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Praise Place Easter Service Easter Eve Saturday, April 15, 2006 – 7:00 PM.

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Presentation on theme: "Praise Place Easter Service Easter Eve Saturday, April 15, 2006 – 7:00 PM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Praise Place Easter Service Easter Eve Saturday, April 15, 2006 – 7:00 PM

2 From the Gory to the Glory Holy Week  Palm Sunday  Maunday Thursday  Good Friday  Resurrection Sunday What Happened between Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday?  What the Bible says  What some people say

3 What the Bible says happened between Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday Jesus died on the cross after he said, “It is finished.” His body was in the tomb and was wrapped up in burial clothes with spices His soul and spirit went to Paradise – Abraham’s Bosom to take the Old Testament saints to heaven He came back to the tomb and rose again Jesus had a new resurrection body like we will be given without limitations of time and space! The angels told the women on Sunday morning – “He is not here, here is risen!”

4 What some people say happened between Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday “Swoon” theory – Jesus just passed out and didn’t die Hallucination theory – everybody just imagined Jesus being alive after he died Theft theory – the disciples stole the body Conspiracy theory – the disciples made up the story of Jesus being resurrected Jesus didn’t exist and wasn’t a real person No one can come back to life from the dead

5 What the Bible says after the Resurrection Jesus rose up from the grave according to all four Gospel writers – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John Jesus walked through walls Jesus still had nail scars in his hands Jesus was seen by many people including one group of people numbering more than 500, more than saw Robert Fulton and his first steamboat Jesus ascended – rose up into heaven

6 Other Proof of the Resurrection Historians including Flavius Josephus said Jesus was the Son of God and that he rose from the grave Box with bones of “James, the brother of Jesus” The work of the Jesus disciplines, who all died as martyrs for the cause of Christ Jesus lives in our hearts if we are Christians! The Shroud (burial cloth) of Turin?

7 The Shroud of Turin – Picture of Entire Shroud – is this Jesus?

8 The Shroud of Turin - Torso of Jesus

9 The Shroud of Turin – Hands of Jesus

10 The Shroud of Turin – Face of Jesus

11 The Shroud of Turin – Reverse Photographic Negative of Face

12  We have the resurrection power of Christ in our lives if we accept Christ as Savior!  But we often live in defeat when we are more than conquerors in Christ, and as ambassadors of Christ! It’s a lie of the devil that we are defeated! He couldn’t stop Jesus but he will try to stop us!  Instead, we should live in victory!!! What Should We Do?

13 Praise Place “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” - Revelation 3:20

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