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03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 1 C. Gaindric, T. Sibirsky, V. Sibirsky, G.Youngen REVOLUTIONARY STEPS IN MOLDOVA IN.

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1 03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 1 C. Gaindric, T. Sibirsky, V. Sibirsky, G.Youngen REVOLUTIONARY STEPS IN MOLDOVA IN THE FIELD OF ETD

2 03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 2 To the steps in a direction of ETD Moldova went two ways: Anxiety of a management of Moldova the tendency to growth of number of weak dissertations and increase in number of scientific degrees at civil servants and businessmen Reception of the grant MX2-3027 from US Civilian Research and Development Foundation ( CRDF) and Moldova Research and Development Association ( MRDA) on creation of electronic library of scientific publications of Moldova

3 03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 3 In the first direction was analyses following numbers. during 2002 year in Moldova was present 354 proposal on scientific title, inclusive: 26 proposal from citizen of Moldova which obtained his scientific title abroad of Moldova 25 – on doctor habilitat; 164 - on doctor; 16 - on profesor; 86 – on associated profesor (docent); 37 proposal on high level researchers

4 03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 4 26 proposal from citizen of Moldova is proved by: the necessary experts for carrying out of protection absence in Moldova the requirement to represent work only in the Romanian language

5 03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 5 Table 1. Presentation scientific titles (doctor habilitat and doctor) in the fields of sciences: SciencesDr habilitat (25)Dr (164) Mathematics 15 Physics 13 Chemistry 7 Biology 717

6 03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 6 Table 1.(continue) Presentation scientific titles (doctor habilitat and doctor) in the fields of sciences: SciencesDr habilitat (25)Dr (164) Technical Sciences26 Agricultural Sciences22 History11 Economical Sciences 229

7 03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 7 Table 1.(continue) Presentation scientific titles (doctor habilitat and doctor) in the fields of sciences: SciencesDr habilitat (25)Dr (164) Philosophy23 Filology14 Geografy2 Law 21

8 03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 8 Table 1.(continue) Presentation scientific titles (doctor habilitat and doctor) in the fields of sciences: SciencesDr habilitat (25)Dr (164) Pedagogy, Psihology 126 Medicine229 Pharmaceutics3 Political Sciences 3 2

9 03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 9 Humanities and Social Sciences have more post-graduate students from year to year: 1999 – 145, 2000 – 172, 2001 – 281.

10 03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 10 In Economical Sciences their number increase from 44 up to 104, in Law from 63 up to 149. In another fields of science total number decrease from 38 to 28.

11 03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 11 In ASM from 41 post-graduate students in field of economy only 3 researchers, 13 from University’s 25 businessmen and civil employers in field of Law from 99 only 2 researchers, 46 from University’s 51 businessmen and civil employers

12 03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 12 31 man abroad of Moldova obtained scientific titles in Republic of Moldova in 2002: 18 – from Romania, 8 – from Jordan, one from Ukraine, one from Belarus, one from SUA, one from Turkey one from Vietnam

13 03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 13 Field of Science Number of doctor habilitat 1995 (a) Number of people which obtained title of doctor habilitat 1992 – 2002 (b) Coefi cient (r = b/a) Num- ber of doctor 1995 (c) Number of people obtained title of doctor 1992 – 2002 (d) Coefi cient (r = c/d) Total5722420,42420814030,33 Physics and Mathematics 82240,295001030,21 Chemistry2470,29214340,16 Biology55340,624911800,37 Table 2. Ratio available Dr.hab & Dr to new Dr.hab & Dr

14 03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 14 Field of Science Number of doctor habilitat 1995 (a) Number of people which obtained title of doctor habilitat 1992 – 2002 (b) Coefi cient (r = b/a) Num- ber of doctor 1995 (c) Number of people obtained title of doctor 1992 – 2002 (d) Coefi cient (r = c/d) Geology & Mineralogy 300,0021210 Engineering &Technology 585823230,40 61179 0,13 Agriculture 6714 0,21423 65 0,15 History 299 0,31 20744 0,21 Table 2 (continue). Ratio available Dr.hab & Dr to new Dr.hab & Dr

15 03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 15 Field of Science Number of doctor habilitat 1995 (a) Number of people which obtained title of doctor habilitat 1992 – 2002 (b) Coefi cient (r = b/a) Num- ber of doctor 1995 (c) Number of people obtained title of doctor 1992 – 2002 (d) Coefi cient (r = c/d) Economics31250,813902170,56 Philosophy 214 0,19 12623 0,18 Linguistics 2716 0,59205 47 0,23 Geography 32 0,67 199 0,47 Table 2 (continue). Ratio available Dr.hab & Dr to new Dr.hab & Dr

16 03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 16 Field of Science Number of doctor habilitat 1995 (a) Number of people which obtained title of doctor habilitat 1992 – 2002 (b) Coefi cient (r = b/a) Num- ber of doctor 1995 (c) Number of people obtained title of doctor 1992 – 2002 (d) Coefi cient (r = c/d) Law640,6753771,45 Education 44 1,00 193115 0,60 Medicine 15058 0,39656 302 0,46 Veterinary 51 0,20 2911 0,38 Table 2 (continue). Ratio available Dr.hab & Dr to new Dr.hab & Dr

17 03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 17 Field of Science Number of doctor habilitat 1995 (a) Number of people which obtained title of doctor habilitat 1992 – 2002 (b) Coefi cient (r = b/a) Num- ber of doctor 1995 (c) Number of people obtained title of doctor 1992 – 2002 (d) Coefi cient (r = c/d) Sociology03 X 8141,75 Pharmacy320,6713171,31 Political Science 08 +++ 4225,50 Psychology02 X 5244,80 Table 2 (continue). Ratio available Dr.hab & Dr to new Dr.hab & Dr

18 03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 18 The groundwork for the development of ETD in Moldova was provided by the creation of an information system for the management of information contained in scientific monographs, journal articles, the other publications issued in the Republic of Moldova. The name of this system is MIR.

19 03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 19 The Mediateca web site ( and its related underlying software provide a platform for the maintenance, acquisition, sorting, and extraction of data in three languages (English, Romanian, and Russian).

20 03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 20 The results of our work were presented at several scientific conferences BIT+ 2001, 2002, 2003, RCDL 2001 and 2002. The project also resulted in two articles and was the theme of six theses The results of our work give us new directions to partisipited in new grants: development mediateca in portal - grant CRDF MM1-3329 cooperation in e-publication technologies (cept) - grant Italy- Moldova ETD creation on "Thermometer" for Science – proposal to FP6

21 03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 21 The our main goal in building the Mediateca database was to create an information resource that would provide access to Moldavian scientific literature in 21st century. One of the most important objectives of Mediateca would be to create a comfortable interface to the “scientific content,” that would be interesting for all participants. Applications of the Mediateca would ideally offer interesting and up-to-date scientific and educational information that would also encourage the spreading of knowledge about science. This system would also be very useful in raising public awareness of the importance of science

22 03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 22 The researchers of Moldova, as well as others from around the world, need operational access to the new information on studies and research results produced in this country. This need determines the next main goals of our work: the creation of a technological tool for navigation and access to ETD and software information sources; the organization of a networked center for the collection and exchange of scientific and educational information in Moldova;

23 03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 23 the integration of scientific and educational institutions, and other research and development collectives of Moldova into the worldwide informational field; the organization and support of the direct communications with the keepers and producers of electronic information (scientific institutes, programmers, authors, libraries); the dissemination of accumulated experiences from the creation of ETD, the software library, and information about its possibilities among scientific and educational associations.

24 03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 24 The ETD project would attempt to realize the following main objectives: to offer reliable, up to date information on the current significant scientific activities in the country, to make possible world-wide wide access to lesser-known (but not less-important) scientific publications, to create an open virtual space to all interested participants to share information and ideas, to be tool for sharing information in multidisciplinary research settings and fighting againt balkanization of scientific research.

25 03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 25 As a result of the successful fulfillment of the project, the following accomplishments will be realized: An informational Web-portal based on the creation of the conditions for the development of national information resources, including ETD, with the access through local networks and Internet; Virtual partnership and international cooperation in ETD; The database of ETD;

26 03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 26 Standardized user interface specifications and implementation; Information on the availability of the system and its resources will be directed to scientific libraries, leading universities and information centers; Created resources of ETD will become available for the research workers, post-graduates, students and specialists of Moldova and other countries.

27 03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 27 The successful implementation of the project program has a long- term character and will promote: the creation of conditions for the development of national information resources of ETD; the development of direct contacts and widening the interaction between specialists on ETD. This work realization presents an important aspect of the active integration of the scientific potential of Moldova into the world scientific and information space.

28 03.06.2015The Sixth International Conference on ETD 28 Thanks you for your attention

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