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Innovation and New Technologies Stephen Miller ILS 2005 Retreat October 7, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Innovation and New Technologies Stephen Miller ILS 2005 Retreat October 7, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovation and New Technologies Stephen Miller ILS 2005 Retreat October 7, 2005

2 Evolution of the Internet: Web 2.0

3 ► Web 1.0: Publishers and readers (ca. 1995)  Publishing, linking, bookmarking ► Web 1.5: Services on the Web (ca. 1999)  Database-driven Web sites  eCommerce – Amazon, Airline reservations, Online banking, eBay  The “” boom and bust ► Web 2.0: The next frontier...

4 Evolution of the Internet: Web 2.0 ► Web 2.0: Publication to Conversation  Transcends hardware: Computers, handhelds, phones, iPods, etc. (“Always on”)  Transcends software: “Mashups” create innovative new services from others  Mixes the virtual and the real world  Supports communities of interest and interactions: Blogs, photoblogs, social networking, podcasts  Collective intelligence/authorship: Wikipedia, open source, “folksonomies”






10 Gartner Predictions for Higher Education


12 New Developments at UMUC

13 ► Content/Document/Learning Object Management: Coming Soon ► WebTycho:  Next Generation features being rolled out  Back-office technologies  New chat functionality pilot this fall  World-Wide syllabus pilot mid-fall  Quizzing/assessment tool pilot in spring

14 New Developments at UMUC ► WebTycho Future (1-3 years):  Gradual conversion to “Next Generation” Java- based technologies  Expansion of areas for interaction outside of classrooms – program and school levels  More standards compliance  Better data reporting capabilities ► PeopleSoft: Integration of AD/ED in 2006

15 Innovation and Creativity Tired vs. Wired

16 Tired Wired

17 Tired Wired

18 Tired Wired

19 Tired Wired

20 Tired Wired

21 Tired Wired

22 Innovate!

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