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Gridded Population of the World (GPW, v3) - Lessons Learned? W. Christopher Lenhardt CIESIN – Columbia University 27 May 2005 © 2005. The Trustees of Columbia.

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Presentation on theme: "Gridded Population of the World (GPW, v3) - Lessons Learned? W. Christopher Lenhardt CIESIN – Columbia University 27 May 2005 © 2005. The Trustees of Columbia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gridded Population of the World (GPW, v3) - Lessons Learned? W. Christopher Lenhardt CIESIN – Columbia University 27 May 2005 © 2005. The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York

2 Overview Background –A few words about CIESIN and SEDAC –What is GPW –How is it created –History of GPW A Few Applications What Have We Learned –Challenges Responses –Implications

3 And now few words from our sponsor… What is the Center for International Earth Science Information Network? –Part of the Earth Institute at Columbia University –Interdisciplinary mission to support research on human interactions in the environment CIESIN’s Socieconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) one of NASA’s Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs), part of NASA’s Earth Observing Data and Information System.

4 We have a pretty good idea how many people there are… “USA Today has come out with a new survey: apparently, three out of every four people make up 75% of the population.” -- David Letterman

5 However: We’d like to know where are the people The “Where’s Waldo?” problem –(And Waldo 在哪里是 ? and Wo ist Walter? and Où est Waldo ? and Где Waldo? and so on…

6 GPW: Inputs Inputs are relative simple –Population of administrative areas, usually in census years –Spatial boundaries of administrative areas Population and boundary data must match –Best available & ‘match-able’ data are used Matching the inputs to one another is not as easy as it might seem –Boundaries change often and come in different scales –Population data may not match boundaries We may have population values for different years at different levels (e.g., district-level one year, state-level another) –Population and boundary data may not match themselves

7 Source Data Characteristics Commercial, government and other institutional sources –over 150 sources –roughly 100 data suppliers Information is often missing –Projection of spatial data –Relationship between new and old administrative units –Basic metadata Implications: –Educated guesswork is sometimes the best we can do! –Limits on redistribution of input data We haven’t made redistribution of the inputs a priority In some instances, the data we have are propriety so that we cannot re-disseminate them Even where we could, our notes on assumptions used to clean the input shape files are often less clean than we would like for a public release project

8 What do the input data look like? Population data: –Paper tables –Numbers in digital reports (e.g., pdf) –Digital tables (e.g., xls) –In digital file attached to spatial data (e.g., shp file) Spatial data –Paper maps –Digital images –Digital maps

9 Data acquisition From known sources –Established data providers (without personal connection) Census Bureaus –Rely on a network on like-minded associates UN agencies, The World Bank, Regional institutions, In-country collaborators Alternative sources –Email requests and occasional phone calls to census offices and geographic units of governments in far away places –Tourist and assorted other maps occasionally valuable for island nations –Opportunistic

10 Data conditioning: a spatial example + =

11 Spatial data preparation Clean boundaries –E.g., remove slivers Make them consistent across borders and coasts –Use international standard—the Digital Chart of the World (DCW) — with exceptions Europe—most spatially data supplied by one agency (SABE – Seamless Administrative Boundary for Europe) and all international boundaries are internally consistent –Coastlines matched to DCW, except where much higher quality data are supplied E.g., Indonesia Data table needs to include the same variables, with the same variable names, formats, etc.

12 Data conditioning: A population example  Places highlighted in yellow are new municipios  Need to find where they came from & their pop size  Use on-line atlases or newer maps, when available  Add new pop to unit of origin or allocate old population to new unit proportionally.

13 After the data are conditioned That is, there is a clean, consistent, spatial data file with a table of data with the expected content in the expected form—that is, iso.shp –— it’s time to grid!

14 Gridding Algorithm Proportional allocation used to spread the population over grid cells Virtually all data work completed on vector data –Gridding is the last step National grids created, global grids assembled by adding national grids together –Country grids are created with collars so that they start and end on even degrees; therefore the assembly of the grids without interpolation is possible –Replacement of country-specific grids feasible

15 Area 16.1 km 2 Pop = 628.5 * 16.1 10,118.9 persons Area 2.6 km 2 Pop = 628.5 * 2.6 1,634.1persons Area 0.05 km 2 Pop = 628.5 * 0.05 31.4 persons Cell by cell…

16 Version (pub)GPW v1 (1995)GPW v2 (2000)GPW v3 (2003) Estimates for19941990, 19951990, 1995, 2000 Input units19,000127,000~ 350,000 globally 102,000 units in Africa GPW History: Ten Years of Progress

17 Lots of hard work, was it worth it? Mean resolution in km =

18 GPW limitations Population estimation is not time-varying –Census measure, e.g., usual residence –One point in time, not where do work how do you commute where might you spend significant time Resolution may be too coarse for some applications –E.g., estimates of coastal population within a 50 km buffer No formal delineation of urban areas or other features –except those that may be deduced from population density –No other demographic variables (age, gender, etc)

19 Applications of GPW How many people live near the coast How many people live next to volcanoes Relationships between population and ecosystems Incorporated into a model to estimate potential risks for space vehicle re-entry

20 Ecosystems and population density Red/pink = Coastal Green = Mountainous Beige/brown = Drylands –See Millennium Ecosystem Assessment for more details on system classifications

21 What have we learned and what does it mean for users Challenges Responses Implications for Users

22 Challenges/Responses Lots and lots of files both inputs and outputs -> How to manage? How to document? Granularity –At what level should be provide metadata: global, continental, national, sub-national? Continued need for access to the best available data –Humanitarian and other types of disasters highlight the need to provide better access to existing data sources and may serve to ‘shake loose’ previously unavailable data at least on a temporary basis

23 Challenges/Responses (cont.) Capture –Data analysis gap (!) –User Workshop results Provide an integrated information system for users to access –Data –Metadata and documentation –Graphics –Citations Need for ‘continuous process improvement’ in terms of data management and documentation –Work as a team, involve data managers, documentation specialists, archival specialists all along the way

24 Implications for Users Better get it right given the potential uses for things like hazard risk estimation and other policy questions Data quality review –Review process (alpha -> beta -> production) –Rely on our users to discover errors More and better data –Development of derivative products –Continued need to work on cross-national research to harmonize social science data (methods, variable operationalization, and so on) Need to think more how ‘cyberinfrastructure’ can further the social science and interdisciplinary research agendas (integrating IT and science for a new paradigm for scientific research) –Address issues of ontologies, epistemological differences, scale and resolution

25 Thank you!

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