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Understanding, maximizing and leveraging social media in recruitment and employer branding Mr. Mahesh Jain, Head - TA at Collabera.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding, maximizing and leveraging social media in recruitment and employer branding Mr. Mahesh Jain, Head - TA at Collabera."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding, maximizing and leveraging social media in recruitment and employer branding Mr. Mahesh Jain, Head - TA at Collabera

2 Agenda Why create recruiting strategy around Social Media? How then Build your Social Media strategy? Collabera Case Study Benefits & ROI Take Aways 6/3/2015 2 Presented by Mahesh Jain

3 Why Social Media in Recruitment? 6/3/2015 3 Presented by Mahesh Jain

4 6/3/2015 Presented by Mahesh Jain 4 Traffic trend for job hunting Naukri ranked #300, 2009 Naukri ranked #437, 2011 Monster India ranked #600, 2009 Monster India ranked #1029, 2011 Source: Alexa Why Social Media in Recruitment?

5 6/3/2015 Presented by Mahesh Jain 5 Develop new, passive talent streams Strengthen employment branding - Engage talent in open, personal dialogue - Improve employee advocacy and engagement - Proactively recruit talent who is passionate about your brand Target your ideal candidate based on user generated information Promote your company and industry - Drive traffic to your company brand page and/or career site Why use Social Media for recruiting?

6 Few Social Media tools -Blogging (wordpress) -Microblogging (Twitter) -Video-sharing (YouTube) -Photo-sharing (Flickr) -Podcasting (Blog talk radio) -Mapping (Google maps) -Social networking (Facebook) -Social voting (Digg) -Social bookmarking (Delicious) -Lifestreaming (Friendfeed) -Wikis (Wikipedia) -Professional networking (Linked In) -Virtual words (Second life) 6/3/20156 Presented by Mahesh Jain

7 Why Social media in Recruitment? Social media includes the various online technology tools that enable people to communicate easily via the internet to share information and resources. Advantages: -Opportunity to connect with passive market -New dimensions emerged for sourcing -Approach and Access to information -Enhancing employer branding 6/3/20157 Presented by Mahesh Jain Disadvantages: -No structural approach -Volume is high -Maintaining visibility is a tedious task

8 Case Study: Collabera 's Integrated Recruitment Strategy 6/3/2015 8Presented by Mahesh Jain

9 Strategies we Adapted 6/3/20159 Presented by Mahesh Jain

10 6/3/201510Presented by Mahesh Jain Traditional approachSocial Media Approach 18 Months Back- Traditional Approach Job Boards Employee Referral Mass Media Advertisements Recruitment Consultants Social Media Approach Dedicated Social Hunting team Tools for internal employees to refer Jobs through social media Follow Campus, Company & Skill Communities /Groups in Social Media

11 Collabera: Case Study 6/3/201511 Presented by Mahesh Jain

12 6/3/2015 12Presented by Mahesh Jain

13 13

14 6/3/2015 14Presented by Mahesh Jain

15 6/3/2015 15Presented by Mahesh Jain

16 4 dimensional networking  4D networking involves understanding the unique value  Create and utilize a virtual network through web 2.0  4D networkers build up a virtual trusted network 6/3/201516 Presented by Mahesh Jain BusinessCareer Others Education Strategies we Adapted

17 6/3/2015Presented by Mahesh Jain17 Strategies we Adapted

18 6/3/201518 Presented by Mahesh Jain Benefits & ROI Types of non-financial impact Blog Comments Impressions Retweets Twitter followers Employee participation Employment applications Positive WOM Impressions Click-thoughs Positive Press Customer complaints Social mention

19 6/3/201519 Presented by Mahesh Jain Benefits & ROI All business look for… Cost reduction Revenue generation Non financial is potential Investment (Time) reactionaction Non-financial impact Financial impact

20 Take Away Companies need to invest and explore how they can tap into Social media to find and attract top talent. Choosing a defined approach all the way is not recommended. However, careful analysis have to be made for before initiating Social media networking on the guidelines of 4Cs i.e. Content – Collaboration – Community and Collective Intelligence Social media is much more than just another channel and by integrating it with the overall employer branding strategy, companies can attract top talent that can grow with the company 6/3/201520 Presented by Mahesh Jain

21 Thank you Networking begins!

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