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Lesson 7: Raking it in for real1 Enterprise Lesson 7 Raking it in for real Aim: to understand the links between Celebdaq and the real stock market Using.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 7: Raking it in for real1 Enterprise Lesson 7 Raking it in for real Aim: to understand the links between Celebdaq and the real stock market Using."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 7: Raking it in for real1 Enterprise Lesson 7 Raking it in for real Aim: to understand the links between Celebdaq and the real stock market Using Celebdaq trading skills to make real money!

2 Lesson 7: Raking it in for real2 For starters. Unscramble: 1.skri 2.rentru 3.didevind ieldy 4.hares 5.divinded 6.entstinmev 7.versidification Extension: look up any terms which you don’t remember

3 Lesson 7: Raking it in for real3 By the end of today, you will be able to explain what the stock market is and why it exists. communicate like a stock market trader! analyse links between Celebdaq and the real stock market.Celebdaq

4 Lesson 7: Raking it in for real4 These guys… … play a similar game and earn real millions. You too could be raking it in by using your celebrity trading tricks in the real world!

5 Lesson 7: Raking it in for real5 The stock market The stock market is a market in which company shares (aka stock) are bought and sold. Owning a share in a company entitles the owner to a portion of the company’s profit. This is called the dividend. ?Think about your celebrity share trading experience. What are the similarities/differences of Celebdaq and the stock market? ?Extension: what do you think affects the price of company shares?

6 Lesson 7: Raking it in for real6 Look familiar? ?Looking at this diagram, can you explain what affects the price of company shares?

7 Lesson 7: Raking it in for real7 You’re probably wondering… ?Why do traders always seem to be waving their hands around manically? There is a lot of trading on the stock market so things get very loud. Traders need to communicate accurately and visually… so they use hand signals!

8 Lesson 7: Raking it in for real8 Trader signals… buy or sell? How many? Buy: raise your hands and make your palms face your body Sell: raise your hands and make your palms face away from your body 1, 2, … 9: raise the number of fingers you want and touch your chin 10, 20, … 90: show the multiple of ten and touch your forehead 100, 200 … 900: show the multiple of a hundred, make a fist, and touch your forehead

9 Lesson 7: Raking it in for real9 You won’t have to memorise these signals Most stock exchanges now use computers to facilitate trading. Very few people are allowed to trade directly on the stock market. If you wanted to buy shares, you would have to buy through a broker (who charges a fee!)

10 Lesson 7: Raking it in for real10 Extension activity/homework >Find an online stock market simulator, sign up, and begin trading. This will allow you to practice your trading skills with real company shares … but without risking real money!

11 Lesson 7: Raking it in for real11 Invest! You are now a celebrity trading master. Keep investing and see if you can beat your mates to becoming a millionaire… or maybe even a billionaire!

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