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The 6th Framework Programme for Research and Development Support for the Participation of Scientists and Institutions from Ukraine Bernhard FABIANEK

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Presentation on theme: "The 6th Framework Programme for Research and Development Support for the Participation of Scientists and Institutions from Ukraine Bernhard FABIANEK"— Presentation transcript:

1 The 6th Framework Programme for Research and Development Support for the Participation of Scientists and Institutions from Ukraine Bernhard FABIANEK European Commission, Information Society Directorate-General Academic and Research Networking in Ukraine: Present State and Future Developments (NATO Advanced Networking Workshop) Kiev, April 4, 2003 "The views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission"

2 OutlineOutline  FP6 - Academic and Research Networking subjects covered in:  Information Society Technologies (IST)   Test-beds  Research Infrastructures (RI)   GEANT + GRIDs

3 The Components of FP6

4 Participation in FP6  FP6 Framework Programme Decision (27 June 2002) states under Whereas (15): “… FP6 is open to the participation of … entities from third countries and of international organisations for scientific co-operation. Specific activities will be undertaken in support of participation of scientists and institutions from developing countries, Mediterranean countries including the Western Balkans as well as Russia and the Newly Independent States (NIS).”

5 Anywhere anytime natural and enjoyable access to IST services for ALL Miniaturised, low cost low power components & µsytems Natural interactions with ‘ knowledge ’ with ‘ knowledge ’ Pervasive, mobile, wireless, trustful infrastructures Communication & networking Software µ, nano & opto electronics µ and nano systemsKnowledgetechnologiesinterfaces Applied IST for major societal and economic challenges Trust & Security IST for societal challenges IST for work & business challenges Demanding Demandingapplications Specific Generic Integration Building blocks Security, privacy IPRs, dependabilty Smart cards,... E and m business, e and m work, Learning, egovernment GRIDS for science, engineering business and society Health, eInclusion, mobility, environment safety, cultural heritage Mobile: beyond 3G Fixed:All optical Integrated (IPv6) Audiovisual systems Embedded Distributed Reliability Adaptability CMOS : the limit System-on-Chip Nano-scale New materials Multidiscplines New Sensing Networked New materials Nano-scale Context based Semantic based Agent based Scaleable All senses Multilingual Intuitive ‘Surrounding’ IST

6 FP6 IST Priority (2): Test-beds  IST WP2003: 2.3.5 Research networking test-beds “To integrate and validate, in the context of user- driven large scale test-beds, the state-of-the-art technology that is essential for preparing the future upgrades in the infrastructure deployed across Europe.”

7 IST WP2003: 2.3.5 Test-beds  Addressed in 2 nd IST Call DL 15 October 2003 Evaluation in early November  Projects to start mid 2004  20-30 MEuro Funding available in this Call (50 MEuro in total for Test-beds in IST)  Large multidisciplinary consortium with many actors from different sectors to be involved  Addressing large scale issues (like in the past the introduction of IPv6 in Europe/NRENs)

8 Extensive IPv6 Test-beds To North America To Japan To Korea Native IPv6 at: 34 Mb/s, 155 Mb/s, 2.5 Gb/s 2500 person months of work over 3 years 33 MEuro total cost To Brazil

9 OutlineOutline  FP6 - Academic and Research Networking subjects covered in:  Information Society Technologies (IST)   Test-beds  Research Infrastructures (RI)   GEANT

10 FP6: Research Infrastructures (RI)  In the Specific Programme on "Structuring the European Research Area"  3.2.3 Communication Network Development “The objective of this scheme in support of existing research infrastructures is to create a denser network between related initiatives, in particular by establishing a high-capacity and high-speed communications network for all researchers in Europe (GÉANT) and specific high performance Grids and test-beds (GRIDs).”

11 WP: Research Infrastructures (RI)  3.2.3 Communication Network Development focus on:   Grids Deployment of advanced Grids-empowered infrastructures. These infrastructures should exhibit production-level performance capabilities and constitute themselves distributed facilities at gigabit/terabit scales   GEANT

12 WP (RI): Infrastructures  1 st Call - Grids (DL 6 May 2003) Integrated Infrastructure Initiatives (I3s)   Projects to start late 2003   50 MEuro Funding available in this Call  2 nd Call - GEANT DL 2 September 2003 (100 MEuro)  2005 last Call (50 MEuro)

13   These infrastructures should exhibit production- level performance capabilities and constitute themselves distributed facilities at gigabit/terabit scales (in terms of computing, storage and communication power)   Grids – moving from experimental pilots to stable provision of services   Deployment of Grids-empowered infrastructures to the Research Community in all scientific disciplines FP6 – Focus on Grids

14 Vision: Create an e-Infrastructure e-Infrastructure (Grids empowered) e-Infrastructure (Grids empowered) security mobility semantic web. automatic management broadband e-Learning e-Business aeronautics genomics environment astronomy e-Health e-Science Grid

15   GÉANT – maintain and capitalise on worldwide leadership on Research Networks   FP6 GÉANT network will represent a significant step forward in terms of   services,   communities served,   geographical scope,   bandwidth   and pionering new technologies FP6 – Focus on GÉANT

16 Pan-European coverage (32+4 Countries/NRENs) Gigabit connectivity at 10 Gb/s Linking more than 3100 Universities Total 200 MEuro over 4 years (80 MEuro from EU) Extend to Mediterranean, Asia Pacific Rim, Latin America... Research Networking <2,5Gbit/s 2,5Gbit/s 10 Gbit/s

17 , December) NRENs* Access Capacity to the GEANT Backbone 622Mbps GEANT: The Most Advanced Research Backbone Gigabits per sec DKFISEBEDEESFRITNLGBATGRIELUPT 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 ; 2002: June EELVLTPLCZSKSIHU BG ROMTCYTRISILNOCH HR (2001: June MDUAYU, December

18 Transfer Volume in the European Backbone Network before and after the introduction of GEANT GEANT: Performance Figures Terabyte/month Dec 2000June 2001Dec 2001June 2002Dec 2002 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1 Petabyte TEN-155GEANT

19 Interconnect Research Networks Central Africa Russia EUMEDIS EUMEDconnect Southern Africa Virtual Silk Highway Projects & GRIDs India Singapore China Japan TEIN Operational or funding available Request to interconnect received Brazil Australia @LIS ALICE GEANT

20 Research e-Infrastructures:   “corner-stone” of ERA   “spear-head” of an “eEurope Infrastructure” (e.g. broadband plus)   “integrator” of National Infrastructures   powerful “instrument” for International Cooperation   … cohesion, cooperation, etc… PoliciesPolicies

21  With the support of the IST Programme and in the context of the eEurope action plan, a new generation backbone for research has been launched - GEANT  The EU is investing in FP6 in GRIDS, IPv6, Photonics to support highly demanding user community ConclusionsConclusions The provision of an e-Infrastructure is fundamental for the realisation of the European Research Area (ERA)

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