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Can Ahmadis / Qadianis Answer. Mirza Saheb & Hazrat Isa Mirza Ghulam Ahmad rejected the fundamental Muslim doctrine of the second coming of Hazrat Isa.

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Presentation on theme: "Can Ahmadis / Qadianis Answer. Mirza Saheb & Hazrat Isa Mirza Ghulam Ahmad rejected the fundamental Muslim doctrine of the second coming of Hazrat Isa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Can Ahmadis / Qadianis Answer

2 Mirza Saheb & Hazrat Isa Mirza Ghulam Ahmad rejected the fundamental Muslim doctrine of the second coming of Hazrat Isa ibne Maryam. Instead, he claimed that Hazrat Isa had died his natural death and even claimed to have located his grave in Khanyar Street, Srinagar, Kashmir. (Maseeh Hindustan Mein, (Jesus in India) Roohani Khazain, vol.15, p.14)

3 Mirza Saheb asserts that… 1. He asserts that Christians were on right path only during the life time of Hazrat Isa. 2. He states that Hazrat Isa was not made God or son of God during his life time. 3. Seeds of SHIRK (Trinity) were sown after the death of Hazrat Isa. During the life time of Hazrat Isa, there was no possibility of such a digression. Mirza Ghulam Ahmed is quoting the verse "Falamma Tawaffeteni" (5:117) from Quran, implying that Allah is guaranteeing protection from such corruption (Shirk i.e. Trinity) during the life of Hazrat Isa only.

4 Year 120 AD : turning point Since Mirza Sahib has stated in his book "Jesus in India" that Hazrat Isa died in 120 AD, the seeds of association of Partners with Allah (i.e. Trinity) could not have been planted before 120 AD. This means that Hazrat Isa was made God and son of God only after the year 120 A.D. Before 120 A.D., not even one single individual could have held the belief that Hazrat Isa is God or son of God. Thus, the year of 120 A.D. became a turning point.

5 And according to Mirza Saheb “And in the very first instance, he (Paul) implanted the bad seedling of Trinity in Damascus. And this Pauline Trinity started from Damascus. It is towards this that hadith Shareef has hinted that the future Maseeh will descend on the eastern side of Damascus.” (Chasma-e-Maseehi, Roohani Khazain, vol. 20, p.375)

6 And Paul died in 64 or 65 AD In this book, Chasma-e-Maseehi, Mirza Sahib has clearly stated that St. Paul was responsible for the doctrine of Holy Trinity and thus turning Hazrat Isa into God. It is a well known fact that St. Paul died in 64 AD or 67 AD. (Chasma-e-Maseehi, Roohani Khazain, vol. 20, p.377) The book 'The 100' gives the year of St. Paul’s death as 64 AD.

7 Final Arguments

8 In the book "Jesus in India", according to Mirza Sahib, Hazrat Isa died in 120 AD. In the book "Anjam-e-Atham", Mirza Sahib has clearly stated that the seeds of Trinity were not sown until 120 A.D. In the book "Anjam-e-Atham", Mirza Sahib has clearly said that St. Paul made Hazrat Isa God Paul died in 64 or 65 A.D. where as Hazrat Isa died in 120 A.D. Therefore Paul died at least 55 years before Hazrat Isa. (Jesus)

9 Final Arguments (cont.) Since Paul must have given the doctrine of Trinity during his life time, this means the Hazrat Isa was made God at least 55 years before his own death. In other words, by 65 A.D. Hazrat Isa was made God/Son of God while he died 55 years later in 120 A.D.

10 Final Arguments (cont.) While he (Jesus) was alive in Kashmir, he was being worshipped as God in Palestine. Thus Mirza Sahib's commentary on the Holy Quran's verse 5:117 (Falamma Tawaffetenni) in his book "Anjam-e- Atham", that Christians made Hazrat Isa God after the death of Hazrat Isa in 120 A.D., becomes absolutely wrong.

11 Final Arguments (cont.) Is this a small mistake for a man claiming to have been divinely ordained to be Messiah, Mahdi and a Prophet? Such a grievous error? So obviously and utterly wrong! So conclusively wrong!

12 Will the Qadianis / Ahmadis reflect? On Page 135 of his book "Anjam Atham", Mirza Ghulam Ahmed says: "If Jesus is alive in the heavens, then the Christians must be on the right path (on earth)".

13 Another interesting point The Holy Quran printed in 1969 by Ahmadis/Qadianis Page 276, Commentary no. 814 verse 118 of Sura Al-Maidah (1st Edition) under the auspices of Hadrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad, Head of the Ahmadiyyah Movement in Islam: "As long as Jesus was alive, he kept a CAREFUL WATCH over his followers AND SAW TO IT THAT THEY DID NOT DEVIATE FROM THE RIGHT PATH,,,,, but he did not know how they behaved and what false doctrines they held after his death. Now, as his followers have gone astray, it conclusively follows that Jesus is dead, for, as the verse points out, it was after his death that he was to be worshipped as God." This is in sharp contrast with my challenging point of seed sowing of Trinity before St. Paul’s Death in 65 A.D., i.e., 55 years before the death of Hazrat Isa (A.S.) in 120 A.D.

14 Mirza Sahib had claimed help of Allah in these arguments.

15 Can Allah be wrong? No! Only the claim of Mirza Sahib is wrong.

16 If he can be wrong in one thing, what proof is there that he is not wrong in other things?

17 The reason for Mirza Saheb's entire exercise of trying to prove that Hazrat Isa (pbuh) had died was to establish his own claim of being the Promised Messiah and Mahdi.

18 His argument was that, since Hazrat Isa has died, he will not return, as that would be against the principles of Allah. Thus, someone else will have to take up the role of Hazrat Isa and that someone is none other than Mirza Sahib himself!

19 However, the above arguments have proven conclusively that Mirza Ghulam could not substantiate his claim of being Imam Mahdi and the Promised Messiah. Therefore, he is neither Imam Mahdi nor the Promised messiah. As a corollary, he is not a Prophet, because a true Prophet will not make a false claim. Q.E.D.

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