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A Hacker's Perspective Kamran Bilgrami / Angelo Chan Silverlight Security.

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Presentation on theme: "A Hacker's Perspective Kamran Bilgrami / Angelo Chan Silverlight Security."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Hacker's Perspective Kamran Bilgrami / Angelo Chan Silverlight Security

2 Agenda Silverlight overview Scope Key concepts Demos Recommendations Q&A

3 Silverlight Overview User Cross-browser, cross-platform Media-rich (audio/video) Run in-browser, out-of-browser.xap - archive of assemblies, manifest Programmer.NET programming model Networking and LINQ support

4 Silverlight architecture Presentation (e.g. Media) CoreCLR (optimized)

5 Silverlight overview - security Run-time security modes o In browser, out of browser Sandbox o User initiated, same origin policy

6 Scope In scope o Vulnerabilities against Silverlight related components Out of scope o Classical attacks (SQL Injection, XSS etc) Due to XAP/CoreCLR, hackers can now apply.NET assembly hacking techniques to your web application

7 Useful concepts XAP CoreCLR Intermediate Language (IL) Widely Available Tools o ILASM/ILDASM o Reflector o ReflexIL Signing/Tamper detection Obfuscation (Protect IP)

8 Demos

9 Demo 1 Summary Problems Code not obfuscated Tamper-able Assembly Client side Business logic Solutions Use code obfuscation Assembly Signing Server Side Business

10 Demo 2 Summary Starting conditions Code was obfuscated Tamper resistant IP / Business logic on server side Run-time hacking Bypass tamper detection Bypass server business logic

11 Recommendations Web security - XSS, data encryption CLR - Obfuscation, signing Domain-specific - e.g. banking application Legal

12 Q&A

13 References Silverlight Security Overview - MSDN Silverlight Architecture - MSDNM SOS command reference - MSDN CLR Inside Out - MSDN


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