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Site License Advisory Team October 31, 2011 meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Site License Advisory Team October 31, 2011 meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Site License Advisory Team October 31, 2011 meeting

2 Agenda 1.Insight & eStores 2.Microsoft Open License Spend 3.Microsoft CoreCAL Server Site License 4.Adobe Enterprise License Agreement 5.Software Click-Through Agreements 6.Upcoming Renewals 1.SigmaPlot 2.SAS 3.JMP 4.Maple 7.Updates on DLP RFP

3 Insight & eStores Starting today, Insight is in eStores! –Got to –Click on the eStores icon –Choose “Supplier Websites” –Search for the product –Punch out with what you want –Open Licenses appear to be listed. Do not buy open licenses!

4 Microsoft Open Licenses An Open License is any license with Zero Discount. –You can get a better price at Walmart. Last year, OSU had $18,770.76 in Open License Purchases –Avg. discount for OSU through Insight is 62.5% - we over-spent by roughly $11,637 We tracked the purchases and:

5 Microsoft Open Licenses They’re coming from inside your house!

6 Microsoft Open Licenses Departments are purchasing these licenses with some regularity OCIO is not even immune. CDW is the biggest reseller with $16,301.52 –This is why it is so important to buy on contract: Resellers not on contract don’t care if it costs us more: they just get a bigger profit.

7 Microsoft CoreCAL Server Site License OSU Purchasing and OCIO Site License are discussing a server site license. Includes: –Windows servers (including HPC), and Windows External Connector (not RDS external connector!) –Sharepoint servers, including Sharepoint Server for Internet Sites –Exchange servers and Exchange Standard External Connector –Lync servers and Lync Standard External Connector –Systems Center Config Manager server and server MLs

8 Microsoft CoreCAL Server Site License Projected cost per year –$66.384.46 (based on FTE) Average cost over the past 3 years: –$127,253.50 Cost savings per year –$60,869.04 Funding: we are planning to approach the SFO’s to tack it onto the MS Assessment

9 Adobe Enterprise License Agreement Site Licensing and Purchasing are reviewing an ELA for Acrobat Pro –10,039 copies purchased in the last 3 years –Purchasing projects $1.1 million savings over 6 years –Resolves issues with compliance on that product –Working to ensure expansion to other products is possible (Creative Suites, Bridge) We can add students at $.50/student (roughly $26,000/year)

10 Software Click-Throughs OCIO Site Licensing is working with OSU Legal and Purchasing to resolve Click- Through issues –Adobe Flash, Oracle Java, Microsoft Silverlight are big issues –SAS has provided us some template language –OCIO is preparing to work directly with Apple to resolve issues there

11 SigmaPlot renewal Perpetual license, we renew maintenance 30 or so days left on the clock eRequest is submitted and pending approval into PO Codes expected in about a week or two

12 SAS Renewal SAS PO cut Pending invoice and codes SAS is now campus-wide for fac/staff and students! Price change: –$33/copy for Workstation –$350/processor for Servers Codes expected as soon as our check clears 9.3 will be generally available shortly after that, including to students

13 JMP Renewal New JMP contract in the works –Extends JMP to all branch campuses –No increase in cost Codes should be available well before expiration

14 Maple Renewal Renewal due in December Quote received –Price went up 3.5% –Negotiating with supplier to resolve that

15 OCIO DLP RFP RFP released 8/19 6 vendors responded –McAfee –Symantec (2) –Identity Finder –RSA –AccessData Process paused in mid-October Process re-started –We are now reviewing three vendors, not two

16 Apple Update Working with Purchasing and Legal on several fronts Items on table: –Click-through agreements for iTunes, MacOS, etc. –Volume Purchase Plan –Apple App Development –Possible revision to Collegiate Purchase Plan

17 Questions/Comments

18 Apple Volume Purchasing Plan The VPP is designed for the purchase of bulk apps (20 or more) –VPP’s involve the purchase of “really big iTunes gift cards” (denominations of $500, $1,000, or $5,000) –Allows the creation of non-credit-card accounts Accounts are hierarchical and the top-level account can assign out cash to subaccounts. –Allows avoidance of the T’s & C’s –Site Licensing is working with Purchasing to determine if OCIO SLS is the proper administrator for this plan OSU Purchasing has indicated that the iTunes terms are not “click-thru-able” for University staff; SLS is working on clarification of this information

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