Dynamics MappingSupported DynamicsGuardsInvariantsReset Maps Simuink/ Stateflow Stateflow output selecting state evolution No limitations Conditions on Stateflow inputs and Th. Crossing detectors Not supported Reset of integrators from Stateflow outputs ModelicaImplicitEvents enabling equationsNo limitations Triggering conditions on state variables Not an explicit language feature Reinit statements HyVisualExplicit FSM representationDiscrete state refinementNo limitations Triggering conditions on state variables Not supported Assignment on the FSM edges Scicos Implicit using threshold and switches Events switching dynamicsNo limitationsThreshold detectors Re-initialization of integrators Shift Text-based definition of locations and tranistions Flows as location argumentsNo limitations Conditions on system variables Assignment statements Charon Mode composition and refinement Differential and algebraic constraints inside modes No limitations Enabling conditions on system variables Constraints on system variables Assignment statements HyTech Explicit declaration of locations and transitions Flows defined in each location Predicates on derivative variables Convex predicates on system variables Assignment statements CheckmateStateflow Mode selector from stateflow to a set of dynamics Linear or non linearAffine inequalitiesNot supportedAffine maps d/dt Explicit declaration of locations and transitions Flows defined in each locationLinear Convex predicates on state variables Not supported Hysdel Logic formulas on boolean variables Mode selectors Discrete time and linear Threshold conditions on system variables Not supported Modeled as one step dynamics"> Dynamics MappingSupported DynamicsGuardsInvariantsReset Maps Simuink/ Stateflow Stateflow output selecting state evolution No limitations Conditions on Stateflow inputs and Th. Crossing detectors Not supported Reset of integrators from Stateflow outputs ModelicaImplicitEvents enabling equationsNo limitations Triggering conditions on state variables Not an explicit language feature Reinit statements HyVisualExplicit FSM representationDiscrete state refinementNo limitations Triggering conditions on state variables Not supported Assignment on the FSM edges Scicos Implicit using threshold and switches Events switching dynamicsNo limitationsThreshold detectors Re-initialization of integrators Shift Text-based definition of locations and tranistions Flows as location argumentsNo limitations Conditions on system variables Assignment statements Charon Mode composition and refinement Differential and algebraic constraints inside modes No limitations Enabling conditions on system variables Constraints on system variables Assignment statements HyTech Explicit declaration of locations and transitions Flows defined in each location Predicates on derivative variables Convex predicates on system variables Assignment statements CheckmateStateflow Mode selector from stateflow to a set of dynamics Linear or non linearAffine inequalitiesNot supportedAffine maps d/dt Explicit declaration of locations and transitions Flows defined in each locationLinear Convex predicates on state variables Not supported Hysdel Logic formulas on boolean variables Mode selectors Discrete time and linear Threshold conditions on system variables Not supported Modeled as one step dynamics">

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Chess Review November 21, 2005 Berkeley, CA Edited and presented by Interchange Format for Hybrid Systems Alessandro Pinto UC Berkeley.

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Presentation on theme: "Chess Review November 21, 2005 Berkeley, CA Edited and presented by Interchange Format for Hybrid Systems Alessandro Pinto UC Berkeley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chess Review November 21, 2005 Berkeley, CA Edited and presented by Interchange Format for Hybrid Systems Alessandro Pinto UC Berkeley

2 Chess Review, Nov. 21, 2005"Interchange Format for HS", Alessandro Pinto2 Interchange Format: The big picture HS-Denotational Description HyVisual Charon Checkmate Hysdel Interchange Format

3 Chess Review, Nov. 21, 2005"Interchange Format for HS", Alessandro Pinto3 Review of hybrid system design environments NameAutomata DefinitionState ->Dynamics MappingSupported DynamicsGuardsInvariantsReset Maps Simuink/ Stateflow Stateflow output selecting state evolution No limitations Conditions on Stateflow inputs and Th. Crossing detectors Not supported Reset of integrators from Stateflow outputs ModelicaImplicitEvents enabling equationsNo limitations Triggering conditions on state variables Not an explicit language feature Reinit statements HyVisualExplicit FSM representationDiscrete state refinementNo limitations Triggering conditions on state variables Not supported Assignment on the FSM edges Scicos Implicit using threshold and switches Events switching dynamicsNo limitationsThreshold detectors Re-initialization of integrators Shift Text-based definition of locations and tranistions Flows as location argumentsNo limitations Conditions on system variables Assignment statements Charon Mode composition and refinement Differential and algebraic constraints inside modes No limitations Enabling conditions on system variables Constraints on system variables Assignment statements HyTech Explicit declaration of locations and transitions Flows defined in each location Predicates on derivative variables Convex predicates on system variables Assignment statements CheckmateStateflow Mode selector from stateflow to a set of dynamics Linear or non linearAffine inequalitiesNot supportedAffine maps d/dt Explicit declaration of locations and transitions Flows defined in each locationLinear Convex predicates on state variables Not supported Hysdel Logic formulas on boolean variables Mode selectors Discrete time and linear Threshold conditions on system variables Not supported Modeled as one step dynamics

4 Chess Review, Nov. 21, 2005"Interchange Format for HS", Alessandro Pinto4 Review of hybrid system design environments NameHierarchyCompositionOOCausalityAlgebraic LoopsDirac Pulses Continuous/Discrete Interface Simuink/ Stateflow Y Continuous variables (Simulink) and discrete events (stateflow) NCausal Explicit Algebraic loop solver N Stateflow acting on Simulink blocks ModelicaYConnection StatementsY Non causal components and causal functions Simulator dependentNEvents enabling equations HyVisualY Ports exposing internal variables YCausalNot SupportedN States refined into dynamical systems ScicosY Continuous and discrete variables NCausal Not Supported N Discrete states affecting continuous states ShiftY Continuous variables and event synchronization YCausal Not Supported N Flows associated to locations and reset maps CharonYConnection of agents variablesNCausal Not Supported N Modes declaring differential/algebraic constraints HyTechNSynchronization of automataNCausal Not Supported N Flows associated to locations and reset maps CheckmateNNNCausal Not Supported N Mode selectors switching dynamics d/dt N NNCausal Not Supported N Flows associated to locations Hysdel NNNCausal Not Supported N Mode selectors switching dynamics

5 Chess Review, Nov. 21, 2005"Interchange Format for HS", Alessandro Pinto5 Interchange Format (A. Pinto, L.P. Carloni, R. Passerone, A.L. Sangiovanni Vincentelli “Interchange Format for Hybrid Systems: Abstract Semantics” Submitted to HSCC 2006)

6 Chess Review, Nov. 21, 2005"Interchange Format for HS", Alessandro Pinto6 Structure of existing languages HyVisual Checkmate HSIF/HyTech

7 Chess Review, Nov. 21, 2005"Interchange Format for HS", Alessandro Pinto7 http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~apinto/interchangeformat.html

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