17 – 10 -15 cm 2 Spitzer (1956)

13 European Space Astronomy Centre Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain Andy Pollock XMM-Newton SOC High-Resolution X-rays from Hot Stars WR11 WC8+O at two binary phases Willis, Schild & Stevens, A&A, 298, 549, 1995 C VI RRC C V RRC X(  ) X(  ) Schild+ (2004)

14 European Space Astronomy Centre Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain Andy Pollock XMM-Newton SOC High-Resolution X-rays from Hot Stars WR48 WC5-6+O V +O I and a bright SNR WR48 & SNR1ES0102-7219 C VI RRC O VIII RRC O VII RRC WR48 PSPC constant over P=19d No photoionizing continuum

15 European Space Astronomy Centre Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain Andy Pollock XMM-Newton SOC High-Resolution X-rays from Hot Stars X-rays from  1 Ori C (B=1.1kG, P=15.4d) WC7 O4-5 Gagné + 2005  Wind dynamics dominated by B  Lines from O VII to Fe XXV hotter and narrower than other O stars  “magnetically-channeled wind shock” MHD simulations work well  models of  Sco (B=0.5kG, P=41d) coming soon

16 European Space Astronomy Centre Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain Andy Pollock XMM-Newton SOC High-Resolution X-rays from Hot Stars X-rays from WR140 (P=7.94yr, D=14.1AU, e=0.88) WR140 RXTE 2-10 keV (1-6Å) WC7 O4-5 Pollock+ 2005 WR in front © © ¡ CWB gas is not an ideal fluid !  current hydrodynamic simulations are obsolete including mine  there is no contact discontinuity  B is important here too

17 European Space Astronomy Centre Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain Andy Pollock XMM-Newton SOC High-Resolution X-rays from Hot Stars The best Wolf-Rayet binary X-ray spectrum WR140 Chandra HETG just before the 2001 periastron vpshock models fit well ¿ …but what does it mean ? X-rays best for abundances

18 European Space Astronomy Centre Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain Andy Pollock XMM-Newton SOC High-Resolution X-rays from Hot Stars Details of WR140’s HETG X-ray lines near periastron near apastron ¡ this plasma is not in equilibrium !

19 European Space Astronomy Centre Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain Andy Pollock XMM-Newton SOC High-Resolution X-rays from Hot Stars X-rays from  Carinae (P=5.5yr, e~0.9) Henley+ (2007) Equilibrium ionization ? He-like f/i ratio > low-density upper limit same as WR140

20 European Space Astronomy Centre Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain Andy Pollock XMM-Newton SOC High-Resolution X-rays from Hot Stars Statistical asides  Poisson statistics always apply  P(n|  ) = e -   n /n!  0 is a perfectly good measurement  P(0|  ) = e -   log(likelihood) like XSPEC’s C-statistic is always valid  C-statistic goodness-of-fit needs work for lots of  ~ 0  Never rebin even low-resolution spectra  Who rebins beautiful 0.5” resolution Chandra spatial images ?  Plot in linear coordinates

21 European Space Astronomy Centre Villafranca del Castillo, Madrid, Spain Andy Pollock XMM-Newton SOC High-Resolution X-rays from Hot Stars Are magnetic fields the key to hot-star X-rays ?   1 Ori C when B is dynamically in charge   Ori when it’s not  Distant binaries like WR140 and WR25 generate their own B  Observational work required  1 O star for 1 HETG Ms to emulate Capella  cf Leutenegger+ (2007) NVI and OVII resonance scattering in  Pup  continuum level  distinguish alternative models  2009 January periastron passages of WR140 and  Carinae  close binaries in general  CHM rather than CWB  Theoretical work required  proton ionization rates  charge exchange  NEI models

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