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Induction factual reasoning in (into) duct (lead).

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Presentation on theme: "Induction factual reasoning in (into) duct (lead)."— Presentation transcript:

1 induction factual reasoning in (into) duct (lead)

2 hagiocracy government of saints hagio (saint) + cracy (government)

3 diction word choice dict (say)

4 disconsolate inconsolable dis (away) con (together) solace + ate (cause)

5 disingenuous insincere dis (away) + In (into) + gen (origin)

6 fractious unruly fract (break) + ous (full of)

7 nondescript of no category non (not) + de (down) + scrib (write)

8 prolific productive pro (forward) + fic (make)

9 chronicle history chron (time)

10 primeval of the first ages prim (first) + Aevum (age)

11 panegyric elaborate eulogy pan (all)

12 fidelity faithfulness fid (faith)

13 magnum opus great work magn (great) + opus (work)

14 antediluvian from before the great flood ante (before) + diluvium (flood)

15 comport behave com (together) + port (carry)

16 insurgence uprising in (not) + surg (rise)

17 expeditiously quickly ex (out) + ped (foot)

18 renovate restore re (again) + nov (new)

19 carnage butchery carn (flesh)

20 decadent unrestrained gratification de (down) + cad (fall)

21 supercilious snobby super (over) + cilium (eyelid)

22 inexorable inescapable in (not) + ex (out) + orare (pray)

23 emissary messenger e = ex (out) + miss (send) +

24 improvident Without forsight im (not) + pro (forward) + vid (look)

25 moribund dying mort (death)

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