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1 Open access study materials for better information management: developing OceanTeacher A contribution to the annual IAMSLIC conference, this year at.

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2 1 Open access study materials for better information management: developing OceanTeacher A contribution to the annual IAMSLIC conference, this year at FAO in Roma/Rome, Italia/Italy October 2005 by

3 2 1.About UNESCO-IOC-IODE 2.Evolution and aims of OceanTeacher 3.Structure and contents of OceanTeacher 4.Plans for further development of OceanTeacher 5.Challenges and bottlenecks related to OceanTeacher 6.Assessment/evaluation of OceanTeacher 7.Invitation to contribute - contents - summary - structure - overview of this contribution

4 3Abstract Study materials about data and information management that are freely available through the Internet and the WWW are collected and made available through the OceanTeacher system in an organized way.Study materials about data and information management that are freely available through the Internet and the WWW are collected and made available through the OceanTeacher system in an organized way. Either we include the full documents or at least a WWW hyperlink to the documents in case the document cannot be copied for some technical reason or because of copyright restrictions.Either we include the full documents or at least a WWW hyperlink to the documents in case the document cannot be copied for some technical reason or because of copyright restrictions. It is important that as many as possible full documents are included, because many users work in developing countries without broadband internet access.It is important that as many as possible full documents are included, because many users work in developing countries without broadband internet access. More specifically, most attention is spent to study materials on data and information management to support marine science or oceanography, as the whole system is created in the framework of UNESCO - International Oceanographic Commission (IOC) - International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) network.More specifically, most attention is spent to study materials on data and information management to support marine science or oceanography, as the whole system is created in the framework of UNESCO - International Oceanographic Commission (IOC) - International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) network. The primary aim of the system is to assist managers and staff members to set up and run new IODE centres.The primary aim of the system is to assist managers and staff members to set up and run new IODE centres. In parallel with the part on information management, study materials on data management are included and this forms now the largest part.In parallel with the part on information management, study materials on data management are included and this forms now the largest part. This contribution offers an overview of the evolution of the system, the bottlenecks, the state of the art, and the plans for the future.This contribution offers an overview of the evolution of the system, the bottlenecks, the state of the art, and the plans for the future.

5 4 UNESCO > IOC > IODE UNESCO with headquarters in Paris, the United Nations organization for education, science and culture > UNESCO-IOC The International Oceanographic Commission > UNESCO-IOC-IODE = The International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange established by the IOC in 1960.

6 5 The aims of UNESCO-IOC-IODE to facilitate and promote the exchange of oceanographic data and informationto facilitate and promote the exchange of oceanographic data and information to develop standards, formats, and methods for the global exchange of oceanographic data and informationto develop standards, formats, and methods for the global exchange of oceanographic data and information to assist member states to acquire the necessary capacity to manage oceanographic data and information and become partners in the IODE networkto assist member states to acquire the necessary capacity to manage oceanographic data and information and become partners in the IODE network

7 6 UNESCO-IOC-IODE activities aimed at capacity building UNESCO UNESCO-IOC UNESCO-IOC-IODE UNESCO-IOC-IODE capacity building

8 7 UNESCO-IOC-IODE activities aimed at capacity building National & regional workshops and training coursesNational & regional workshops and training courses Advisory missionsAdvisory missions InternshipsInternships Regional Ocean Data & Information Exchange Networks For instanceRegional Ocean Data & Information Exchange Networks For instance »ODINAFRICA for Africa (running) »ODINCARSA for the Carribean and South America (needs more funding) »ODINCINDIO for the Indian Ocean? Training tools: OceanTeacher !Training tools: OceanTeacher !

9 8 UNESCO-IOC-IODE regional ODIN networks The ODIN strategy includes the following components:The ODIN strategy includes the following components: »Linking of training  equipment  operational support »Stimulating regional co-operation »Orientation towards concrete products and services »Taking into account the many stakeholders

10 9 UNESCO > IOC > IODE > ODINAFRICA For instance: ODINAFRICA = The Ocean Data and Information Network for Africa

11 10 UNESCO-IOC-IODE- project ODINAFRICA Started in 2001 with 20 States in Africa.Started in 2001 with 20 States in Africa.

12 11 UNESCO-IOC-IODE- ODINAFRICA aims Aims include the followingAims include the following »to improve access to data and information available in African marine science centers »to develop skills for the creation, dissemination and analysis of data and information products »to stimulate the transition towards digital information systems on the Internet like catalogues + interlibrary lending + communication by e-mail + usage of Internet-based information sources + document repositories

13 12 UNESCO-IOC-IODE- ODINAFRICA achievements National Oceanographic Data Centers establishedNational Oceanographic Data Centers established Improved Internet connectivityImproved Internet connectivity Data atlases, meta-databases, national ocean awareness activities, stakeholder meetings, national coordination teams, training courses…Data atlases, meta-databases, national ocean awareness activities, stakeholder meetings, national coordination teams, training courses…

14 13 UNESCO-IOC-IODE- ODINAFRICA achievements Improved marine information management:Improved marine information management: »libraries established »one computer program for integrated library management provided and installed in most centers »training courses for information managers »national catalogues created »merging in a union catalogue that is searchable through the WWW »start-up of 1 common ODINAFRICA document-repository

15 14 OceanTeacher situated in UNESCO-IOC-IODE UNESCO UNESCO-IOC UNESCO-IOC-IODE UNESCO-IOC-IODE capacity building UNESCO-IOC-IODE OceanTeacher

16 15 UNESCO-IOC-IODE project OceanTeacher OceanTeacher provides training tools for data and information exchange in general and in particular for applications in ocean science.OceanTeacher provides training tools for data and information exchange in general and in particular for applications in ocean science. These tools are used during IODE training courses, but they can also be used for self training and continuous professional development.These tools are used during IODE training courses, but they can also be used for self training and continuous professional development. The WWW site is accessible free of charge.The WWW site is accessible free of charge. The site can also be obtained on 1 DVD diskThe site can also be obtained on 1 DVD disk

17 16 UNESCO-IOC-IODE the evolution towards OceanTeacher 1960-1997: no standard curriculum1960-1997: no standard curriculum 1997: start of the development of HTML-based training curriculum on CD1997: start of the development of HTML-based training curriculum on CD 1998: start of the IODE “ResourceKit”1998: start of the IODE “ResourceKit” 2001: “ResourceKit” + training modules = OceanTeacher2001: “ResourceKit” + training modules = OceanTeacher

18 17 UNESCO-IOC-IODE the evolution towards OceanTeacher 2003: refinement of the outline = taxonomy = classification of the study materials2003: refinement of the outline = taxonomy = classification of the study materials

19 18 UNESCO-IOC-IODE the evolution towards OceanTeacher 2004: bringing together in common modules the documents on topics that are relevant for data as well as information management, such as ICT and metadata; renaming to OceanTeacher “Digital Library” + “Courses”2004: bringing together in common modules the documents on topics that are relevant for data as well as information management, such as ICT and metadata; renaming to OceanTeacher “Digital Library” + “Courses”

20 19 UNESCO-IOC-IODE project OceanTeacher This can be considered primarily as an open access digital library developed in an international co-operation.This can be considered primarily as an open access digital library developed in an international co-operation. This offersThis offers »documents »hyperlinks to documents on the WWW »computer programs »references to related products (such as the FAO cd-rom)

21 20 OceanTeacher digital library Information management in science Information management in ocean science Data management in science Data management in ocean science Global oceanography today Information and communication science and technology

22 21 OceanTeacher digital library The digital library can be browsed.The digital library can be browsed. To facilitate editing and browsing, a taxonomy is developed and applied.To facilitate editing and browsing, a taxonomy is developed and applied. The contents can be searched using an external search system (for instance Google).The contents can be searched using an external search system (for instance Google).

23 22 OceanTeacher digital library and courses OceanTeacher Digital library Courses Besides the digital library, various “courses” guide users and trainees through the digital library, in a way that corresponds to the aims and audience of a particular training course.

24 23 OceanTeacher courses The creation and application of a “Course” works »WELL in the case of 1 trainer who can directly contribute online to the OceanTeacher WWW site »but NOT WELL in the case of several trainers who cannot directly contribute online to the OceanTeacher WWW site

25 24 OceanTeacher size OceanTeacher is in 2005 perhaps the largest stand- alone, single-topic teaching system on the WWW.OceanTeacher is in 2005 perhaps the largest stand- alone, single-topic teaching system on the WWW. It incorporates the followingIt incorporates the following »1.5 GBytes »More than 6000 individual files »About 3600 illustrations »More than 14000 internal cross-links that integrate the entire system »More than 13000 links to external resources »Many oceanographic textbooks

26 25 OceanTeacher challenges and bottlenecks Permission must be obtained to include some materials in OceanTeacher, even when they are available/accessible free of chargePermission must be obtained to include some materials in OceanTeacher, even when they are available/accessible free of charge continued…

27 26 OceanTeacher challenges and bottlenecks Only few study materialsOnly few study materials »are available free of charge »offer high quality contents »are up to date and will be updated later when needed continued…

28 27 OceanTeacher challenges and bottlenecks Keeping copies of documents and programs up to date in the OceanTeacher system, when the original master version contents is updated elsewhereKeeping copies of documents and programs up to date in the OceanTeacher system, when the original master version contents is updated elsewhere International co-operation requires some face-to-face contacts, which is expensiveInternational co-operation requires some face-to-face contacts, which is expensive continued…

29 28 OceanTeacher challenges and bottlenecks Funds are limited (of course)Funds are limited (of course) Differences in language among the users hinder communication, training and learning (English, French, Spanish, Portuguese…)Differences in language among the users hinder communication, training and learning (English, French, Spanish, Portuguese…) …

30 29 Further development of OceanTeacher Development goes on in the ODIMEX project from 2004 to 2007.Development goes on in the ODIMEX project from 2004 to 2007. This work is supported by the Government of Flanders, Belgium.This work is supported by the Government of Flanders, Belgium.

31 30 Further development of OceanTeacher Enlarge and improve the open access digital library of study materials on data and information managementEnlarge and improve the open access digital library of study materials on data and information management In parallel: Evaluate, refine and improve the taxonomy / structure of the digital libraryIn parallel: Evaluate, refine and improve the taxonomy / structure of the digital library

32 31 Further development of OceanTeacher Expand the topics covered, withExpand the topics covered, with »Remote Sensing »Marine biological data management »Operational oceanography data management »Circulation modelling

33 32 Further development of OceanTeacher Expand target audience: focus also on scientists in related areas, not only data and information managers.Expand target audience: focus also on scientists in related areas, not only data and information managers. Derive from OceanTeacher a more or less standard proposed university curricula, for various study programs.Derive from OceanTeacher a more or less standard proposed university curricula, for various study programs. Focus not only on starting data and information centers in developing countries, but also on continuous professional development.Focus not only on starting data and information centers in developing countries, but also on continuous professional development.

34 33 Further development of OceanTeacher Extend OceanTeacher from a static web site to a web site that is managed by a contents management system, which is of course based on a database management system andExtend OceanTeacher from a static web site to a web site that is managed by a contents management system, which is of course based on a database management system and »which provides an electronic learning environment »which can not only be browsed, but also searched by an internal search system

35 34 UNESCO-IOC-IODE OceanTeacher www site Files on the WWW database evolution Contributors Web master Contributors

36 35 Assessment / evaluation of OceanTeacher Assessment of the product developed during a project or during a phase in a longer, ongoing project, is of course desirable.Assessment of the product developed during a project or during a phase in a longer, ongoing project, is of course desirable. How to evaluate a product like OceanTeacher that is still evolving fast?How to evaluate a product like OceanTeacher that is still evolving fast? Up to now, the system has already been an essential component of several training courses on marine data management and on marine information management.Up to now, the system has already been an essential component of several training courses on marine data management and on marine information management.

37 36 UNESCO-IOC-IODE invitation of authors You are invited to contribute documents to the OceanTeacher digital library on information management for library and information staff.You are invited to contribute documents to the OceanTeacher digital library on information management for library and information staff. Why contribute?Why contribute? »High visibility of the WWW site »Prestigious, due to quality control by the chief editors and the international character »Probably long term stability of the system, due to international support

38 37 Questions and suggestions are welcome

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