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Mobile – how to engage with the customer Gill Elderfield, Head of Mobile, Directgov.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobile – how to engage with the customer Gill Elderfield, Head of Mobile, Directgov."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobile – how to engage with the customer Gill Elderfield, Head of Mobile, Directgov

2 The mobile market today “..not having a mobile presence nowadays is a bit like not having a web presence circa 1999/2000” Thomas Husson, Senior Analyst, Forrester March 2009 “..whatever you do, don’t lose sight of the rewards that the mass market will bring by thinking that the iPhone is the only game in town.” Ray Anderson, CEO, Bango

3 Projected usage of mobile internet Source: Morgan Stanley 2010

4 What is Directgov? Directgov makes it easier for the citizen to access essential government information Receives around 30 million visits a month Is available over three channels – on web, TV and mobile

5 Directgov mobile Launched December 2005 New site launched January 2010 or text MOBILE to Up to 250,000 unique visitors a month, up from 30,000 in September 2008 1 million page impressions per month Most popular content - live travel news and train times, job search and local searches Most popular app – travel news

6 03/06/2015 08:30:25ConfidentialSlide 6 The Directgov mobile service – an overview Up to the minute public announcements Location based searches Maps Linked telephone numbers Video SMS reminders Apps

7 Case study - travel information

8 Directgov travel news iPhone app

9 Case study – job search Text JOBS to 83377

10 Job search

11 Local Search

12 Campaigns – Talk to Frank

13 Video Information Campaigns Topical features ‘How to’ guides

14 SMS Directgov shortcode – 83377 Cross channel promotion Text Travel to 83377 Campaigns Text JOBS to 83377

15 sign up by email or text text DUE and date to 83377 receive reminder when grant can be claimed promoted on the web and via leaflets distributed through GP practices and maternity clinics 30,000 sign-ups in first three months of campaign – three times more than forecast Health in Pregnancy Grant Campaign

16 Banners

17 Other opportunities for government QR codes Wallpaper Bluetooth

18  Mobile should be a key element of the proposition  Mobile internet usage is increasing – now is the time to get involved  Important channel – make information available to the user when and how they want it Conclusions

19 Thanks and any questions? Check out Directgov on your mobile by texting MOBILE to 83377

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