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Whitchurch Village Practice Consultation Statistics Consultations 1 GPs1625749% 2 Nurses1080632% 3 Telephone529616% 4 Visits3691% 5 DNA7962%

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2 Whitchurch Village Practice Consultation Statistics Consultations 1 GPs1625749% 2 Nurses1080632% 3 Telephone529616% 4 Visits3691% 5 DNA7962%

3 Whitchurch Village Practice Practice performance On a regular basis we receive monitoring reports to measure how the practice has performed against targets set by governing bodies. The table below demonstrates the latest results. Clinical areaTargetWVP achieved Cervical smears 80%86% Childhood imms under 2s 70 – 90%100% Childhood imms under 5s 70 – 90%90% Quality & Outcome Framework (disease areas) 1000993

4 Whitchurch Village Practice Prescribing Information Quarter scores for Dec 2007 Practice Score Dec = 26 (Joint 4 th in Cardiff) Maximum Score = 32 Cardiff LHB Score = 16 The prescribing team in Cardiff LHB annually review practice prescribing. Medicine management targets are agreed. Quarterly scores for practices are released.

5 Whitchurch Village Practice The popularity of EMIS Access online appointment booking has helped patients with busy lifestyles communicate more easily with the practice, as well as free up the reception telephone for routine enquiries. EMIS Access feature allows patients to request repeat prescriptions from the comfort of their own home using the internet, patients can simply then collect the prescription from the practice or pharmacy if prearranged. EMIS Access also offers the facility to add or update address and contact details including home and mobile telephone numbers.

6 Our web site is very informative and details lots of useful aspects of the practice, such as: The practice team Appointments Registration details for new patients Test details and test results Accessibility Services & clinics Patients’ charter Suggestions & complaints Useful telephone numbers

7 Whitchurch Village Practice Staff Development The practice is committed to on-going training and continues to buy into the Local Health Board protected learning initiative. Seminars that have been attended are CPR Medical Terminology Chaperone training Repeat Prescribing for receptionists level 2 Team building Disability Awareness Customer Service Cervical Screening & Breast Test Wales awareness The doctors and nurse team attend regular clinical update courses.

8 Whitchurch Village Practice Fundraising As a practice we have continued to support many charities throughout the year. Breast Cancer Society Campaign The National Autistic Society Children in Need The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal Marie Curie Multiple Sclerosis Help the Aged Jeans for Genes British Heart Foundation

9 Whitchurch Village Practice Practice Initiatives Warfarin monitoring – with the use of our Coaguchek monitor and the INR* software the clinicians are equipped to locally test patients, which is a convenient alternative to a hospital based anticoagulation clinic Teledermatology – this service provides support for GPs to diagnose and mange patients with skin complaints. The practice has a configured digital camera which is used during a consultation to photograph the skin condition. These images along with a brief history of the patient’s problem are e- mailed directly to a Consultant Dermatologist for analysis. This procedure provides a fast and efficient service. Automated Patient Check-in (APC) – the system allows patients to check themselves in for an appointment. Using the touch screen, patients simply enter whether they are male or female along with their day and month of birth. The APC recognises the patient that has arrived and notifies the EMIS system and confirms the name of the nurse or doctor and appointment time on the screen.

10 Whitchurch Village Practice Automated Patient Check-in

11 Whitchurch Village Practice Practice Improvements As a result of the survey that was conducted last year and the training courses attended a work schedule was compiled to address disability Access. Work that has been carried out so far has included :- Sign posting of disability bays Repainting the car park (inc the disability bays) Automatic door opening to both the outer and inner door leading to reception Lowering of the reception window for disability access Levelling and relaying of tarmac to the pavement leading into the practice

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