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Building Applications using ASP.NET and C# / Session 1 / 1 of 21 Session 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Building Applications using ASP.NET and C# / Session 1 / 1 of 21 Session 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Applications using ASP.NET and C# / Session 1 / 1 of 21 Session 1

2 Building Applications using ASP.NET and C# / Session 1 / 2 of 21 Session Objectives Describe the following - Web application Web application development cycle Explain Active Server Pages Explain the features of ASP.NET

3 Building Applications using ASP.NET and C# / Session 1 / 3 of 21 ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) Database Client 1 (Browser) Client 2 (Browser) Client 1 Client 2 Client/Server and Web Applications

4 Building Applications using ASP.NET and C# / Session 1 / 4 of 21 Web-enabled Application Architecture Proxy Server Interne t Database Server Web server HTTP Web server HTTP Certificate Server Server-based programs ASP CGI ISAPI Server-based programs ASP CGI ISAPI Other servers FTP SMTP Exchange Server Other servers FTP SMTP Exchange Server Client 1 (Browser)

5 Building Applications using ASP.NET and C# / Session 1 / 5 of 21 HTTP at work Client (Browser) Send me “Introduction to Hypertext” Page Request Introduction to Hypertext

6 Building Applications using ASP.NET and C# / Session 1 / 6 of 21 Network Interface and HTTP Service Network Interface Transport Layer and Internet Layer (TCP / IP) Windows Sockets HTTPFTP Interne t

7 Building Applications using ASP.NET and C# / Session 1 / 7 of 21 Accessing Database Information Internet Client (Browser) ODBC Database Server Database Server Web server HTTP Web server HTTP

8 Building Applications using ASP.NET and C# / Session 1 / 8 of 21 Web Application Development Cycle Designing the application Constructing and testing the components of the application Going live Production and Maintenance Planning the Web application

9 Building Applications using ASP.NET and C# / Session 1 / 9 of 21 Web Application Development Process Functional Specifications complete? No Design Phase Design complete? Planning Phase Yes Construction and Testing Complete? Going Live Production and Maintenance A A A A No Yes No Yes

10 Building Applications using ASP.NET and C# / Session 1 / 10 of 21 Scripting Data entry Processing  Web Server: CGI Scripts  Web Server: CGI Scripts  Web client: Browser Processing Data entry Processing  Web Server: CGI Scripts  Web Server: CGI Scripts  Web client: Browser JavaScript VBScript

11 Building Applications using ASP.NET and C# / Session 1 / 11 of 21 Validating Data HTML Form User input JavaScript data validation Data valid? Valid Data Submit data to server Yes No

12 Building Applications using ASP.NET and C# / Session 1 / 12 of 21 Client-Side Scripting Provide user interaction Dynamically change content Validate data Integration <!-- JavaScript statements; //--> Specifies the scripting language comment tags

13 Building Applications using ASP.NET and C# / Session 1 / 13 of 21 Active Server Pages = #12:00:00 AM# And Time "Now the time is between 12:00 am and 12:00 pm" " Now the time is between 12:00 pm and 12:00 am" Executed on server

14 Building Applications using ASP.NET and C# / Session 1 / 14 of 21 Processing of ASP file Client (Browser) ASP.DLL IIS VBScript JavaScript ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) Database ASP file

15 Building Applications using ASP.NET and C# / Session 1 / 15 of 21 Advantages of ASP

16 Building Applications using ASP.NET and C# / Session 1 / 16 of 21 ASP file in a Web- based application Client (Browser) Active Server Components Database Active Server Pages (ASP) JavaScript VBScript Active Server Pages (ASP) JavaScript VBScript Active Server Pages (ASP) JavaScript VBScript Active Server Pages (ASP) JavaScript VBScript Active Server Pages (ASP) JavaScript VBScript Active Server Pages (ASP) JavaScript VBScript

17 Building Applications using ASP.NET and C# / Session 1 / 17 of 21 Evolution of ASP.NET

18 Building Applications using ASP.NET and C# / Session 1 / 18 of 21 Drawbacks of ASP Interpreted ASP pages Only two non-typed languages VBScript and JavaScript Spaghetti-like mixture of code, HTML and text Using the same file. Extra code for functionality No Re-usage of code No debugging mechanism Shut down of web server to install a new version of a DLL

19 Building Applications using ASP.NET and C# / Session 1 / 19 of 21 Advantages of ASP.NET ASP.NET Supports strongly typed languages like C#, VB Compiled pages improving execution speed Supports re-use of code by the mechanism of inheritance ASP code is separated from the HTML design and text Provides server controls that are declarative An inbuilt method Trace, helps in debugging a page No need to register component.

20 Building Applications using ASP.NET and C# / Session 1 / 20 of 21 Features of ASP.NET - 1 ASP.NET Recognizes the type of client browser and accordingly display the contents to the client. Adds functionality using C# or VB.NET Uses server - side caching Ships with many built-in server controls

21 Building Applications using ASP.NET and C# / Session 1 / 21 of 21 Features of ASP.NET - 2 Refers hierarchical namespaces. Global.asax file holds additional events Web service - a function deployed and used over the web ASP.NET

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